How do I stop getting really angry at random retards on the internet?
How do I stop getting really angry at random retards on the internet?
don't go to /pol and Holla Forums basically
As long as you're invested into anything that you make part of your identity you won't be able to.
By pretending to be a tankie. It makes those fuckers go mental.
but why leaving this board? i am already banned from Holla Forums and went on Holla Forums onece the other day. Ended up regreating immediately.
Start lifting. When you get pissed, channel that energy into fitness. Every time somebody pisses you off, they'll be adding to your health and well-being. They grow weaker as you grow stronger.
I was banned there long ago by pretending to be an actual jew. it was fucking hilarious.
Anger is fine, just use it properly. That reply is fucking embarrassing. Proper anticommunist arguments warrant a proper response, and nonsense like that warrant ridicule. The best thing you could've done was tell him SJWism is the logical conclusion of accumulating capital and is really indistinguishable from any other form of nationalism.
Holla Forums or Holla Forums?
Went to Holla Forums when they were sperging out about some capeshit drama and really haven't been to any other Holla Forums board except /freedu/ since. Holla Forums may be fucking stupid, but there's an unholy intersection of retardation and autism plaguing the rest of the site.
for guaranteed kekkage, go to Holla Forums and introduce yourself as an actual Jew. don't go le happy merchant, play it straight and true, throw in some conspiracy BS and the result is pure humour.
It's healthy to get some frustration out
Years of practice. There's no trick here, you just need to get used to them.
You too huh? Place is almost more Holla Forums than Holla Forums, every thread is forced jew and cuck puns and black dicks.
Sounds like they're blaming Marx when they should be blaming Trotsky.
is this 4 or 8?
This is bait isn't it?
Nazbol flag should've given it away
Never. :^)
Holla Forums has been completely fucked for some time, and every top 25 board is full of Holla Forumsyps getting triggered because some character is black or something (hell, they pulled a coup on /r9k/ because the BO wasn't a right-winger).
4chan is getting fucked, too, the elections caused the biggest eternal september yet, and Hiro and their mod team love those newfags, since they don't use adblockers and buy 4chan gold, and will fire mods who will oppose Holla Forums's bullshit.
I noticed that small independent boards tend to be pretty great, but slow as fuck, wish more people posted on those.
It actually surprised me to see how 7chan was so anti-Trump almost as much as seeing it was still somewhat alive, at least their /tg/
Shame we don't have gigaloader anymore, doing it to 4chan under Hiro would have been great.
For anyone who isn't a living relic, gigaloader was a "stress test" site which was regularly pointed at anyone that pissed off anyone who knew of gigaloader's existence. It was taken down after nuking several sites off the internet.
Feels soul-crushingly bad.
Play it like a game, retard. It's not like whatever you post will have any effect on anything. We're just trapped in system's networks and bored out of our minds.
I'm not OP but (sometimes) I post to educate the lurking children. It doesn't have to be meaningless all the time.
Please. Marx was a good for nothing layabout who NEVER worked a day in his life. He sponged off his rich entitled friend and spent his time lounging in cafes. And yet you all think he somehow knows what 'workers' need. He's as far from working class as you can get.
Fucking retard. That's Russia's hammer and sickle not the Third Reich's Swastika.
I stand corrected. I read nazi not nazbol. You were right and I'm the retard.
It doesn't matter whether Marx really knows what workers need but whether workers can use and abuse his theory for their own ends.
Yes, thats why he wrote "nazbol"
Well no they can't, you fucking idiot
drink heavily op
True about derrida tho
Assmad petit-bourgeois class enemy detected.
Holla Forums is fine, they are smart actually.