What is Holla Forums's MBTI type?
Just for fun :)
Feel free to argue about the personality type of Marx, Stalin, etc. as well.
What is Holla Forums's MBTI type?
Just for fun :)
Feel free to argue about the personality type of Marx, Stalin, etc. as well.
Got ISTJ but I usually get INFP
Literally horoscopes.
Haven't taken one of these in years because of muh spoils, but I used to get varying results
I would trust that result more, as most MBTI tests are pretty flawed (especially the one that has the XXXX-A/T thing)
Just for fun :)
Just put on something stupid like google
"muh spooks" not "muh spoils"
I wish autocorrect was a spook :(
Spooked as fuck, but I always get INTP-A
why is nobody replying to the strawpoll tho? ;_;
See first reply from
Because it's a spook and you can't select more than one
I voted, tovarisch
It's not a spook if it's fun tho
And why would you need to select more than one? Just choose the one is most similar to you.
Yeah but it's like a horoscope - all are nearly so vague that anyone can feel they apply to them. I would choose more than one, but I get different results on the test depending on when I take it.
As expected from a fucking retard believing in horoscopes.
There are a lot of objections to the MBTI, but this
is wrong, or at least for me. I identify a lot with my own type and not so much with the others. It's not a perfect description either, obviously, but it's a very good approximation.
Just for fun tho :)
nice gif btw, you just killed my grandma
Yeah, everybody is unique and special anyways, amirite?
No need to state that, we've already noticed you're a gullible retard.
False equivocation?
Besides, I'm deutan color blind, so my perception of color doesn't exactly fit those categories lol
Me too. That's not a false analogy though. Both are about categorizing diverse groups into bigger categories composed of elements that are close to each other.
Wew. I bet you think you have a unique personality :)
My labeling of the fallacy is off, but what I'm saying is that discreet colors don't objectively exist, so your color analogy seems to side with what I was saying before.
That's what I'm saying, neither discrete colors nor personalities exist, so that's why we use arbitrary categories to label them in an easier way.
I identify with my horoscope too user!
Well I can't disagree there
You have to go back.
LOL when armchairs comment on psychology
Sure, we could use that model, but the MBTI is far more popular and stuff. Why are you taking this so seriously anywyas? It was supposed to be for fun only!
Enjoy Jung's pseudoscience.
uh huh?
Every time.
It does not help that OP is a plebbit faggot
INTJ autist shit tier. I will focus on theory and less on agitating propaganda.
Just did this test and was quite surprised. I got ISTJ, which is weird because on the other more popular test (16personalities.com
I know people are terrible as self evaluation, so as you guys somewhat know me already (I'm muke), what do you think is more fitting?
How exactly is it a horoscope? The central point of Myers-Brigs is the two way choice given for each letter, the little description on each is vapid and means nothing:
Thinking vs Feeling
Intuitive vs Sensing
Thinking vs Feeling
Judgemental vs Sensing
It does not say "THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE, YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE, ACCEPT YOUR FATE", it does not say "YOU LITERALLY ONLY DO THE ONE YOU GOT, IF YOU GOT THINKING INSTEAD OF FEELING YOU'RE AN INHUMAN BASTARD". The point of it is to help people to understand how they think, and in modern use can also help narrow down the kind of activities and jobs they are likely interested in.
He is, but this bitter opposition to it is pathetic.
I remember this fad. Personally I don't care for it much anymore but when I took it I consistently got INTP.
has anyone seen that one diagram that supposedly predicts your political ideology based on your MBTI type? Apparently INTPs are supposed to be anarchocapitalists LOL
But then again it was made by Holla Forums so that's no surprise.
I thought you were serious until that point
That's because that one test is awful. Stick with ISTJ instead.
INFP for being so much of a faggot.
If you believe on this MBTI bullshit you better answer this poll
This one?
It basically shows that T leans right wing and F leans left wing (my guess is because they support right and left economics respectively, on average, of course).
After that, N and P lean towards less authoritarianism, evidenced by the amount of N independents I guess, which also explain why xSxJ lean so much towards Republican (authoritarian).
Extroverts also tend to lean more towards republican, no idea if it's for the economics or the social issues.
What do you think?
INFP and im closer to being a Libertarian-Socialist but I dont follow any ideology in it's entirety.
Accurate, most commies and lolbertarians I know are NTP
INFP makes the most sense though. They are some of the highest scoring D types, and the strawpoll already claims INFPs make up around 40% of this board.
Lolbertarians are almost exlusively INTP and INTJ, judging from their own thread.
At the same time, Holla Forums seems to be high on INTJs. It's pretty interesting.
They are probably thinking the same but when it comes to commies and helicopter rides. The feeling is mutual, I guess.
i'm more of a fashy
a fashy commie tho
a fashy that has sympathy for commies
On every chan board when they do this it comes out majority INFP so i'm led to believe this is bullshit
How come that would be bullshit?
Even then, you are wrong.
The largest type on /a/ is INTP, with INFP being 4th place. Pic related.
what kind of fashy then?
40% INFP
10% INFP
There are about 4 times as many INFPs on Holla Forums than in /a/ (a board I would assume is one of the most average when it comes to personality and chan boards).
Am I really the only INFJ here? :'(
I always thought the "rarest type" shit was a myth because I see people with this type sometimes but maybe there's some truth to it.
It's the rarest indeed, but it's still not particularly rare.
INFP or INFJ then. Point still stands
No, it doesn't. It stands even less with your new example.
haven't figured it out yet. leaning towards some form of national syndicalism. thougt i don't like the imperialism they advocated.
What's so great about National Syndicalism anyways? And how different is it with Not Socialism on practice?
no way, Holla Forums is all INTP/ENTJ
What MBTI is Max Stirner?
Holla Forums is more INTJ
Holla Forums is more INFP
/liberty/ is more INTP
/a/ is more balanced, with the order of the types being INTP, ISTP, ISTJ, INFP, and INTJ making up more than two thirds of the board.
ENTJ master race
ENTJ is the worst NT type though
I made another chart, now only with NT types, and the results were funny. J leaned top left, F leaned bottom left, and I leaned corners.
This is not meant to be taken seriously though (obviously), but it overlaps with the most popular personalities of Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /liberty/.
Horroscopes a shit
Why is this board filled with INFPs?
The post I saw on Holla Forums was something like what this guy posted, although the exact image was only black and white and the axes were inverted.
This was the image I was talking about, thank you.
I got INTP.
Feels gud.
Although I should emphasize that I find these images to be complete bullshit
Soren Kierkegaard: INFP
Philosopher and theologian
Feels good.
even if MBTI isn't pseudoscience expecting their personality types to reliably predict political leanings is sheer folly
So was Milton Friedman
Wrong. The chart from already tells you how likely each type is to support Rs or Ds
Of course you can't predict anyone's political leaning, but you can make some estimates based on odds. For example, there is a 40% chance you are an INFP (if we take the poll above to be reliable).
More like KierkeHACK! lol
I know, but you get the idea.
these seem pretty unrepresentative as far as i'm concerned
And Marx.
Wish I were him tbh.
Marx seemed to me more like an INTJ tbh
this desu desu
The average person falls where you are at as that test is heavily biased towards the bottom left. You would be near the center really.
Why? Marx was a sociologist, perceiving fits him quite well.
Regardless, there are some GOAT INTP's.
Now that's an INTJ if I've ever heard of one.
Also kek, Lenin is in the "evil" INTJ's. celebritytypes.com
Pretty accurate tbh
The fact that website considers Ayn Rand a "Good" INTJ and Trotsky a "Evil" INFJ is pretty cringey tbh
I got ISTJ, but I usually get INTJ.
So what? That doesn't say anything. The whole dialectical materialism is Ni as fuck on the other hand, which is clear INTJ.
Lenin was evil indeed though…
thanks m8
I have a lot of issues with the site, such as claiming Pinochet the leader of "fascist" Chile, but that Rand/Trotsky thing makes more sense, as one of them had real life repercusions and confirmed deaths while the other was simply a writer. The issue is more around Trotsky being "evil" or not, but Rand is fine where she is.
That means you are most likely ISTJ, as most other tests are inaccurate and don't measure what the MBTI is supposed to measure.
*super scientific personality quiz commences*
the only one that really matters comrades
ambidextrous master race reporting in
ENTJ master race, report in.
I'M a leftist.
Last thread was better.
Can we all agree ENFP is meme tier? celebritytypes.com
That would be INFP
ENFP is cool
INTP again, no surprise there.
But user you get to give life an extra squeeze!
I feel like these types of test will always be skewed to the more "intellectual" types. After all who the fuck doesn't try to challenge themselves once in a while or get lost in thought?
True. INTJ's and the like are supposedly rare and make up only 2% of the population, but on the internet they're a dime a dozen.
ISTP here, everyone else is a fag.
Why is that? They can't socialise irl?
2% isn't that weird considering the average for all types is 6%. The internet, and especially imageboards, simply seem to attract introverts way more, same with N.
Also, a fascist.
Why are you here?
Not trying to silence you, genuinely interested.
feels > reals
When 4pol gets slow and shills start to post threads with liberal shit, I come here to shitpost.
I'm not ENFP, retard.
Shit, i wanted the Nazi flag.
Worry not, they are practically the same :^)
MBTI is a spook tbh
Introverts are usually more interesting than extroverts, who have to conform to maintain their extrovertedness.
Famous INFP's
Famous ENFP's
ENFP's are supreme memes.
Bullshit. Go meet some new people. The most interesting people I know are mostly extroverts.
t. Introvert
Also, INFPs suck. Easily the worst xNxx type.
I have met people, maybe you haven't. The disparity in intellectuals between ENFP's and INFP's is explicit. Prove me wrong.
how about no
Whoops fucked that one up
In my experience, INFPs were far dumber than ENFPs, and I know plenty of both. Plus, they are usually whiny insecure and depressive bitches. No wonder they choose to believe they are smart to overcome this without doing anything to improve.
I'm INTP, and I'm not really an "introvert" - which is fitting since INTP is the most extroverted out of the I's.
Anyway, I wasn't really trying to "le pretend I'm smart", I was just pointing out that the achievements for ENTP is memetier.
INTP borderline near INTJ
I got ISFJ
Lead (Dominant) Process
Introverted Sensing (Si): Stabilizing with a predictable standard. Carefully comparing a situation to the customary ways you’ve come to rely on. Checking with past experiences. Stabilizing a situation and invest for future security.
Support (Auxilliary) Process
Extraverted Feeling (Fe): Building trust through giving relationships. Empathically responding to others' needs and take on their needs and values as your own. Checking for respect and trust. Giving and receiving support to grow closer to people.
Reminder that psychology is bourgeois pseudoscience used to stigmatize and control the working masses and that MBTI is watered down Jungianism and that Jung was a crypto-fascist who thought mussolini was a warm human guy
Off yourself, illiterate and brainwashed cunt.
t. someone who wants an easily marketable "explanation" of their personality
how's it feel to prove yourself wrong?
Pretty spooky presuming its somehow wrong to kill people who are disrupting a system that would otherwise work (like you are implying.)
Sounds like you're a Jihadi. Reported.
If your way of doing things only works in a vacuum and can't handle competition, that's an admission that your ideology is inferior.
Nice assumption you got there.
You're assuming a perfect societal model could be enacted in this vast and diverse world. There will always be casualties, and it's not wrong to kill people to ensure your way of doing things prevails. It's the very nature of supporting anything.
The problem with realism is it only really works if you're assuming humans are omniscient beings. They're not, and eventually dominant civilisations lose the upper hand. Then you reap what you sow.
America exists to subvert anything that would impede porky exploiting the Earth and all workers.
There is no way to vote away porky's wealth. Peaceful revolution would be ideal, its just not realistic.
do you support me getting shot?
different user here
And Marx was anti-Semitic, Aristotle was a slavery apologist, Heidegger was a Nazi.
It's time to stop posting.
It's time to stop posting.
INTP again
Technocratic Socdem