Is this meme supposed to be making fun of the argument? How would a Bakunin fan respond to the argument?
Is this meme supposed to be making fun of the argument? How would a Bakunin fan respond to the argument?
Does Bakunin ever say otherwise?
Well this is why Marx hated Bakunin, he considered him an idealist anarkiddie that had unrealistic ideas about what would happen after a revolution to overthrow the state (in other words he didn't realize that another one would inevitably be formed unless there was an organization to ensure that didn't happen, i.e. a fucking state as we saw in Makhnovia and Catalonia)
I didn't answer your question. Basically Bakunin wasn't much of a Hegelian and didn't see the base and superstructure stuff and didn't think capitalism would regenerate, so basically, he considered the "material conditions that made capitalism possible" as capitalism itself and that's about it.
they controlled territory, enforced rules, and had hierarchy where the leader had the most power?
and if you were living there you had to follow there rules and you couldn't withdraw your labor or otherwise not participate
that's such a general and useless definition for what a state is that you could say it about communism
you could say it about a fucking sports team
according to this line of thinking anybody who owns private property owns a miniature state, just pure rhetorical nonsense that says nothing about actual history
Any large enough organised gathering of people will turn into what's essentially a state sooner or later. This is why anarkiddies are idealists: they think that if a social structure doesn't share a name with the bogeyman of "the state", then it will magically be different from it regardless of similiarity in material conditions, and vice versa. Instead of bothering to ask questions like how should the people be organised, they bother themselves with idiocy like slapping labels.
Lenin and other statist were right, centralized planned production will destroy the relationship within capitqlism and bring communism to us, whch is why we live under global USSR dominance and it was the US who collapsed in 91
Oh wait
Sage for being a statist cuck
wow user that was some hard hitting dialectical theory right there you sure showed me
Flawless analysis
In the cartoon, Foghorn was a complete idiot and things only accidentally worked out for him. he was constantly projecting his own intellectual weakness to others.
That adds some meta irony to the meme.
Give me as precise definition of state as you can. I will be surprised if it won't be something either unrealistically narrow and easy to debunk or incredibly vague and thus pointless.
Imposed hierarchy
A capitalist enterprise is a state, then? All right.
A capitalist enterprise needs the state in order to defend the notion of private property
It is therefore a duality which serves the same interest
Wow, I certainly didn't expect this answer.
A question: do you think that under anarchy, all organised interaction will be completely voluntary? As in, if there's a drought occurring that hurts a nearby community, but not yours, do you think that participation in a relief effort should be compulsory? If yes, then voilĂ , by your own admission you're supporting the state. If no, then I have nothing more to say to you.
Silly bastard, now you're just playing with words like every other fucking idealist. Fuck off.
I don't know how you got that from what was quoted, but if you did then I have nothing more to say to you because I won't be able to make you understand, and if you didn't I have nothing more to say to you because you want to misrepresent your interlocutors.
Funny how Marxists will carry on like this and then accuse anarchists of moralism.
Woah, look at this dumbass thinking privqte property is axiomatic lol
Surely the notion of property laws will exist as natural law even if the goverment which stablishes and protects private property rights is aholished isnt idealistic as fuck
I find it telling that you refused to answer my question.
You keep acting in bad faith despite repeated requests to stop. I am done wasting my time on you.
which is state.
Lol dont even bother explaining them basics, just look at the retarded cloverfag, they are braindead
No, I think that's intentional, which is why I'm confused.
I'm not so sure. Pretty sure this meme comes from r/fullcommunism
wat. You destroy capitalism by revolutionizing the material conditions, IE by developing on them, not destroying them.
I mean, it is an argument against private property
Bakunin wasn't much of a Hegelian because he understood Hegel better than Marx did, and Marx was eternally salty about it.