A new, popular subreddit

People here always talk about creating a new subreddit to counter /r/socialism alienation, but is anyone here actually willing to populate and post to one?

I recently broke my back so I'm more than happy to start and moderate one, but if people here aren't willing to start populating, posting upvoting and advertising there then there's no point.

Also, the sub shouldn't be a 'leftypol' subreddit, but a subreddit that welcomes all brands of leftists and doesn't ban anyone who disagrees with the mod team.
So feminism etc are welcome, as is 'brocialism', the users can decide with downvotes and arguments whether a post is appropriate.

P.S /r/SocialismOnline has now been created.

I know about r/redflag

I'm not.
Fuck Reddit, fuck people who are from Reddit, fuck people who think they can use Reddit for their own gain. It's a shitty website with an awful design filled with horrible people.
Suffer not the redditor to live.

As I said, we need to actually stick to it this time. I've broken my back so I have nothing better to do anyway, /r/socialismonline is a better name anyway ;)

Don't be so dense. Reddit is one of the most popular sites in the world, look at what they achieved with the bernie and Trump campaigns. It's a necessary evil.

Also I'm willing to actually advertise the subreddit, I don't want to go full Holla Forums and vote manipulate

Reddit really is only good for porn. I can't think of a leftist sub that isn't complete garbage. r/anarchism actually manages to be a lot worse. If it's not them being upset about how their parents don't understand transgenderism, it's them saying 12 year olds understand sexual consent.

Then go and perform your evil, I'll have no part of it.

sorry about your back man :(

It's the most painful thing I have ever experienced, so yeah

What happened? What is broken, specifically?

They do.

I certainly did at 12.

Yes i am willing to post on that sub. As long as i can express my personal beliefs like i do here.
I don't have patience for americans, i just don't like nor trust them, call me racist all you want, i don't trust americans, so i will say shit about them on a daily basis on that sub.
I like to use the words "cunt", "retard" and "dumb" because my english vocabulary is not very large and i like the sound of those words. Cunt especially.

Well I'd hope it'd be a sub for high-quality discussion, and 'retard' is genuinely distateful IMO.

I'm aussie, so cunt is great lmao.

p.s: are you Noam Chomsky?

don't be a retard

It's a genuine ableist slur, like nigger is a genuine racial slur

sure I'll join. Better have some good theory and memes.

also why do you have to message the moderators to get in? Won't it be hard to counter r/s if our sub isn't open?

…/r/brocialism exists.

Not the guy you're replying to, but still:

Fuck off

You dun fucked up.

sagebomb this thread.


I have a leddit account but I only lurk
I feel we should let leddit die at this point. the upvote and downvote system is a diasise that goes to the bones

Our best chance is to make an alternative/competition

a child's guide to political discussion