Any countries you'd recommend? I'm tired of this shithole.
I promise to wipe my feet before entering your country.
Any countries you'd recommend? I'm tired of this shithole.
I promise to wipe my feet before entering your country.
Whatchu lefties think about Germany? The weather would be a change, but I don't mind gloomy.
Iceland seems cool
As long as you're near a mountain and decent food security. Shit is going to get real bad in a decade, climate wise.
It was on my list. I detect chiller vibes thataway.
BTW to any foreigners, I don't want to bother nobody, I have a few skills and I just want to live in peace.
That bad huh? Can't you guys import
Norway. Coast, clean water, rain, and southwestern Norway is pretty arable and has stable climate. Also, gun laws are overcomable.
It's pretty likely, but not written in stone. There are conflicting theories. You also can't import from places that can't grow their own food anymore, in the future.
In Manatoba BTW. I think we export food? Not sure on that. I know we got farms here.
Best Korea.
State grantees a trophy wife for anyone who comes, and position in the tourism state department.
And it won't be a problem if I don't look exactly Nordic right? I don't mind getting treated like a foreigner everyday. I've been doin it my whole life in America so I think I'm prepared.
I also don't mind fitting into established customs and traditions.
Get out of here Kim Jong. I don't want to be one of your trophy defectors.
ITT: Lifestylists who never read a Marxist text
Go to the Slovenic Polish land of your forefathers, but beware of CIA gangsters who will trick you by flying you to a snow-bound St. Lawrence estuary instead and pretend that you are in Warsaw. They will also beat you bloodily. Make sure to take the top secret poison nerve gas antidote pill before getting on the plane to avoid sneak undetectable extermination attempts by way of deadly poison nerve gas smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and even ballpoint pens, even from the wig of a woman sitting next to you. Even the swiss cheese-type ice cubes can contain deadly poison nerve gas smoke.
How is Canada? It looks like I get some bonus points for immigration on account of relatives, so definitely on the list as well.
I'm sorry I ran out of stickers champ. Will three do?
Northern parts of Sweden is /comfy/
Watch this and you'll be good for now:
Where I'm at is cold as balls. Coldest winter for a while actually. Summer are also super hot too, sometimes. It seems pretty lax here for the most part. Even the cops and crooks will be chill with you. Get it? Chill.
How not exactly nordic do you look? Racism is on the rise but but it's not rampant yet, and there are strong social liberal forces in our society.
No one is mentioning Sweden? That is the pinnacle of a perfect Socialist country. Basic income, clean, safe and free healthcare.
Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, South American, are popular guesses but I am none of these.
Also I don't have any particular customs or traditions that I adhere to. So maybe I could get some 'one of the good darkies' points maybe?
Immigrant communes make that paradise bit hard to enjoy in Malmö tbh.
Also, the prime minister is a filthy neoliberal, and basically an SJW. Free speech stuff is more under threat here then the US, but the difference really is that our oligarchs don't tiptoe around it as much as the US's.
Kinda the same here. Lot's of immigrants, and not much in terms of class consciousness.
He said Sweden. I also have some distant Swede-ish relatives. So was also on my list. Have yet to visit tho.
The fuck was this about? Could retype those documents for me. The alignment was too off to read.
You can also legally smoke weed in Best Korea.
Lol, one of the good darkies, for sure. Our "Progressive" Party will definitely want you on their team.
But to be serious: do you bring any worthwhile and documentable skills?
My father was an armed Marxist-Leninist revolutionary, that's gotta count for something right?
Class consciousness is almost completely dead here. "hurr durr everyone is middle class"-meme everywhere. Our only M-L party is so small that each election the local chapters need to collect signatures to be allowed to run.
So I guess I'm not the first to make the request then. Thanks for the link, checking it out.
Si, Senor. I'm nice with the digi. How's the work visa situation over there? I have friends who've gotten work visas to Scotland and Germany off the digi.
That's sensationalism. Do you really believe Muslims have grenade attacks everyday? There are some bad Muslims but the majority are ok. They're generalizing a group same as people will all tar us as godless, lazy, arrogant, poor people who complain and blame our problems on "hardworkers" (read: porkies). It's unfair to us and them.
Switzerland or Fingolia
I honestly don't know. I think if you're in a profession that there is demand for you'll get an offer and then a work visa. However, the recession has hit the petroleum industry pretty hard and there are a shitload of unemplyed engineers, though mostly petroleum engineers. Check this page for some info:
Please bring some food culture, Norway is severely lacking in exotic (for us) foods.
Here is Doc Briton reading the letter, although I do believe that Dec is best appreciated in written form with the typed-in margins, the broken keys, the crazy ALL CAPS and the bizarre misspellings.
If you're a STEMfag it is your duty as a Socialist to move to China and direct your research to the needs of the last Proletarian State. If you're not just move to some 3rd world country and agitate proles there.
Or you could just go to Europe and leech on their welfare.
Just remember OP, there is a difference between moving formactual economic or safety reasons and moving due to the immigrant syndromme
I would moce to the caribbean
tfw spooked border guards impose their spooks on me
Time to learn Basque.
China a shit, Vietnam is better if you're moving to Asia.
Also, Cuba could probably use some teachers and inventors/programmers. They might do a big tech infrastructure overhaul some time soon. It could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see it happen.