Why don't you give up?

It's 2017, and you all are impotent and will spend the rest of your lives posting on this image board.

Trump will become the President on the 20th and the far right will keep gaining power.
The Left is reduced to ideological purity fights between reality impaired tankies/anarchists, and various special snowflake brands of leftism.

Fascists will likely have a surge in power never seen since prior to world war 2, and you morons keep having ideological purity fights, alienating people with this bizarre obsession with your religious, I mean marxist/anarchist dogma.
You cannot move on from the 20th century, you cannot move on from 19th century and 20th century rhetoric, so the majority of people don't give a shit about your "theory", "your ideology or your ideas. In many ways, you do deserve fascists in power.

How many times has the Left talked about raising "awareness", "mobilizing the people", "solidarity" and other impotent bullshit?

It's 2017 and capitalism is still here, and it's not going to collapse, despite your echo chamber Cassandra stye "predictions".

Other urls found in this thread:


for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction

so when the far right rises the far left will also rise

You're right and I have largely given up and focus my efforts elsewhere in my life. Socialism is still an interest of mine however that I passively pursue, but right now at least in the part of the world I live in, I see little hope for actual socialist progress. Perhaps my best bet is a revitalisation of democratic socialists, who while sympathetic to dirty liberals or liberals themselves are at least not tankies.

Far right is not going to rise anymore than it already has since there is no immediate need for it. Capitalism is not currently at crisis that it was priori to rise of fascists in Europe.

Left will eventually unify itself as neo-liberals are loosing ground in almost all the major leftist political parties and ideologically separate smaller groups will join the major leftist parties in united front to combat neo-liberalism.


Who cares. you must imagine Sisyphus happy.

Fascism (in the sense you're using it) isn't going to happen as you predict because nationalism and protectionism returning are as dire a threat to the neoliberal dream as Marxist revolutionaries setting countries afire.

Seriously every year isn't fucking 1933, stop listening to idiots who came of age (intellectually) in one of the most shocking eras in modern history, and were so warped by the experience they could only view everything from a perspective tainted by those occurrences.

See: The Authoritarian Personality and "every American with healthy family relationships is really just waiting for the day he can parade around in jackboots"

Nationalism is anything but rising in Europe at least. There are plans in place for united EU army to be established to replace Eurocorps by beginning of this year. Our union will solidify itself and turn more into federal union now that UK is leaving. Le pen is not going to win the presidency and socialist anti-immigrant wing of almost every European social democratic party is rising. It is only a matter of time before we replace the right-wing populists.

Considering the amount of pomp and bravado behind UKIP and Trump were, it's going to be pretty uneventful, considering that UKIP and Trump aren't going to fill out most of their policies.

They're about as useless as Tits on a bull, and besides, Austrias far right lost its election. I doubt shit is going to take off for fascism or far right wing politicians. Even if Trump enacts his economic policies, it's going to be an economic disaster. When they start blaming him for his economic policies fucking over the country, you're going to see shit get REALLY interesting.


Exactly. Look at how the centre-right and centre-left parties colluded and encouraged tactical voting to keep Front National from winning the second round.

Seriously, why do Marxists and other Leftists underestimate that - in the eyes of the West's elites in the '30s - the USSR was an existential threat to their way of life, so even fascist crazies were tolerable?

Hell, the "French" resistance probably wouldn't have done anything if it was Stalin's hordes marching on Paris instead of Hitler's

Trump is going to be impeached very quickly if he refuses to divest his overseas shit and breaks the emolument clause in the constitution.


R-really user? Will there be A homogenous socialist Europe?


No they really are not tolerable. Golden Dawn for example only got 12% of the vote at the height of Greek crisis. AfD is just bit more conservative and only against immigration when compared to Christian democrats and Merkel, they are not even against EU but for only reforming it.

I don't think you understand how serious violating the base of the constitution is. We're not even talking amendments here.

Not necessarily, but that is not going to stop Pan-Europeanism form replacing nationalism within this century.

As cultures change towards new more generic western culture replacing that of old nationalist Europe there will be soon nothing but the language to get rid off to centralize our union into perfection.


Sooner or later the falling rate of profit will become unbearable so I'll never lose hope

lol, you already lost your momentum, I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted

The US managed to get a Supreme Court judgement on abortion rights out of a clause regulating interstate commerce, I'm certain Trump's legal team will find some way around that. The anti-Trump Left should be organising around what to do when Trump gains power, not these pathetic legalistic flights of folly that they'll stop him before he reaches the White House.

And what makes you believe that the far-Left will be able to capitalise on the current situation if the far-Right can't?

Clinton was impeached for a blowjob, Nixon was impeached for Watergate, Trump will be impeached for using the office for personal profit. Now whether or not he'll be successfully removed from power is another thing, but this is very likely to happen.

he probably doesn't, he's a socdem after all

Dropping identity politics and focusing more on economics would be a start. Promoting more workers co ops, veering away from idpol would be another, and the call for more trade unions, and workers co-ops and less privatised institutions which is what Neo liberalism is promoting, could be a step in the right direction.

But then again, maybe you're right, maybe nothing will happen from the far left or far right, and it'll just be the vision that Francis Fukuyama envisioned.

Corbyn`s takeover of labor party and fact that Sanders got far as he did is proof that neo-liberals are loosing their control over left. After left reorganizes itself politically there will be very little to stop us form creating even better format of populism.

Holla Forums will never give up because they never get tired of losing

Ahhh yes, because Trump getting elected isn't going to backfire on you.


Look at his appointments, he is going to drag republicans even further towards corporate interests and fighting for Israel. aut-right is already cannibalizing itself over him.

This. The only """"victory""" Holla Forums had was getting Trump in the White House. What was funnier was that they thought that all of us supported Bernie Sanders and Shillary.

Now when people realise that stormfags are just right wing SJWs, things are going to look interesting.

You are not going to win WWII this year either.

And asking people to give up makes no sense. There is no alternative to choose, other than Socialism.

SocDem are as deluded as ever.

Remember, it took three years for Italian Fascists to go from a group of 200 radicals to government.

And today people are discontent and they will try to change the system. This is the point when Fascism will rise.

What Trump has to do with anything? People tout it is a Right victory, but Trump got elected because he was more Left (if marginally) than Hillary.

It took only few months for 48 freedom fighters in Cuba to overthrow batista. This is not relevant to the real politic in any form. Discontent of the people will be driven towards populists and as current political stance in France for example has shown future will be with left that stands against immigration and agitates for further left-wing economic policies along side it.

you're right.
Capitalism hasn't had a major crash in decades. And it doesn't seem like there will be another in sight. And we've recovered completely since the last one (who even remembers when that was).
Unemployment all over is low.
Advances in technology, especially automation, are promising huge increases in standards of living.
None of the major capitalist economies are in recession, and growth everywhere is higher than ever.
People in the developed world are satisfied with capitalism, having low unemployment and clearly prosperous future, as incomes and wages have been growing nonstop for 50 years.
Workers in developing countries are extremely happy with how capitalism is transforming their economies, with low unemployment and low homelessness in india and china. And their amazing growth seems like their's no end in sight.
Chinese and Indian workers are so happy, there hasn't been any strikes in decades. Certainly not the largest strikes in human history.
And with automation of driving and the service industry, capitalism is saving human labor like never before and guaranteeing millions of people much more leisure time.
Government and corporate debts aren't at all time highs.
Rates of profit aren't low, and investment is high. Any capitalist will tell you there are tons of profitable investments to be made right now.
The derivatives market is promising good profits and no risk of instability, only making up a few trillion dollars in value anyway.
We anti-capitalists have no hope, capitalism is working perfectly.
Just look at how popular the new american president is. Truly an era of uninterrupted prosperity is upon us.

I agree but I think it will get to that point in a hurry under Trump. And fascists are in a prime position to take advantage of it.

congress doesn't give a shit if a repub violates the constitution

Except this was within the 20th century and fascism was a new idea, along with communism and anarchism etc. I doubt that people are willing to make the same mistakes twice (which is why I doubt that there'll be a COMMUNIST) uprising.

What I reckon will happen is that leftists who oppose idpol, would start focusing more on the economy, and being more subversive, forming more workers co ops, and in doing political parties which advocate MARKET socialism, libertarian socialism, or some form of anarchism (maybe democratic confederalism).

Of course then you must take into account he cultural climate. How are people going to respond to the far right? Will they be challenged by right wingers themselves, and succumb to infighting like they do on Holla Forums? Or will they become the laughing stock like SJWs because of their idpol?

Have they though? Considering that there's now a shit load of right wing infighting, and they focus more on identity as opposed to economics, how long do you reckon it'll take before most people view them as the same as SJWs.

The Republicans hold majorities in both houses and they ain't gonna impeach him.

The Democrats COULD use the bully pulpit to make hey about it, but I'm sure as fuck ain't gonna hold my breath on Dems growing a spine. Have fun at the labor camps.

The American government™ violates the constitution all the time.


Considering that there are even Republicans view Donald with a level of disdain, who's to say?

Besides, Trumps a 90s style democrat, he's not some fascist as liberals and Holla Forums like to paint him as.

He'll just be another puppet for the American oligarchy, and when he places his economic policies into place and they likely get fucked over, he's never going to hear the end of it.

Besides, democrats are retarded, just like the American governments two party system.

You guys are fucking insufferable. SJW's aren't equivalent to Fascists.

Fascism is the natural conclusion of lazise-faire or as it's rebranded now neo libebral capitalism.

The rise of fascism happened before and it can happen again. Trump shouldn't have won the primary much less the election, his presidency is proof positive that we are on the razor's edge of going full fascist.

Are you suggesting we don't know any liberals?

I know nothing about fascism, let alone its economics: the post


You're cloaked bigots and you're all coming undone. At least the right's honest about their bigotry, you dissimulating, empty sacks of shit.

Yes, because I should just forget about those universities which allow SJWS to preach pretty racist shit against white people (white people cant face racism, why should we care about dead white guts) and demonise the white working class, as well as how BLM calls black people who disagree with them coons or house niggers, or women who disagree with third wave feminism suffering from "internalised mysigony", or call Muslims who criticise Islam and preach reform of the faith (Maajid Nawaz, Ayaan al Hisri) uncle toms?

Or in the case of stormfags on this site, criticising white leftists of supporting anuddah shoah (and generalising us as SJWs), or race traitors because of our beliefs.

Idpol is cancer. It divides more than Unites, and uses victim hood and grievance to justify racism and apalling behaviour.

Fuck idpol. And in case for an anarchist arguement against it, read this


dafaq are you on about.
demonizing a vulnerable minorites (muslims, mexicans)
promising to use state power to enforce white supremacy
promising wars
being the literal poster child of having the state serve private interests

It's gonna be fun seeing peudo lefties like you get put on trains.

SJWs are New Right.

Few years: Dec 1956 - Jan 1959

And where does the number 48 come from?

Why? Examples of such rise to power are everywhere.

It took less than a year for Bolsheviks to go from marginal faction within minor party to government.

Who can't change anything even if people elect them. Which means discontent will persist and people will move to other political movements.

Fascism will be rebranded. I already pointed to Green as the future face of Fascism.

India begs to differ.

And I hate to break it to you, but Nepal had a civil war recently. Guess who won.

There are no other Leftists.

Like … Marxism?

Yeah. Pull the other one.

Sure buddy, getting butt mad at minorities attempts to hold the system accountable for their oppression isn't racist at all.

Have fun trying to get fascists to read Marx haha.

You're either a newfag, a redditor from r/socialism/ fullcommunism or a Holla Forums false flagger. Either way, you're a dumb cunt with a dumb cunt arguement


You said it was laissez-faire. Maybe read about fascist economics before you run your mouth again.

lol ok

the same white working class that voted in Trump. That white working class? Sorry I'm not gonna kiss your reactionary ass

c-c-c-c-cause if I was nice to you and all your buddies would totally fight for the revolution. haha keep charging those windmills, and get used to people like me to continue to shit on causal racists like you.

Do you go out of your way to be a servile, spineless parrot, or does it come naturally?

Might I ask what brand of communism the Nepalese advocate for?

So anarchists and communists, are the same then?

Why don't you produce an argument so I can learn. One aspect of fascism is the state serving private or corporate interests to the determine of the public.

Nazi factories were super productive but killed and mained Germany workers because they completely lacked safety or environmental standards.

The kind of standards that are thrown out under lazie faire capitalism. They share alot

Get more butt mad, I'm actually from Twitter. I love BLM and Ralph Nader. But sure I'm a liberal.

Obviously, but disgusting nevertheless.

Yes, because those workers were alienated and demonised and called racist because they were white, some of them likely voted for Trump either out of spite, or because they were pushed to him.

You can call me racist all you want, but it doesn't detract from the fact that SJWs demonised the white working class and cared more about idpol, which was a factor which caused the rise of Trump.

Different kinds of ML.

See for yourself:

When it comes to idpol? Yes.

Yup, like i said, either dumb cunt liberal or Holla Forums false flagger

Nice bait, OP

I would disagree in that case to idpol.


But in regards to the Nepalese (glad to see the US got BTFO) I hope the best for them. Even if they are Leninists/ Maoists.

Trump voters are racists pieces of shit that are going to drive the most powerful country on earth into fascism.

But sure, LGBT, BLM, and SJW

you all need to get laid, then maybe you wouldn't have the empathy of a toddler

Trump isn't even in charge and there are already infightings between the cuckold fetishists.

We are Corbynising the Democratic party. The ironic side-effect would be, that the people who called Trump a sexist, racist homophobe now will be his fiercest supporter in 2020 out of spite.

And he needs them, because the alt-right had a cucktastrophy, and fell apart. But since they are leeches and as a group very small, it won't do him any good.

Yes, because those black people who voted for Trump are racist right? :^)

And considering that more minorities voted for him than Romney, are they racist as well?



Some arguments would be nice. Your wall of text begins by presupposing your point of view being correct:

> Identity Politicians (IPs) are a particular kind of leftist who use the spectre[1] spook of an identity-category (gender, race, sexuality, etc) as a lever to obtain power.

As far as I see (didn't read it, obviously) it doesn't prove anything.

Idpol is a real problem, sweetie. And I have a gf, thank you.

Well that's your problem there.


The real problem is that you are trying to cover up latent racism by declaring everything "idpol".

Patriarchy and white supremacy are what built this country. And they continue to oppress people.

Idiots like you decalre that shit over with just because we don't have any more trail of tears or battered housewives anymore.

All you dumbass lefties need to get used to hearing about this because with the internet giving these marginalized people a voice, this shit ain't going away anytime soon.


I made this for jew.

Yep. We are done.

Holla Forums still thinks they matter.

Not the primary problem, but a focus exclusive to symptoms don't address the cause. Strikeat the root and all that.

If they weren't rich, then YEEESSSSSS

There's tons of black white supremacist bootlickers. Just like there's tons of proletariat porky bootlickers.

And 87% of black voters voted for Hiliary despite her fucking terribleness so please take your non representative samples and shove them up your dumb ass.

no one wants to respond to this?
shit thread

c/leftypol/ is mostly shills. Now that Trump won they have lost their use.

This will lead to job losses I think. Which will lead to decreasing standards of living for many people.

I agree with the rest but damn how can you not see Trump as a harbinger of fascism entrenching itself into the US.

Trump is the harbinger of hope and change you nitwit.

Yes, this is a raid.

And a lot of black people simply didn't vote. You're the racist, genius.

I feel like these are the same people who call any authoritarian right winger a fascist. Bismarck was an authoritarian rightist but I don't think most people would consider him a fascist.


No ones denying that shit was horrible for minorities, but applying your mentality to this situation is why people like you are going to lose, and will continue to loose.

And yet here you are.

wait you didn't catch that everything in that post was sarcastic? The opposite of all those things is true


Nice moving the goal posts numb nuts, read the post I specifically talked about black voters that voted for Trump

Fuck pol. I'm going to fight racism and sexism. Superstructure shapes the base fuck wad. You got a screen cap of someone on pol saying that

Yeah you generalised them all as boot likcers and white supermacist sympathisers. You're the racist here, pal

Wow, how rebelious and unorthodox you are again, not falling for the false flagging

If you voted for a virulent racist while being a minority what the fuck am I supposed to call them?

Fuck you buddy, a racist is a racist. But feel free trying to reach out to all those poor misguided Trump. Voters. Boo hooo they only voted for him cause he talked about nafta. They had it real tough so they're excused.

Wow so I should be great full cause things aren't as shitty for minorities now than they were in the past.
Fuck that I want full eneqivical equality now. Really sizzles your bacon huh

Again, you're either a misinformed liberal, a faggot from r/ socialism/ fullcommunism or a Holla Forums false flagger.

Either way, you're a dumb cunt who claims to be fighting against racism, but is a racist. Watch this and lurk more

The only bacon I see getting sizzled here is you m8.


And yes, you should be greatful. Do you want to go back to the Jim Crow era? Didn't fucking think so.

Oh look, it's nothing.

It is. And I'll gladly join forces with the fascists to crush it forever.

The old false equivalence. I voted for Stein, and as racists as Hillary is she never advocated for suspending rule of law based on race like Trump is.

That maybe splitting hairs to you because your a sheltered little shit that that's never actually seen how state power operates. Trumps policies are guaranteed to lead to human rights abuses unimaginable under Clinton

Well they don't call them useful idiots for nothing


For your sake, I hope you aren't who I think you are, Elijah

And how the fuck does Trump want to deny voting rights to minorities?

He's flip flopped on Muslims entering the country for Christ sakes, and he's not going to outright ban them. Even his views on illegal immigration flip flopped, stating that he wasn't going to deport every single one of them.

You're the best

This is a direct result of it being propped up by the state, we live in fascism, capitalism in decay, right now. It has continually collapsed since its inception.


I agree, and I have given up. I just find Communist LARPing on Bulgarian confectionery forums to be more fun than wallowing in despair.


Was there ever anything as pitiful as the alt-right?

But sure, keep posting in this thread going "I am a real pinko commie and I have given up/joined the fascists. P-please believe me." Knock yourself out kiddo.

You do realize Rojava will be destroyed by Assad and/or Turkey, right? This is gonna be just another Catalonia to fawn over and imagine what could have been. Also, all of Europe is presently falling to proto-fascist neoliberal populism whilst all the Left parties produce nothing but failed social democracy reruns. This is going nowhere.

Your fatalistic hissy fit is noted, Holla Forums



So has the far-right, and its only been recently that they have actually done so. And guess what, so has the far left.

Its almost as if crisis polarises people away from the fence and your "superior memes" have barely anything to do with it.

Can't believe nobody has called you out for this, but Cassandra was right you fucking idiot. The entire point of the story is that everyone but Cassandra was wrong, and they realised it too late. Hence the term "Cassandra truth".

trump isnt far right
you're funny because you are a slave and you relish it

They've been recently conquering Daesh territory. I feel fine tbh

What does that avail them? They could conquer all territory held by ISIS; they'd still be in a geopolitical situation where basically no one wants them to exist.

I do feel hopeless sometimes

I think of having to work for 45 years, 40 hours a week and it makes me want to scream. I think of becoming homeless, being poor, hungry, all the people around the world in misery.

But I just don't know what else to do other than hope a revolution happens or some great reforms happen. Even though I'd probably perish.

I agree we should move on from 20th century projects but I just don't see anything on the horizon. There's Rojava and that's it. A tiny landlocked stretch of land, surrounded by enemies on all sides.

I switch between ideologies often simply out of despair. There must be some fucking way out of this prison.

And yet Donald Trump supports them. (YPG a Kurds, and Donald Trump recognises them as effective fighters against ISIS)




Read more faggot.

Trump isn't going to save them when Syria, Russia and Turkey backstab them. And if they do win the support of the West, they'll do it by becoming capitalist cronies.


Wew laddie

wow reading this thread is really depressing. I think I have to agree with OP. the left just has it in its blood to constantly bicker about small bullshit details instead of having a clear focus.

I agree 100%.
As a /lifelong socialist/ and someone who's probably a lot older than the average user here it looks bleak, the right is unified and the left is completely fractured.
The obsession with theory is holding the left back.

Finally, someone who understands.


this is true though.


I'm a retard

Sad. Low energy.

Yes, because America is very good at combatting leftists.

Oh wait



Yeah, he'll deport refugee children and back right-wing dictatorships around the world, while domestically giving Capital everything it wants.

Trump will mostly commit the same human rights abuses as Hillary, it's just that different groups of people will twist themselves into apologetic rationalizations to defend them.





You lost, get over it.

What the fuck has that got to do with Russian policy?
I worked there for 12 years, so I think I have a better handle on what the Russian government mentality is than you.
It almost certainly isn't the American model of decapitating countries.

And Capitalism is a perfect system so everything should be great very soon

So you accept it is a neoliberal world and you lost?
I just want to be clear on this.

Someone explain to these fuckwits like OP that ideologies are tools, not goals. When the situation that gave rise to a particular solution changes, so will the solution fade away. To think that the far-right will continue to hold onto power indefinitely as the migrant crisis and other issues recede is delusional.

When Europe is safe once more and the immigration laws are reformed to prevent this from happening again, it will be harder and harder to justify the continued existence of spooked far-right politics. You know how modern feminism needs to constantly make up new threats and boogeymen to stay relevant?

That will be the far-right's problem in the coming year(s).

Yes, it's a neoliberal world and we lost.
Of course we did, noone's denying this, indeed, 75% of discussion within the communist movement is bickering over *why* 20th century communism failed.

We're not movie-villains. I know that's convenient to imagine, but we're not.

The other user is cherrypicking USA defeats ignoring the fact that USA ideology won overall.

Blacks and Latinos can be horribly racist to each other

your point?

I don't really care. Revolution and social change are just a part of my life.
I'm an impoverished transgender woman with an abusive father. This is how I fight to stay alive.

I don't have any lofty goals of utopianism or revolutionary triumph, so to me your argument is meaningless. The system pushes me and I push back. The world speaks to me and this is my answer. I am in constant struggle, and I hold onto the hope that I can improve my situation or die trying.

Your ideology won't help you. Getting into a triggering match with a bunch of neckbeard autists online won't. You need a caring support network, you need to take care of yourself first. You can't fight any struggles until you make sure you're in a good place. Look into talk therapy, find a therapist you trust, exercise is legit very good for you as well. Good luck.