Is drinking tea bourgeois?
A comrade recently told me so.
Is drinking tea bourgeois?
A comrade recently told me so.
all of the workers here drink tea.
low quality tea bags but hey it is tea at least
No, but if you write for and/or read the guardian drinking tea probably makes you a racist:
Brits and Micks have this wrong, only the Scots made the right choice between tea and coffee on your Islands.
Must be the cultural hegemony
SJW's can never simply dislike something, it must fit somewhere in the torture set of the white
How can you disdain the drink that won the revolution
british people disgust me
Drinking tea is a revolutionary act, drinking coffee is drinking worker drone syrup.
Bean sweat > Leaf piss
Tea culture in the west does have historical roots in 18th and 19th century imperialism, but that context has very little impact today. The trade of tea today is no more exploitative than just about any other good in the global market right now, so there's no real purpose in shaming yourself or anyone else over it.
Just drink your tea.
Tea was historically a working class drink. Sugar was added during the industrial revolution, because it was the perfect work drink. The caffine provided energy, the sugar added valuable calories, and the sugar also allowed it to be swallowed faster so it could be quickly consumed during a short work break. Probably also why they add milk to tea in Britain
but history doesn't mean anything, the fact loose mid-grade(although with how shitty the market is, "mid grade tea" is better than 95% of stuff on supermarket shelves) can be acquired for 10 cents a cup in the first world, which is affordable for everyone. lower quality tea has always been consumed by the poor, first in tea blocks, now in tea bags, which are almost all made from low quality tea sweepings and the tips of leaves.
Tea is good for anyone to drink. Caffeine in low doses is good for you, and so are the antioxidants in tea. I like both tea and coffee and drink one or both depending on how much energy I will need that day. Coffee is excellent too, by the way.
Consuming anything is bourgeois, user
well…i was taught in school that it was a portuguese chick which married the english king to be as part of treaty which later introduced the 5 pm tea time in England.
So yeah, i guess one could say drinking tea is bourgeois.
But i like it. I do not drink teat everyday, but i sometimes enjoy it. Much better than drinking juices filled with sugar that porky makes and sells.
Nothing wrong with tea.
I'm not a bong, what do Scots drink?
Where should I start?
coffee is disgusting, no idea how yanks and hipsters chug it down
You are now aware that drinking black coffee is one of the most normie things anyone can do in southern european countries.
By having a ratio of 5:1 to 1:1 ratio of coffee to cream.
Bourgeois decadence of the worst kind. Enjoy the blood and tears of Indian, Kenyan, and Chinese victims of colonialism in every sip you caffeine dependent imperialists.
No. But it's retarded. Watered down leaf flavour, how on earth did this shit become popular?
ayy lmao
Not even close.
Ironically, it was the scots who built the imperial tea trade. It was a scot who went undercover to steal cultivation methods from China and smuggle tea cuttings. It was the scots who introduced and built the widespread plantations of the Assam cultivar in British India and cut out the Chinese. It was the scots who invented iconic tea blends such as English Breakfast, and built brands like Lipton.
Coffee is fucking bliss tbh, I don't even drink it for the caffeine.
the eternal bagpipe?
eternal Irn Bru
don't see how you people drink it
it's weak, only coffee gives me the caffeine buzz i need to be the productive person i i know i can be
I pity you pleb.
Only if they drink it from a golden teacup.
Amerifat here. Tea is the master beverage race.
But is it bourg?
Only when compared to drinking Tijuana tap water
Scottish Breakfast Tea (Lots of caffeine)
Is shitposting bourgeois?
Are anime waifus bourgeois?
who cares?
Its better than coffee. That shit is a real poison.
There is a bourgeois tea culture (just like there's a bourgeois coffee culture, a bourgeois liquor culture, a bourgeois car culture…) but nothing says you can't just ignore that and enjoy tea.
Tea is cheap and can be grown almost anywhere. Nothing's saying that tea can't exist in a stateless classless society.
Scot here, we drink shitloads of tea wtf
I wouldn't drink any big brand tea where the foreign workers get unfair wage and your money goes to some zionist who supports blowing up brown kids in middle east. If the tea is grown in your own country and the workers get fair wage then I can't see any problem with it.
Here is George Orwell's description of a perfect cup of tea. He used to fuel himself with tea when he was fighting the nazis to defend the anarchist catalonia.
Sound like you need a sit down a cuppa son
peak lifestylism
time to tell all the working class in britain they are disgusting scum for drinking foreign tea that will surely help our cause
Capitalism with human face :^)
Yes, I try to consume ethically. Why don't you?
it's pure ideology.
it's getting porky's balls dusty (while also sucking the dick of the "fair trade" porkies) when you should be cutting them off.
Buying the cheap shit can be equally argued as ethical because it leaves you with more money/capital to go towards mutual aid, and not the kind of "mutual aid" that lines "fair trade" "organic" "local" porky's pockets.
nothing wrong with thinking with your heart comrade, but think with your head.
I'm not saying you can overthrow capitalism with ethical consumption, but you can subvert it in the smallest way possible, its a little victory. Also usually healthier, as in, you will physically feel better eating better food. Its in your own interest.
also are you saying there is no difference between a company who pays subsistence wages and a company that pays a little more than this? I understand this is still a bare minimum but its still a difference.
Tea,coffee and tobacco are bourgeois and therefor no leftist should consume these things.
I'm saying it's like the difference between a shit sandwich and a shit sandwich with a cherry on top.
The amount of time spent finding the "perfect commodity" (fair trade, organic, eco friendly) is enough to subvert true praxis, and that's exactly what the 21st century porky wants. It's reification at its purest. Welcome to information/control society, comrade.
tobacco and alcohol are both awful
What you say about time is true. Fair.
Though I'm doing it extremely gradually, like cutting out things I become aware are particularly bad. If anything, the research I do always ends up just being further research into capitalism and its intricacies, so I guess it counts as homework.
These are meaningless labels. Buy tea directly from the farm or as close to it as possible.
Have you ever had tea from actual tea leaves instead of the parched dust that comes in bags?
Tea is the best plant to be grown on this planet of ours.