Idpol Everywhere

Is it just me or does this idpol bullshit seem to have reached a whole new level of shitting up everything recently?

After the U.S. election a lot of lefty discussion groups cropped up on normiebook. Now, I didn’t expect much from them, but for the first couple weeks after I joined there were some decent discussions about leftist topics or theory.

But in the past couple weeks, all these groups got infected with rabid idpol crusaders threatening to ban everyone who (even marginally) disagrees with them. Some teenage ban-happy mod came after me in a discussion about racism because I was “tone policing” PoC (and I’m a PoC myself) when I said that being shitty to white people is shitty, even if not “racist” by their terminology.

So what gives? Were lefty discussion groups always so shitted up by idpol or is this a new thing? Makes me think all this idpol crap really is some COINTELPRO shit meant to fuck up lefty activity online.

The right is the source of all idpol.

I vape spliff cookies with liquor in them, what does that make me?

No it's not just you. I would get harrassed hardcore if I said I was leftist and didn't support Hillary during this previous election.

Usually the argument was that I was a muh privileged PoS that wasn't thinking about all the minorities Trump was going to hurt. TBH voted Jill Stein because I think she would have done good for the environment.

Such a bullshit argument on so many levels. As if Hillary wasn't going to kill brown people in the middle east. Completely ignores that. So in reality it's just tribalism, we're right, the other guys are wrong. No discussions allowed.

See, I would expect that from liberals. But the kind of groups I’m talking about are, at least nominally, Marxist, often full of tankies.

But they’re so spooked by idpol shit that people are getting shamed/banned simply for disagreeing that “Kill All Whiteys” is an OK thing to say.

Normally on leftypol I’m the kinda guy who defends idpol. But this ultra-woke shit is getting way too out of hand.

what do?

I guess the upper right corner is on point some of the time


Well I do consider myself a communist egoist.

Eventually no one was even arguing about racism anymore (e.g., if it exists, who benefits/suffers from it, etc.) and the conversation boiled down to whether hating white people was legitimate or not.

I had to exit the group myself instead of waiting for the ultra-woke struggle session. I swear, these idiots took all the worst elements of Stalin and Mao and none of the good stuff.

There’s something terribly wrong with leftist discussion if leftypol is one of the last sane places to discuss it without idpol ruining everything.

Conjure horse?

The alt left FB group is pretty gud

(The green and pink one)

I've read his blog and seen his videos. I've also read The Right To Be Greedy.

The one that wasn't raided by alt-right, correct?

tfw leftcoms become more tolerable than idpol shennanigans

Nod my gomrade

I've found that I simply can't talk to anyone, anywhere, about politics, mostly because they want to talk idpol instead.

Oh drop it already, even liberal newspapers like The Guardian have columnists criticizing identity politics by now. Newsflash, it's not edgy anymore.

Being high is a spook. Cut it out, you spiritual man! Beheld to the wheels in your head, the fixed ideas literally from outside yourself, that you elevate above the–einzig! You are enslaved, first to God, then to "Man" and now to another "lord on high."

Now do "animal enterprise"

What is the appeal of weed and alcohol? Nicotine is a lot better. Or better yet, dxm or acid.

the risk to reward ratio for nicotine is really terrible. even for safer methods nicotine barely gives you a buzz versus numerous health problems. weed isn't perfectly healthy (still better than nicotine) but at least you can get incredibly high. in fact if you make edibles you can get blitzed out of your mind for several hours and suffer no negative health effects. marijuana is a thousand times better than nicotine. i'll partially agree with you about alcohol though, it is a decently pleasurable drug that is guaranteed to make you feel like shit the day after.

Spot the fucking twelve year old
MXE, nitrous and AL-LAD master race



This. Where the fuck is our cough syrup sector, huh?

Why is the bottom right always the funniest joke on these political compasses?

Because ancap are the most pretentious and retarded.

Idpol does not exist.


Wow, Rebel. So deep, so wise. So gulag.

THC has some pretty shit side effects
But not much worse than other painkillers

pls tell me how
I really want to try good-tier disassociates. The only upgrade from dxm I have in terms of trips is lsd, but I would entirely prefer better disassociates over better psychedelics.