I know that theres some ignorance and pure ideology about geneticshere, hopefully if you all read as much that will change in time.
But how can you deny neurochemistry. The changes in the parts of related species to humans are small but the results are profound.
Last thread about brains got sagelocked, will this one be too, mods when you read a report about this consider that hurt feelings aren't a reason for any kind of censorship.
Do Holla Forums regulars deny neurochemistry too?
Other urls found in this thread:
Since the last common ancestor shared by modern humans, chimpanzees and bonobos, the lineage leading to Homo sapiens has undergone a substantial change in brain size and organization. As a result, modern humans display striking differences from the living apes in the realm of cognition and linguistic expression. In this article, we review the evolutionary changes that occurred in the descent of Homo sapiens by reconstructing the neural and cognitive traits that would have characterized the last common ancestor and comparing these with the modern human condition. The last common ancestor can be reconstructed to have had a brain of approximately 300–400 g that displayed several unique phylogenetic specializations of development, anatomical organization, and biochemical function. These neuroanatomical substrates contributed to the enhancement of behavioral flexibility and social cognition. With this evolutionary history as precursor, the modern human mind may be conceived as a mosaic of traits inherited from a common ancestry with our close relatives, along with the addition of evolutionary specializations within particular domains. These modern human-specific cognitive and linguistic adaptations appear to be correlated with enlargement of the neocortex and related structures. Accompanying this general neocortical expansion, certain higher-order unimodal and multimodal cortical areas have grown disproportionately relative to primary cortical areas. Anatomical and molecular changes have also been identified that might relate to the greater metabolic demand and enhanced synaptic plasticity of modern human brain's. Finally, the unique brain growth trajectory of modern humans has made a significant contribution to our species’ cognitive and linguistic abilities.
The Interleukin 3 Gene (IL3) Contributes to Human Brain Volume Variation by Regulating Proliferation and Survival of Neural Progenitors
One of the most significant evolutionary changes underlying the highly developed cognitive abilities of humans is the greatly enlarged brain volume. In addition to being far greater than in most other species, the volume of the human brain exhibits extensive variation and distinct sexual dimorphism in the general population. However, little is known about the genetic mechanisms underlying normal variation as well as the observed sex difference in human brain volume. Here we show that interleukin-3 (IL3) is strongly associated with brain volume variation in four genetically divergent populations. We identified a sequence polymorphism (rs31480) in the IL3 promoter which alters the expression of IL3 by affecting the binding affinity of transcription factor SP1. Further analysis indicated that IL3 and its receptors are continuously expressed in the developing mouse brain, reaching highest levels at postnatal day 1–4. Furthermore, we found IL3 receptor alpha (IL3RA) was mainly expressed in neural progenitors and neurons, and IL3 could promote proliferation and survival of the neural progenitors. The expression level of IL3 thus played pivotal roles in the expansion and maintenance of the neural progenitor pool and the number of surviving neurons. Moreover, we found that IL3 activated both estrogen receptors, but estrogen didn’t directly regulate the expression of IL3. Our results demonstrate that genetic variation in the IL3 promoter regulates human brain volume and reveals novel roles of IL3 in regulating brain development
I studied cognitive sciences for a few years at uni, so no, I don't "deny neurochemistry", whatever that means, but I fail to see how it's relevant to leftism.
ITT: OP basely denies that human infants are born as more or less blank slates and that so called "racial differences" are due to socialization because it hurts their feefees
le gr8 discussion of previous generations
really made me consider
Anyways is this all being done by one poster cause we've had more of this sort of shit recently than usual. How bout you explain what this has to do with communism or GTFO
forgot 2 sage :(
What have you done today to kill off whitey, Holla Forums?
I triggered one to death on leftypol
As relevant as climate is to leftism.
As relevant as astronomy is to leftism.
At least read the first chapter of the book shown to you.
That wasn't the argument. Genetics are at the base of what is possible to be influenced by genetics. You don't get to grow xray vision or the ability to fly because of your environment.
I don't post on this topic much because it is exhausting talking to the few posters who are pure ideology.
It has to do with communism because communism attempts to erase all culture, family, tradition, "spooks" .
Spooks don't need to be erased, only controlled. They can not be erased because they are in our makeup.
Okay, but how the two papers shared by OP are relevant ?
The first one basically says "hey, we can find in other primates behaviors similar to humans, I guess Darwin had a point"
The second one talks about a gene who plays a role in brain development and schizophrenia.
I don't see the link between these papers and leftism. What there is to discuss or debate ?
Treating every human being as a viable receiver of the exact same socialism, right now, in this decade/century.
This does not work if the environments are different and it does not work if the human bodies are different.
Every behaviour attritubed to "neurochemistry" used to defend your right-wing drivel has its direct opposite that proves your initial claim wrong
Gg faggot
I've not told you what I think or what my politics are.
Suggesting you know, even as a mod that could read all my posts together, is fallacious at best.
Tell me then, so ican fully pro e you wrong
What ? Socialism is just a way of organizing the production and consumption of goods.
I could also ask you : in which way "treating every human being as a viable receiver of the exact same capitalism", or for instance, any kind of other way to structure human societies, is better ?
And, besides, none of these papers are related to your statement.
Oh look it's the 'Steven Pinker argues against a position nobody has seriously held since the 19th century and claims he's debunking marxist academia' book.
Fuck off tbh
Your posting style makes it appear like you do not care about the discussion whatsoever.
All kinds of capitalism are fatal to the receivers.
Well you can deflect the fact that your ideology is flawed if you want
No one has sad marxism is wrong in this thread (before your post).
This thread isn't about ideology. Only to reinspect any ideologies that are inherently flawed if this science is taken into account. For example forcing all humans to obey a single leader, democratically elected or not.
I was referring to the book in the OP
Do a few sentences trigger you?
I provided a parragrapgh that shows how right-wingers are the ones ignoring neurochemistry here
The only ignorance and cluelessness comes fro the idealists
Why, exactly do we care?
People only bring up biology in political theory so they can avoid defending arguments by their own merits.
Only the first paper is loosely related to that.
We aren't all Maoists. And culture isn't a static thing at all. Human culture have evolved through the ages.
Beethoven is famous because he was a breakthrough in culture for example, he created a different music from what was conceived at the time. And then, subsequently, his art was integrated in the European culture.
Yeah, they are a few anons here who say that family shouldn't exist and communities will educate children altogether, but I think primal parental instincts would be too hard to override. Leftists don't all agree on everything.
But in the development of children, there is a institution where the community at large take care of them and educate them, without their parents, it's called a "school"
Tradition is just old culture that survived.
I don't think we should forget traditional songs because traditional music is pretty good (and also more proletarian than bourgeois classical music btw, but both are cool because they are music, and music is cool), and there are plenty of traditions which are good in the context of food-making, etc.
But way too often, tradition is a meme used by reactionary parties for advertising purposes.
And some "traditions" (i.e. reactionary politics) are just counterproductive, especially the ones against gays and shit like that. That kind of tradition killed Alan Turing for example, who contributed more to the advancement of the human species than anyone in this thread. And as I said earlier, culture isn't a static thing.
Spooks are a meme.
What do right wingers have to do with this thread? You were the first and continue bringing them up.
Yes I speak spanish and english because ofmy genes, i was born with the ability to speak those languages
They were not taught to me in school
Top kek
public education is a failure
Right wingers incorrectly belive in using things like "neurochemistry" to defend their idealists positions
We are talking about ideas.
Ironic with that image that you then talk about people.
public education is a failure
Go start another thread about that and make that your topic.
Are you inebriated? Your posts are making less sense as you go on and it is perplexing that your spellcheck is inactivated.
This thread is about people denying "neurochemistry"
Dontseehow am i offtopic
Not an argument - molyneux
Yes, but culture isn't one of them.
I mean, the ability to create a culture does, but culture in itself doesn't.
Like I said, we have a predisposition to create spooks, because they allow us to structure our life, but spooks in themselves are created by genetics.
What a well-thought and mindblowing rebutal of all my arguments. I'm seriously speechless, you win.
But, no, if anything, European public education is better as the whole than American education, which is mostly private and benefit only to the elites.
aren't created by genetics*
my bad
sage for Holla Forumscuck asshurt
You told us what right wingers do.
That is not the topic of this thread.
it is also not an argument to say something that is obviously wrong; then answering a completely different question with your conclusion. That is a type of strawman.
It is, since OP claimed that the left engages in philosophical idealism
The left uses materialism, the right wing does not
God what an embarrassing thread and what an embarrassing OP
If creatng or copying a culture is genetic, then culture is genetic.
What did Isay that was obviousl y wrong?
The discussion here is not about the right wing. If you want to discuss right wingers make another thread.
Yes, english is coded in your genes
In fact, if you were bornin japan, youwould be speaking english and not japanese
This is what really happens
Education that takes 12-16 years to put people in a work place who desire to work is flawed.
Off topic, make a separate thread.
This is so dumb that I'm grinding my teeth
What an insane irrefutable belief you have.
The discussion here is about the left wing, which is what I am talking about
Ability of doing something != that thing in itself
That you were born with ability to speak language.
Enough spam from you, reported.
But that's literally your argument, that culture is genetic.
And if culture is genetic, then you, a native English speaker I presume, would have learned English all by yourself, even if you were isolated in Siberia all your life.
And don't tell me that language isn't part of a culture. Please, don't tell me you are that retarded.
Except that culture happens to be the ability and method of doing things. So if the ability and method of doing things is genetic then so is the ability to create methods of doing things and the ability to copy the methods of doing things.
Part of something is not all of something.
You keep using strawman by misstating what you are replying to and then arguing against the thing that is misstated.
While you are born with the abilities needed to develop speqking, if you are not educqted and formed into it, you wont develop such skills
Seems like your genetic ideqlism keeps qnd keeps falling apart
Exceptthe ability and mthod of doing things is not genetic
See feral kids
I read the Blank Slate, OP and I think these gene-deniers and blank slatists are cancer, pretty much the leftist equivalent of people who believe in creationist science.
This tbh, people who think humans are predisposed to right-wing ideas are ultraretarded
Thanks, have any recommended reading? (with source pdf linked if possible)
I don't understand what you are trying to say.
If you proclaiming that a set S have a propriety P, but then say P doesn't apply to a subset of S, then P doesn't apply to S. You need to refine your claim to take the second proposition into account.
No, I genuinely don't understand what you are trying to convey by broad and imprecise statements like "culture is genetic"
If you are proclaiming that a set S has a propriety P*
1. OP isn't baseless as he's citing a book which talks about this entire topic you faggot.
2. Genetics does play a role in personality and behavior. Webm related. Unless of course you don't think certain types of genetics apply to humans.
No one claimed languages were genetic. Some things are nurture, some are nature. In fact I don't think there's actually any Holla Forumstards in here, this discussion started about gender differences a few threads ago. No one is saying black people are inferior or whatever crazy shit you keep strawmanning into other anons' posts. Honestly I think you're than anarchofemenist cunt flying a different flag today who keeps trying to derail any thread that triggers them.
Are you seriously comparing an entire different family of mammal to Hominids
Dumb bolshevik
Except a thing P is not a set of S this has not been proven or argued.
post is not claiming that no one is claiming culture is genetic
what it is claiming is that you have not proven the use of a particular language is part of culture nor that anyone agreed with you and said that using a particular language is culture
You've seriously got to be an extra special kind of stupid. The video demonstrates that behavior can be tied to genetics. If you want a human example: down syndrome.
I suppose next you'll tell me we didn't evolve from apes because only micro evolution exists and not macro evolution.
No actually I didn't read every single post in the thread so I thought the "culture is genetic" argument came out of nowhere.
Its right there, on the first sentence
The use of certain languge is part of a culture, dont know how you could claim otherwise
Several gentic disorders, such as cqncrs and malformations are caused by material conditions like radioactivity, thus the logical conclusion is that the environment modifies behaviour, through genetics
Do you seriously think the German culture doesn't include the German language ? Currywurst and Goethe, but not their language ?
You are fucking retarded, there is no point in arguing with you.
Genes are material, not abstract concepts.
Yes, most forms of life can react to changes in their environment, that's what behavior is.
So genetics caused a change in behavior. It doesn't matter what caused the mutation, the mutation is what causes the behavior change. So it was still genetics and not the environment.
If you're going to be a pedantic fuckwit you might as well make it short and say the big bang caused everything so human differences are ultimately the result of the birth of the universe.
They're not tho.
From what I can gather, somebody ITT unironically said or suggested that culture is part of genetics? If that's the case, then an American child born and raised in Russia, with no contact of American culture, will become culturally American when they are fully grown? If you honestly believe that, please stop using technology and go into the backwoods and leave the rest of the world alone, because you have hit the maximum level of dumbfuckery this planet will ever see and I'd rather not have my family, friends, community and comrades endangered by your driving.
And to add onto that, I live in Idaho where some people unironically believe that Butch Otter is a communist
Yes, the problem is people assign special characteristic to genes, almost fetishizing them
It absolutely does, as without it there would be no mutation, without changes in the environment natural selection would not occur, so are you saying the theory of evolution does not account for mqterial conditions? Fish decided to have gills because they like the look and not because of materialism?
If the changes in the genes are causes for changes in the humans function then genes are the causes for human function.
Except we know that material circumstances affect genes and their expression, such as stress for example.
It's surprising there aren't more flat earthers here.
Go to bed, Rebel
Well yes, it's like "quantum mechanics" or "magnets", people take actual scientific concepts and corrupt them with their bullshit. That doesn't mean that we can abandon a scientific fact just because some people use it to peddle nonsense though.
Again, you're being really fucking pedantic and missing the complete point of my argument. There are posters in Holla Forums who deny that genes can affect behavior (or at least in any significant manner), I have given several examples, and instead of attacking my direct argument all anyone is doing is trying to deal it glancing blows based on technicalities.
Yes, the environment can affect gene selection and yes, the environment can cause activation/regulation of genes as said. But that wasn't my fucking point. Genes can affect behavior. Full stop. If you need another example I present Lordosis behavior. I'm not some fucking Holla Forums poster saying white people are genetically superior or "white culture" is genetic, but I'm not some SJW retard who thinks all humans are blank slates at birth. Certain behaviors are innate and can be the result of several genes or just one, they can be activated internally (hunger) or by the environment (fight vs flight response) but they are still genetic results.
If you agree that genes can modify and determine behavior of an organism, including humans, then we are in agreement and there is nothing to keep arguing with me about.
Yes but if a gene or group of genes aren't there in the first place then environment will have zero effect on their expression.
Genes = potential
Environment = training
because gender is a social construct…but homosexuality is natural and you're born that way and don't ever question it you homophobes!
looks like Holla Forums got insanely ass hurt when someone questions their facetious ideology.
Nobody mentioned gender or homosexuality once in his shitty thread.
wtf I hate Holla Forums now
this* godammit
Also, how "gender is a social construct" even contradicts "homosexuality is natural" ? Homosexuality isn't a gender.
I don't give a fuck about all this shit, people can do want they want with their body as long as they aren't hurting anyone, but I just wanted to point out that you are retarded.
Genes are the medium, human function was changed by materialism
I never said humans come in a blank state, but whatever they are predisposed to do come from matrial conditions
Genes determining and modifying the behaviour of qn organism is incomplete, its the environment thqt changes the genetic make up
petty booj obsession with psychology is a dead-end
In a way it's a shame that Marx wrote Capital in the 1800s because a lot of leftists fetishize the "science" that was in vogue at the time and disregard the progression of knowledge since then.
t. Tankie
We need to get rid of redditors. Maybe that will help.
r/K selection doesn't real, OP.
Have you ever considered that there may be subjects that shouldn't be touched? That there may be knowledge that would harm Humanity in the long run, that could permanently hinder human agency and freedom?
People like you are responsible for the technofascist future we're headed towards.
I'm pretty sure that isn't the subject.
This board degraded fast. Why the fuck doesn't anyone care about science?
Psychoanalysist's do, probably because they want to have sex with their mothers.
Memes are spooks.
pls explain.
Psychopaths can perfectly simulate true believers, are ruthless and manipulative by nature, tend to thirst for power for its own sake. Throw in a bit of game theory and paranoia about muh counterrevolutionaries, and you get a Stalin. Every. Time.