So what's so great about multiculturalism?
What's the big deal? Does it make you more "open-minded"? Some people use that as some kind of perverted euphoria to simply "be accepting." Who cares if you are accepting? Why does it matter??
So what's so great about multiculturalism?
What's the big deal? Does it make you more "open-minded"? Some people use that as some kind of perverted euphoria to simply "be accepting." Who cares if you are accepting? Why does it matter??
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Are you talking about multiculturalism or multiethnicism. They are absolutely not the same think
I'm just making sure because 99.9% of the time people here think multiculturalism = brown people living in my country
Nothing. It's liberalism's desperate attempt at making capitalism seem more humane by obfuscating economic issues on a social level.
I was meaning multiculturalism.
The meme on Holla Forums being that multiculturalism is terrible because rape and crap.
Would multiethnicism be multiple races (like gene pools) while multicultural be multiple cultures and background (i.e. Gypsy or Persian culture)?
USA and Canada are two examples of how multiculturism has nothing wrong.
The problem is that both countries don't have their own culture and have the culture from all those immigrants took there.
So would you say that it sometimes works and other times doesn't? Or at least it is more difficult to settle?
Both of those countries are built on genocide and oppression of indigenous culture. They are not good examples.
Wrong. America has people from all over the world but unlike in europe they have very similar cultural norms.
Americans muslims aren't that different from normal americans, european muslims are very different from regular europeans
There's nothing inherently wrong with it and there's nothing inherently good about it.
And why is the trot worried about the genocide of indegenous folks? kek. I'm genuinely surprised. For the good, i must add.
Multiculturalism works as long as you don't allow minorties to built their miniature countries. As far as i know people live together in USA. Little Italy isn't full of italians this days i think.
yeah i can't really debate you on that. There's only 60k muslims around here, so i never met a muslim.
It was once upon a time though, which means letting people build their own miniature countries worked out fine in that case.
Nobody has their own culture. They are all the result of the various modes of production and material conditions over generations.
But what purpose does it serve? To just diversify a country? But to what end?
I'm not trying to sound fearful or hateful, just wondering.
The current population of whites can't sustain itself. They're the sons and daughters of baby boomers. No farming experience, no actual industry experience.
They're dead on their own in a heart beat. And they're playing Playschool Ethno-Nationalist. It's quite funny.
It's the fact you're dead without immigrants like my parents.
Nice essentialism you got there.
I'm sorry I'm being racist against the gentle white suburbanite.
What purpose does any freedom serve? Why not have the government decide what people eat for each meal?
So then people should be allowed to emigrate or immigrate to, let's say, the U.S. for the freedom it gives to those who live there? I understand that, if that was your point.
In the grand scheme of things, what makes this generation of whites so special
I think "special" is too arbitrary.
To one person in America becoming a businessman who successfully owns a chain of stores that help people would make that person "special". But one person may write a book and can be heralded as "special" by colleagues and peers.
What is the context and definition you are alluding to for "special"? Like influential or important?
Deserving of its own ethno-nationalism. The only people who have a say are this generation and baby boomers. What makes these people particularly more worthy of their own separation than generations who actually had to work in the past?
The concepts of national pride and America as they are now don't mix. It's all leftover fuel from cold war jingoism.
IMO you're seeing it backwards pal, multiculturalism is generally not forced into the people but monoculturalism is, therefore you should be asking whether the latter serves a purpose.
After all I doubt anyone anywhere is arguing for forced inmigration to any country for the purpose of multiculturising it.
Not so fast. Birthrates are dropping across the globe, and by 2050 UN estimates that general population of this planet will start to decline due to this. So whites only need to hold out for 35 years and their population relative to other races will stabilize.
I think that mentality comes from "we saved you twice in world wars" but also stems in part from the swell of industry and intellectual thought. But these traits are not inherent to "white people", but some would argue more common.
As far as what makes them special with ethno-nationalism, I think it derives from aesthetic and arbitration; so nothing that isn't self-described as special.
Cultures are a spook and only erode society
What does this matter? Why do you have particular interest in preserving your skin color when the defense you make for its "preservation" can be succeeded mainly by Asians. Unless you don't stereotype Asians as covered in a thin sticky film who act like an ant colony.
I mean, what makes whites so special. Argue it out for me when you really don't care about the extinction of cultures in this decade alone why you should matter if you don't think those cases mattered.
well automatization will be a thing anyways
White culture/political consciousness is currently the only one that is capable of staging a revolution.
Ice pick this fag pls
No it isn't. The prospect of this gen of whites and their baby boomer mothers and fathers staging any kind of revolution against the United States military is patently absurd. You're more likely for a coup than these people ever strategizing militarily in their lives.
They would be supported anyways undoubtedly by the wealthy.
Not in particular.
I would also like to note that current immigration trends will not hold out, as job market due to increase in specialization of labor will no longer provide low-skill jobs for immigrants. Immigration will ground to halt on basis of need for labor within this century.
From my perspective, monoculturalism is not being pushed, except as a backlash of multiculturalism. I'm not a historian or anything, I have just seen multiculturalism being suggested to countries, not monoculturalism. So what necessitates a change of that sort?
I agree that forced immigration for sake of multiculturalizing a country is pretty shit argument.
Splendid. We can still wage wars without having to worry about the civilians begging for safety
100% of the time this argument goes from an abstract argument to arguing about the fate of "whites"
What does that tell you?
We would be better off without you, though.
Closed borders, enforcing the native language, etc. are not unheard-of practises anywhere and they are basically pushing for monoculturalism, the only serious case of multiculturalism being institutionally pushed I have ever seen has been putting English as a mandatory subject in school in foreign countries.
I'm not saying monoculturalism is bad or anything, just that it's that and not multiculturalism what should be put into question.
Well it seems that it hasn't degenerated to that level just yet.
But otherwise I would say people who are concerned, whether there is a reason or not is up to debate.
However, let's politely address that issue if/when it comes up.
I see the benefit of learning English since, generally, Americans only know that one language and it's easier to due business that way. It's akin to being from Brittany in the Roman ages and learning Latin to communicate.
So rather than pushing for solely one or solely the other, we should see which works for which situation for society as a whole? Or rather, stop fixating on mono- or multiculturalism and simply let culture BE.
No you wouldn't. Who's going to get the degree, one of you? :)
multiculturalism is a side-effect of globalization.
no one is pushing for it, it just happens.
good or bad, thats really subjective
contrary to what Holla Forumsype "think" it's not only happening in western "white" countries. but also in Asia, Africa, and ME.
eventually, all those cultures will become one.
Culture is embodied in politics, there is no reason to leave it be unless you support the neo-liberal establishment.
I see, so to purposefully change it from time to time, like a garden or something?
Meant to put a ? at the end of the sentence. Not implying nuttin
Neoliberals are pushing it hardcore. Nothing in capitalism is "natural."
Culture is extremely relevant form perspective of social engineering. It can be cultivated as weapon or used to suppress class consciousness. It can form basis for unity or division within any society.
nope, they want more workers, not particularly more diverse culture.
they obviously won't say that multi-culturalism is bad because it would be against their objective
Merely what I defend is not using such a meaningless term as "multiculturalism", for some it's a whistle for "international jewish conspiracy", others picture globalisation when they think about it, we should talk in more ponderable and precise terms like inmigration policy, there's nothing wrong with multiculturalism as in the dictionary (no hegemonic cultures etc)
more like multiple cultures sharing a land, I misused the word hegemony
Every generation of whites that keep the mindset of superiority alive is important to keep the white race superior.
Humans go the path of least resistance, and without lofty standards things will just sink toward the ground.
Case in point:
The effect of marxism on education and the fact that people often come out of university more inept (and indebted) than when they went in.
The lowering of standards made everybody more stupid, not better.
It's just like immigration.
When neoliberals push "multiculturalism", it's a dumbed-down, purely consumerist vision of multiculturalism.
Immigrants are expected to assimilate to prevailing norms in practically every other cultural facet outside superficial shit like food, dress, and personal belief.
Ask anyone that views multiculturalism as an undeniable positive force why exactly it's an undeniable positive force, and there's a 99% chance they'll say "But without multicultural, where would I go for Thai/Ethiopian/Turkish cuisine?!"
This is interesting. In what capacity? In a juvenile "they are different than us" or "we have more 'culture' than you do' kind of way? I may be missing that.
To the rest of it, so would you say culture isn't inherently harmful, but can easily flame to such a degree?
Yes, multiculturalism has lost it flair and taste. Some people have the image of millions pouring over into a country with "multiculturalism" and some are still unfamiliar with the eventual goal of it. So more precise definitions, like you're saying, would benefit immigration with a much less negative connotation.
And by "personal belief" I mean that Muslims just worship Allah without the rest of the cultural baggage that accompanies it, like honour-killings and terrorism
In the same sense that cultural revolution was used to eradicate China form reactionaries. Besides, there are multiple layers of ideology build to any cultural hegemony in society. It does not simply project our values, but indirectly controls the dialogue in realm of politics and wider society.
So then would multiculturalism really be diluting "pure" culture that is in other countries?
To throw yet another hypothetical, let's say the country of Burnstan has a culture of femal genital mutilation (FGM) among rug making, perhaps unique and superb pottery. So if a Burnstanian came to, let's say U.K., and took all their culture except FGM, that would really be diluting the culture a little bit at a time.
So my question, then, is to what degree should or could cultures be ingrained into a pre-existing society without becoming a culture of itself?
man i love whites, best race evar
the individualist society is not
nice fuckin feet dude. i was gonna keep shitposting but now i have to go fap
Well there's a big gap between the expectations of neoliberals that, say, Pakistani immigrants will basically just become browner Brits that eat different foods and attend mosques instead of churches, and the reality that they usually don't assimilate as perfectly well as expected
glad i could help
It's better than being spooked
In what capacity are, say, Pakistanis not assimilating "perfectly well"?
So an unpopular question arises: at what degree should "difficult assimilators" have steps taken against them and what steps, ideally, would they be? Barred from entry, if that sort of procedure should be allowed?
Perhaps something less horrendous by simply deporting criminals to home countries, but allowing ones stay?
It seems a curious issue, with travel being so readily available and great distances being shrunk for a $500 plane ticket.
Multiculturalism doesn't have any value. I want one global culture that encompasses all of humanity.
sounds pretty boring
invented democracy, socialism, communism, feminism, etc.
How so? Is western culture boring? It is constantly brimming with new shit.
Its not like cultures are going to form in a day where everything is internationalizing, its blending together more and more. Distinctiveness forms in isolation.
i like to be able to travel and experience different cultures.
I have always liked that we humans are different.
rampant consumerism have never interested me
Better pray for that FALC pipedream, 'cause otherwise capitalism's death will be a brutal and violent one.
If you watch anime you're taking part in multiculturalism
Greeks, but the activity itself isn't unique
I mean the strict Marxist word true but application of it has been largely this century and last non white.
Nothing. But nothings bad about it either. Its just sort of there.
multiculturaism is kind of a bait and switch.
it promises everyone living together in harmony, but in reality people either either assimilate or self-segregate
I'm assuming by "reactionaries" you mean "poor peasants" and by "used to eradicate" you mean "used by the actual reactionaries who ran the country to terrorize the people so as to consolidate power over them"
Nice first world revisionism.
So why are you living with Whites. Go live in Africa, Asia or the Middle East. They sure could us some "multiculturalism".
If Whites are so bad, how come non Whites want to live with them and not their own kind?
Why don't they stay in Pakistan? They don't belong in Britain. Should Whites go live in Pakistan? Think that would work out?
So why are you living with me?
I don't know what culture deserves to be annihilated of any of the color white more than America.
They are.
Because what happens when "Caucasian" countries wage war, and you get refugees, they tend to show up on the doorstep of the people that are responsible. The closest being Europe, or the effects of Cold War fuckery, Central America/Mexico.
And either nation deserves to be fully flooded with refugees of both.
On the other hand, Britain fully belongs in Hell
So you're a fucking racist. Non White countries have waged more destructive wars. And are far more racist, sexist and deserving to be "annihilated".
And I did not chose to live with you. YOU chose to come here crybaby.
Yet you would choose to live there. Go fucking live in a third world shithole hypocrite.
I am my friend.
I'm proud we blew your ass out in Nam
All we do is hurt your feelings, we don't do damage.
You don't want your feelings hurt, stop fucking shit up.
Britain? Hell fucking no I wouldn't.
Yet they would never live in those nations or want them in their neighborhoods/
Neither would you, because you're a liberal
So go live in Nam asshole. Better change of getting a date. I didn't fuck anything up.
I'm not a "liberal'. Thanks.
You said you're not a liberal but you believe in individuality.
My sides
Because it forces ignorant people to see that tribalism is bullshit and rather see the similarities that they have with people from other places. This is beneficial because when people don't see these similarities, they get manipulated into thinking "All mexicans are my enemy!" and "All muslims want to come here to blow things up!" and become the close minded pawns that elect people who run campaigns off of these fears
Those feelings and prejudices have existed for thousands of years. It's dam near impossible to extinguish thousands of years of development and evolution with a handshake and smile.
Plus, what if someone is totally ambivalent towards other races; she doesn't hate them nor think they are better. This person doesn't care if she it's right or wrong, and if it doesn't benefit to change this ideology then what's the point? It's just wasted energy for virtually no gain.
We are genetically predisposed through trillions of years of biological objective evolution to hate mexicans because the US Government has been going through elections for decades on that platform.
In fact, Mexicans have lived for trillions of years, it's just facts.
The white race is clearly inferior.
Yeah but those prejudices that existed thousands of years ago born in conflicts over things that are insignificant now, like resources and religion.
Then cool. That's the goal, to not care that your neighbor is from a different culture than you. Multiculturalism isn't about FORCING a society where there are people from every culture, it's just about having a society that can function where people aren't calling the cops on someone who's walking their dog by your house just because they have more melanin than you.
There seems to be a fine line, however, between prejudice (at it's most basic definition) and hatred. People who see a Mexican and sniff their noses or simply shake their heads are not practicing hatred; someone who sees a Mexican and gets angry and violent in action or thought, that would be a budding hatred.
Exactly. All I'm saying is not an excuse, but an explanation, not that I think anyone here needs one. People have been prejudiced whether they knew it or not for so long it's second nature. And even when some people say they've shaken that burden off, it is only physical.
There's nothing bad about it, but it shouldn't be something we set up quotas for. I hate white liberals who undermine minorities' struggles with their empty inclusion and all that shit. However, people being afraid of other cultures is one of the most reactionary, deadliest, spookiest things wrong with humanity. For example, illegal Mexican immigrants don't commit any more crime than native white Americans (and less stuck up and friendlier, but that's just my experience because I'm poor and most of my friends are Mexican). Nationalism and racism are the driving forces behind collective opposition to multiculturalism, and we both know how those things turn out; but liberalism and fake solutions to class struggle and racism are where you hear "multiculturalism" come from most of the time. I'm not some centrist "le truth is in the middle guy", I think we need to get rid of these collective identities and help oppressed groups fight. Culture and race are spooks, we need friendship and solidarity.
isn't that a spook too?
If you see it at a sacred thing rather than practical mutual aid it can be.