
What happens to us proletarians when automation takes off and the capitalists have no need for humans any more, just robots? Do we still have a place in the world?

We get to become a slurry.

prolly some shitty UBI program in the 1st world.

why would the rich let that happen?

I think avtomation in the workplace is a tree in a larger forest. For example, capable avtomated manufacturing equipment can become smaller and more affordable.

Hack the robots.

Automation→Hack the robots or pull an Escape from NY
Singularity→Don't do anything, the AI would either kill us all or realize communism/socialism/anarchism is the way to go

What happens to bourgies when people no longer have money to buy their products because they've become unemployed by automation?

That's when the lower class is exterminated.

they get robots to buy things?

This is why automation will never happen. The soft wage slavery of today is much more profitable and safe than a fully automated society would be, regardless of costs saved.

so all those news about AI and stuff aren't real now?

You made a slight leap there


Wage slavery is only profitable for businesses that make money off of selling items to plebians. And I see no reason why elites couldn't just use their wealth to invest in robots that they can use to provide everything they need, and trade amongst other elites. The only solution I see for mass automation is basic income and transhumanism.

Capitalism is schizophrenic and self destructive in nature. The short term benefits of automation will be enough to entice greedy corporations which will create an uneven playing field for companies relying on traditional labour. I'd imagine truck driving and various jobs in mining will be first to go the way of automation (which will be devastating for western labour).

at current rate of enhancement, despite any geopolitical or natural disasters (impacting less than 10% of industrialized or research areas), you still have over 5 decades before this full extent of automation is achieved
you should make some progress before then if you are doing anything more than spreading the memes

In what sense?
Transhumaism so you can be a better worker? That's the worse case scenario of human augmentation.

This may surprise you but there are already robotic CEOs in testing, for public knowledge.
Who knows what is really going on with trading AIs and who really makes CEO decisions.

While I do agree with both of these, don't you think the state working with porky will always find some sort of employment or welfare money, specifically for the class of people displaced by automation once it becomes a major factor in the job market, to ensure both a pacified population and a consumer base that will last indefinitely.

I agree things like truck driving will be the first to go and nobody will really notice, but when we reach a point of, say, 20% of the workforce being displaced by automation, and, the beginning of unrest that makes the dissatisfaction that drove Trump's election look rosy in comparison, I'm pretty sure they have a plan for endless state infrastructure jobs and maybe even UBI to keep the population just fat and complacent enough to keep watching NBA every night and buying basketball jerseys for Christmas.

Transhumanism so that you will be able to increase your Autism Level so that you don't get screwed by the system, and so that you are not dependent on the system due to disability.

This could be done more efficiently through either basic income or genocide.
But why would the capitalists even need a consumer base in the first place? If they own the robots, they could just make everything they need themselves.

Do you have a practical answer? I'm only seeing poetic wishes.

except paper pushing isnt profitable
and construction is rapidly being automated in several different styles; ready made block houses; robotic assembly lines; 3d printing; and coming to a union near you - robotic welders and drywallers

Not sure what you mean by this. There's always the chance that basic income will never be implemented, but I honestly don't see any way else around mass automation for securing the livelihoods of common people.

A practical answer about transhumanism.
Do you think transhumanism gives us the hope of better being able to secure privacy and remain off the grid so we can't be exploited by bankers?
What is is that you mean "increase autism".

I wonder if robots/AI will discover Marxism and class struggle for themselves

Robots of the world unite!

In some cases, probably. You could theoretically eliminate any genetic diseases you have, and increase your strength and endurance, which would definitely increase your ability to survive off the grid
Word filter. I meant to say increase i n t e l l i g e n c e.

Fascist here,
if we unironically were to live in a world where automation was so advanced that almost no human involvement were required, I'd probably be helping you.

unlike you however I'm not holding my breath.

Are you saying you know of a way we can do it ironically? I'm prepared to do that.

Maintain the infinite consumption economy so there isn't an armed insurrection and seizure of means of production. The elite benefit from the welfare state for this reason. In other words, why have the business pay their workers adequately when the middle class tax payer can subsidize?

you cunts glorify work though. you think life is a constant struggle for the nation and race

"UBI" contingent on working in a government sponsored ditch digging job

Don't they need consumers who will buy their goods.

UBI wont mean the end of work. read about consumption work. Maria Mies talks about it. there are more kinds of work in this world than simple wage work. this shit aint over. the next step is acquiring the means of production for ourselves and destroying the bourgeois. without the necessity of work, our potential to actually do this increases ten fold. and the bourgeois capitalists, especially the ones in silicon valley, know this.

with more technology comes less work no matter what the system is, that much is true. but also with it comes mass surveillance, monoculture, censorship, the attempt to orient our entire lives around consumption.

im not saying UBI wont be a good thing, it will. just that control doesnt stop there.

Jeez you peeple have no vision. Imagine if in the future you can buy a machine, at the price of say a todays truck, that can make you any sort of vehicle from scrap metal and shit. What does it matter that factory workers are laid-off, if the means of production become ubiquitious?

Life literally is a constant struggle. That's why evolution happens, anything that isn't good enough dies.

That being said, what good is work if it doesn't serve a purpose? If I lived in a magical star trek fairy tale where everything I ever needed was in a hole in a wall in my living room, what need would we have for politics?

This is most probable answer. WW3 would
a) push automation development even further
b) decrease amount of humans alive
double win

Capitalists have no choice. They are not a hivemind that can see the future. They must automate or fall from their perch.

To add to this, I think automation won't replace a significant number of workers in the near future, for three reasons. (1) worker replacement technology (WRT) can become quickly obsoleted, so companies will be reluctant to invest in them. Counterpoint: even obsoleted technology will do. (2) humans will be still more flexible and general. Counterpoint: there's areas which don't require much generality. (3) WRT vendors can refuse to standarize. Counterpoint: this probably already happens to some extend.

In all, I think it will be mostly large companies rolling out demos.

they use their automated drones to kill us

fight or die

the hour is late

It would take one deal between the EU and China and most of the producers will have no choice but standardize. EU is pushing for standardization in many areas even right now.

Extermination with bio-weapons and automated killing machines.



please stop

Then porky kills you off.

how do we stop this?
Also why are we assuming that the rich are going to work together on this?

They will turn you into a fertilizer and sell it on the free market.

Marxists realize they're an anachronism and fantasize with getting killed itt

They work together against the common good right now.

uh no they dont
you think there is some secret vast conspiracy of rich guys?

The working class disappear. Humanity gets to choose which meaning of "disappear" is appropriate.

not necessarily. The Koch brothers fight against climate change research while wind and solar companies fight for it. The managers of historical sites in cities fight the highway builders who want to level them. And so on.

Well you won't have one single Porky response to the situation.
Some would just let people starve on the street because it's their fault if they can't compete with robots;
Some will argue for UBI so people will still purchase commodities.
Maybe one or two weirdos would cal for physical removal of proles.

The more probable answer is that individually, Porkys won't give a shit, always minding their own businesses in their own corner.
You will have crisis over crisis over crisis and people too busy killing each other (probably under idpols banners) over the ever diminishing jobs scraps for overthrowing the very system causing their problems.
Idpol is aready giving the ideal pretext