Pro tip: you can´t
Find a flaw
Did not kill enough of liberals and anarkiddies.
that chin and jaw 😂
ew get it away from me
one year
I'm not informed anough on spanish history to make an argument and I'm from the same Francos as Francisco Franco
Catalonia and other similar areas of spain are now better off than zones that had frqncoist support
But higher men with stronger jawlines accomplished more and sacrificed more.
Faggot betrayed is own party - arguably the most left-wing fascist movement. At least he sort of let the National Syndicalism of the Falange continue to exist.
Ignoble souls will never understand the meaning of struggle or sacrifice or having a nice jawline. Forgot to sage last time sorry.
The Gallego Fascist was only able to defeat the finest men of his century due to sloppy training and incited infighting.
The takeaway lesson from the Spanish Civil War is, never trust a bunch of stupid, self-important anarkiddies if you hold humanity dear.
Hemingway desribes this in detail in his "For Whome the Bell Tolls", recommended leftypol read.
For Hemingway, the heartless liberal, the sacrifice and fervor of the Spanish anarchists was something completely incomprehensible. His characters are alienated and put off by how willing they were to die.
Hemingway was an ass with everybody, but his artificial alienation from the events that he exercised only in hindsight helps understanding.
Orwell has some good things to say about Catalunya, but even he admits the ineptitude of the buildup of the anarchist brigades. To be frank the Republican Army and the International Brigades would have been much better off without that unnecessary kumbayya bullshit. With that, they blew a fine chance for a solid Socialist state in Western Europe that had the backing of the majority of the people of Spain.
It wouldn't have been a civil war without it user. It would have just been a coup. Taxi drivers were ramming their cars into army fortifications in Barcelona, that's not something you can get from anything scientific or disinterested.
Look what happened in Germany, where most workers supported state socialist parties and had nowhere near that level of fanaticism and hope for an immediate better future.
so what happened with that better future because of all that uncontrolled revolutionary fervor? i would not argue that i do not respect them, but in and itself it was an obstacle to holding on to fragile revolutionary achievments.
What happened? They achieved amazing things and transcended their limitations for a time. It was regular workers, not soldiers or technocrats who surpassed themselves and fought against fascism and that's not something that you can just erase from history.
Its been a while since I've read Homage to Catalonia, but I believe Orwell also berated the Republican army for being incompetent in training their troops for actual combat and being constantly fucking up logistics when compared to the anarchists. The Republican forces had their merits, but they were by no means the infinitely superior fighting force.
and im not even trying to erase it.
im just angry that it did not transcend into a rule, and sure as cat-user pointed out, this was due to the shit organization of Rep. Army, and that was due to fucking Moscow military command that was being decimated by Stalin at the time.
More militarisation could only ruin morale and be counterrevolutionary. All power is counterrevolutionary!
If the militias had been able to stay independent and fought as guerrillas the war would probably have lasted longer.
guerilla warfare is just more effective with an undisturbed coordination with an imaginary non-stalinist high command. a good mixture is the key to success.
I think the already existing structure of the militias as groups of ten up might have been better for a guerrilla fight than a really formal chain of command.
Lenin praised growing militarization in Russia because it raised possibilities for a stronger working class under rising class consciousness.
We need a /leftyk/ thread asap
so what are you waiting for comrade?
allocation of resources works better with a skeleton high command, as demosntrated by the (also leftist) French Maquis
Cuckservative who diminished the role of the actual fascists.
and this:
those assholes did nazi dat cumming
he betrayed the falange
also this
it's called being a realist
the biggest problem with socdem is the democracy part
Glad he got iced
he inspired edgeposting faggots to make shit threads
or more than a decade after Franco's victory, the devastated economy recovered very slowly. Franco initially pursued a policy of autarky, cutting off almost all international trade. The policy had devastating effects, and the economy stagnated. Only black marketeers could enjoy an evident affluence.
On the brink of bankruptcy, a combination of pressure from the United States, the IMF and, most importantly, the technocrats from Opus Dei[citation needed], managed to convince the regime to adopt a free market economy. Many of the old guard in charge of the economy were replaced by "technocrata", despite some initial opposition from Franco. From the mid-1950s there was modest acceleration in economic activity after some minor reforms and a relaxation of controls. But the growth proved too much for the economy, with shortages and inflation breaking out towards the end of the 1950s.
all the good things happend after he took loans from the imf and replaced his buddies with technocrats,
this tbh
fascism is just capitalism
Shitty mustache
Franco wasn't fascist he was a run of the mill military dictator
This. Franco was the Pence to Rivera's Trump. Or the Medvedev to Rivera's Putin and so on and so forth.