How democratic was the USSR before Stalin, under Stalin, and after Stalin?
How democratic was the USSR before Stalin, under Stalin, and after Stalin?
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Occasionally, Not, Occasionally
Depends on how you want to define democratic. Personally, I'm pretty much done with the term. Capitalists can have their democracy, I am for proletarian dictatorship.
But some details are worth elaborating. Elections with universal suffrage did exist, but national ones served as little more than a holiday for the public to express their approval. Local elections were often contested and more free, but still ultimately under the authority of the party. Most but by no means all party members were of working-class background. The party was regularly purged as well with tens of thousands being booted out annually so in some respects bureaucratic character of officials was checked.
Related article below. Furr takes the Stalin apologetics way too far but he's still a nice counter-balance to the endless Western propaganda that most communists today take at face-valuie.
Proletarian dictatorship is still democracy, but it's democracy that actually serves the proletariat and isn't captured by capital. In the Marxist sense, we already live under dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Democracy is still important.
Define "democracy"
the soviets were democratic, the Bolsheviks were not. Lenin Crated a Red fascism, and i don't mean the as a derogatory term i mean it as it sounds, a sad reality of the Soviet Union.
During Stalin: Not really, politically. But that was historical necessity considering the position of the USSR at that time.
What's more important for me as a Marxist-Leninist is workers self-control, which occurred largely under Stalin with workers chosing their own managers etc. - ofc that was restricted during the war for obvious reasons. To be honest, I believe that under Stalin it was the closest we ever got to large-scale textbook socialism.
What's the point of being politically democratic when it comes with the premise of economic oppression? What is the point of casting a vote when material conditions don't change? As communists we believe in material/class reductionism when it comes to designing a political system.
Secondly, your statement doesn't make sense in any way because the Bolshevisks were part of said Soviets. What Soviets are you referring to? You do realize that historically, all the liberal and SocDem factions simply refused to work with the Bolsheviks?
wew lad
The soviet union neither gave political autonomy not economic stabilization, they were merely a form of state capitalism controlled by the party.
Well I already told you that political autonomy is sort of spooky when it doesn't relate directly to economic conditions. Again, MLs want workers self-control which occurred in the cooperatives under Stalin more or less. And the Soviets still existed.
Have you actually read Marx?
Completely different topic. USSR was ravaged by war and unrest and came out as a superpower with economic stability and putting an end to the famines that were ravaging the Russian Empire regularly, massively increased life quality, reached levels of education and health care that at some points in time surpassed it's western equivalents and gut humanity into space - I think this has something to do with economic stability in the long run. Not to mention that it didn't rely on Third World exploitation like the West.
How is this a fact? "Red Fascism" is an oxymoron, read a definiton of Fascism, even fucking Holla Forums realizes that word is stupid.
any sources?
Meme invented by Richard D. Wolff through hijacking Lenins description of the NEP, state capitalism didn't exist outside the NEP, when there is no bourgeois ruling class extracting surplus value there can't be capitalism.
I mean sure, there are some Kleptocracies in Africa where state officials literally steal the money from their people but that didn't happen in the USSR unless you wanna blame a high ranking party official for having a fucking Dacha.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh fuck, i love tankies, you poor delusional fucks. "this information only exists because of the source i recognize on this board", that's your answer for everything. You cant see to understand that this fucking debate has been going on since the Russian revolution was co-opted by the Bolsheviks. But nope, blame R.D. Wollf. live in your fantasy world, maybe stalin will give you some butter scotch. Fucking kek.
I'm on my phone when I'm home I'd be willing to give you sources. But, in all seriousness, who do you think factories were run by? The bureaucracy wasn't big enough to actually control everything, the workers managed and ran the factories by themselves, with all problems that occurred with it at first, such as the lack of experience and education that is needed to run a factory in a newly industrialized country but eventually was paying off through massive education programs and also programs for gender equality. This is socialism.
In agriculture, the transition from Soukhoz (state run farms) to Kolhoz was done by Stalin. Kolhoz are peasant-run cooperatives that give a part of their production to the state, without having stupid quotas like under Khrushchev later.
Totally not biased.
The term "state capitalism" has been used throughout history, which is correct, in a mostly pejorative way, but contemporary it's been spouted by Wolff in ridiculous because he doesn't know what alienation means.
Come back when you have an argument.
Are you retarded? The revolution was DONE by Bolsjeviks.
*in a ridiculous manner
Too early in the morning
Wolff is not the only contemporary person using the word State Capitalism, and he's definitely not the one who started it.
How does this prove your point?
My point is that "state capitalism" is in 99% of the cases in which it is used an oxymoron like "cultural marxism".
That doesn't mean "once the government does stuff, it's socialism", there can be plenty of systems that are not capitalism which are not favorable for socialists, but to call everything that doesn't agree with your personal definition of Socialism "capitalism" is as retarded as calling everybody who disagrees with you a fascist.
True, but I would still argue that the Soviet Union was State Capitalist. Hell, Lenin himself admitted it:
His hope was that the country would eventually transition from that, but that never really happened (blame Stalin).
The simple definition of State Capitalism is that the state takes the role of the bourgeoisie, the state controls the means of production, and that is what the Soviet Union did, more or less.
Are communists against democracy because their know that no sane person would ever vote for them?
Hi Holla Forums
Holla Forums is also against the democracy, apparently for the same reason