Thoughts on this? Do you think it's a good insight into how liberal idpol has corrupted feminism and the US left?

Thoughts on this? Do you think it's a good insight into how liberal idpol has corrupted feminism and the US left?

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay let make it clear: I don't like the way about how feminism is these days (especially with the SJW faggotry), but I don't like it too when someone just decide to be a conservative because "it's not as good as before." Just stop comparing yourself with people who are more louder and annoying than you.

I support the author in their criticism of the postmodern trend of identity politics which propagates dangerous narratives, but I don't really get why you wouldn't want to call yourself a feminist in spite of it. In fact not doing so in my mind only gives reactionaries (which dominate the internet at least) more excuses to shit on all of it, good and bad. She really goes off the deep end towards the end of the article IMO. To ridicule and deny the issues brought up by this branch of "postmodern feminism" on the basis that the narrative which swirls around them is false is just plain wrong and reactionary, in my mind.

For example she brought up safe spaces and Rated PG Parental Guidances in that post of hers, constructing this strawman that feminists believe they should be used to protect against ideas. I really hate this style of arguing, it is not productive, not efficient and only serves to jerk your own ego. It's something you would find on Holla Forums or see on South Park.

You can still support the discussion around gender identities, safe spaces, intersectionality and all that without being irrational or succumbing to the postmodern narrative. I do, I would know.

Wtf I love feminism now

lmao at that pic

it's feminists who attack everything men do


Not trying to talk down to you, but since I can't recognize if you're being sarcastic or not: If that is news to you need to change the platforms through which you take in information. Sometimes I think all people consume are Holla Forums tier perspectives of feminism and have no idea what actual academic feminism debate is all about. Feminism seeks to bring about equality for all, that includes men. The mechanisms through which women get oppressed are the very same ones which oppress men or rather all humankind as well, they just manifest differently.

How is rejecting feminism "being a conservative?"

Nod ab argubend :DDD

I know what feminism is, I dont even visit Holla Forums

Anarcha-feminism > Marxist feminism > Liberal "feminism"

The author doesn't blame identity politics, she blames subjectivity for constantly changing the moral landscape.

how is it not?

But there are nothing wrong with lesbiansโ€ฆ


You know exactly what she meant by that statement, don't behind its veneer.

That's why you should never trust or even listen white feminists when you can avoid it. They usually just want to supplant the patriarchy with their own humanist version of it or just want a seat at the table so that they can lord over everyone else alongside their male counterparts.

Not really, there is nothing to suggest that she hasn't stopped being involved in idpol.

The only difference is that the ebin anti-feminism, anti-SJW crusade is all the rage on the internet now.

I've never met a feminist who acts differently.

Including you.

this is everyone who holds a strong conviction for any ideology though.


that's largely because you don't interact with many people in the first place

Like clockwork! Maybe I have talked to you before

Let me guess, next you'll imply (negatively, of course) that I'm not traditionally masculine, correct?

Not the guy you're talking with but you're obviously unlikeable

why do I expect any different from reactonaries?


I'm sure you aren't. Shouldn't you be out getting gangbanged by some reactionary fratboys right now? It is NYE after all.

So it's because people said mean things to you that you had to buy your "Male Tears" coffee mug?

lol, the term you're looking for is "egalitarianism".

No, it's not.

I think this should be a commentary on liberalism in general.
Liberals went from being the sexy rebel outlaw in the bush years, to the balding authoritarian principal in the obama years.
There is this elitism, this smugness, this arrogance, that only a liberal can conjure up.
And what do they fucking have to be smug about?
Okay, nixon gets elected at the hieght of the 60's and hippie movement.
Regan btfo democrats so hard the democrats have to adopt republican policies in order to win again.
George bush gets elected after the peaceful bill clinton 90's
Trump, oh my god, trump, trump had the entire establishment apparatus against him, just him against the world, the media, the liberals, his own party, celebrities, academics, other countries, fucking everyone.
And the democrats still lost.


When are they going to realize the right arent stupid because they have different political opinions.

After obama they thought they were going to be in power forever, they became full of themselves, but the republicans do not care about shame, the republicans are fucking chess masters compared to democrats.

I will admit that the women's center at my college was one of the few places I've seen acknowledge extreme physical standards for both men and women.

wew lad

The mistake many Americans do is to confuse the electorate for the elected officials. The voters on the American right are to a very large degree ignorant and just plain stupid, but the politicians who hold office more often than not know exactly what they're doing.

Correction, MOST voters are ignorant and just plain stupid, and their preferences largely do not matter at all until they reach the top 10% wealth percentile, which just so happens to be dominated with assmad professional liberal babies who think their diploma mill tier degree actually made them intelligent.


This. Just look at all the Hillary voters who thought that a vote for her was a vote for peace.

How old are you?

Stephen Colbert at white house correspondent's dinner was hot fire. Look at him now.

Bretty gud read OP, thanks for sharing.


There's a lot wrong with Americans though.

You see, I think Americans have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe Americans have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking American. The Beatles were so fucking Americanized they let Ringo sing a few tunes.

400 replies guaranteed

Main part I agree with is on Islam.

I just can't understand feminists and liberals defending Islam. Islam is like all the fucking worst aspects of Abraham religions rolled up into a package and injected with fucktonnes of reactionary steroids. It's a shitty, authoritarian, regressive ideology and a shitty religion even by religious standards.

There is one thing right wingers have right, is that Christianity is simply the best Abrahamic religion, while I disdain organized Christianity, it cannot be noted enough that at it's core, Jesus was a Communist and ideologically Christianity basically goes "YOLO do whatever the fuck you want". I don't think it's coincidence that humanist ideals and enlightenment came from Christianity.

Also, just the bullshit "Religion of Peace" nonsense, fuck off. Islam was founded on genocide and imperialism, the Quran is filled with genocide and imperialism. Religion of peace my ass.

When did dicksucking reactionary religions become a core element of leftism?

How plebeian.

They're racists. The "smarter" blame everything on Western Imperialism, which obviously was and is a massive cancer in the Middle East, but then cynically viewing the reaction as a savage people totally lacking agency, totally molded by their circumstances. They preach an inconsistent cultural relativism that already prejudges other cultures and assumes the Eurocentric view, that is, "relativism is good", when OTHER CULTURES do not hold to relativism.

Ummah is more radical than anything in Christianity, and islam's warlike qualities make it a progressive not a reactionary force.

bourgeois pls go

Scapegoating of domestic muslim civilians has forced the left to "protect them" as such.

Naturally, the left being what it is can't do this with much nuance.

We wouldn't want those potential future historians to think badly of our choice of sides of history, how hypothetically embarrassing.

Bringing the US empire to its knees and destroying western liberalism, feminism and individualism is good progress, if islam was so bad why would the yanks put so much money into isis and al qaeda in order to destroy it

top kek

Marxist Revolution cannot occur within patriarchal society because patriarchal society is presumptive of hierarchical relationships.

May i introduce you to a little something called operation gladio.

And, the strategy of tension

Now, after you read about all that, realize, they never stopped doing it, and instead of funding facism, they now fund terrorism


Enhancing class conflict, Marxism from above, I keep telling you idiots but you won't listen.

Because the US doesn't want to destroy Islam. It wants to keep it's balance of power in the world by keeping Pan-Arab sentiment down and dividing the middle east along ethnic and religions lines so they stay at eachothers throats allowing the US to play them off eachother.

Imagine if the middle east formed a pan-arabic/persian bloc. Energy security for the west would be fucked.

if the feminist revolution ever happens im going to sit every human being on earth down and read intercourse cover to cover until they actually get what dworkin was trying to say through their thick fucking skulls.

leftist men are pathetic, honestly.
anything that doesnt fit your power fantast vision of marxism you unilaterally reject. if the discourse gets too complicated for you you resort to memes.


This, but Solanas.

Nice b8, at least I actually want to liberate women, rather then trap them in a disempowering cult of victimhood while importing actual mysogynsts cos porkie told me to.

"at least i want to actually liberate the worker instead of trapping them into a cult of victimhood"

you see how meaningless your argument is? "at least im not the bad kind of feminist". the "bad" kind of feminist takes her questioning of patriarchy to the point of explicit male discomfort, and in my opinion, that is where we should always be.

So you admit you're just a pure antagonist with a complex about men due to your own personal traumas and issues, which you have conflated with a grand conspirational structure aligned against you, and think shitposting at individuals will somehow alter the cultural structure, rather than this just being the exact way a reactionary cult recruits: by targeting the vulnerable and finding a scapegoat, then ramping up the dissonance so the pathology is inescapable. You're generally protecting a neolib/neocon war machine structure which has absolutely destroyed women's rights in parts of the Middle East, you'd most likely support the continuation of US backed fighters who use rape as a tool of war, who bomb women and girls into ashes, just because you think Trump is a gross pig and it sets an icky standard or some other superficial trivialization based on specious (at best) social psychology, and rambling, incoherent theory, and most of all, your own conditioned narcissistic inability to genuinely care about problems that do not directly affect you, while being a likely apologist for Islamic subjugation? Nice """feminism""".

nice assumptions. im not going to waste my time debunking that textbook example of gish galloping.

still dont know why libfems promote the idea that men and women are equals. women actually listen.


What does it matter what your personal beliefs are? I'm talking about the culture of your whole movement, and what it really is. You talk about "libfems" as if you're not one of them. I hate to break it to you, but you are, just an extreme variety, no matter what anti-capitalist rhetoric you find yourself repeating.

You've made assumptions about me as well, so who gives a shit? btw, I don't like libfems either. You're all "liberals" (prog-fascists) to me. I do like radfem's unflinching approach to the porn industry tho, at least they tend to be consistent, rather than riddled with disgusting hypocrisies.

I want everyone in this thread to die soon.

Even the first post?

You're fine

and with zero fucking irony.

That's not how you spell board.

no offense but you really seem unhappy with yourself, every time I see your trip you're being upset with something or are straight out stating how full of frustration you are. It's still Holla Forums, 75% if not more of the users here are horrible as human beings, that's the sad truth of it, it's in general quite unfruitful to visit here and you should never do it if you're feeling just as horrible as the rest. It'll only lead you further down the rabbit hole of depression

take some time off from online life and meditate a bit on it

Why don't you eat my ass bitch

I hope you're better soon, I honestly mean that

Why AnFam? Because I actually care about women? I want them to be helped, I want to fix issues that cause these problems, like relationship abuse, with real solutions not pie in the sky aimless trolling. Real solutions are always shut down though. Feminism still is a worthwhile voice in the West, I don't want to silence it at all, but it's been totally coopted and commodified and turned into part of the war shilling machine and it hurts women as well as men. I only am this vicious about it here as user boards are the last bastion of reals > feels on the internet, free from social pressure. Anyone here should be able to take it, or leave.

I don't matter, what I believe in myself, and who and what I am personally doesn't matter, neither do you, in the scheme of things. Politics is about more than the self and the self only. It's bigger than either of us. If it upsets you to hear me speak frankly about mental illness then maybe consider another forum. The discourse comes above any personal considerations, here of all places.

Condescension from an Holla Forums poster doesn't work.

You care about feminism too god damn much like every other autismal rando on the internet who thinks his political voice is special because its rational.

Thank you for leaving the trip on.

"rational feminism" is code for "feminism established within patriarchal boundaries".

idk why this asshole (not you) keeps making baseless assumptions about me, but the fact that hes not doing the same to anyone else sucks.

Could you BE any more liberal? Slang me some bars and maybe i'll chill the fuck out plz. I don't care about how the other autistic faggots make me look. I care about the catastrophic trajectory the world is currently on.

you know im an anarcha feminist too, right?
why do you keep making up bullshit about me? initially i was teetering on you being a troll, but now i think you may be sincere.


Can you? You're not original and your criticisms of radical and dialectical feminism is empty. It is the same shit by the same ex-atheist community gamer gate "intellectuals" who have never been on a college campus and yet decidedly declared themselves intelligent and capable of debate.

You're everything terrible about the internet and I want you to kill yourself.

your exchange amuses me, please go on

im sorry, when i am trying to have a real discourse and the other party starts making up lies about me im inclined to question it.

Welcome to the internet you dumb bitch


None of you are employed anyways. None of you want to be employed anyways.

wanna be friends?
the only thing i disagree with is that college is essential for intellectual status.
otherwise i like ur praxis


shitposters unite



This is asshurt spam at this point. Can mods ban this joker please?


i sincerely hope we continue to irritate you.

lets exchange emails plz

cry more. this isn't your board

You're as hypocritical as this bitch

Spam is actually a bannable offense sw33t13


cry more

Bitching about the Titanic hahahaha

No if it's spam it is spam

but i really want to be friends w you.



Tough shit.



Not an argument


Y'all need Jesus

fascism ultimately wins over communism within patriarchal culture with its reaffirming of justice for the inevitable male humiliation cause by the marxist critique of the nuclear family.

remember this as your revolution crashes and burns.

why do these images trigger you so badly?



It's the spam.

Look who's talking

all your posts are spam. your very presence on this board is unwelcome


That's not true though. It's not spam. For someone saying I'm triggered you sure are triggered

Me on the left

MY internet, honey. I'm not the autist spamming pictures btw.

Hahaha, no. You're the literal fascist, btw. If you could do more than repeat trite truisms as gotchas to these mouthbreathing, dickless autists you'd maybe consider looking into historical fascism in bourgeois society (of which you are one arm of the current vanguard).

Speak for yourself, friendo.

what a shock

I'm all for the shitposting but getting mad at spam is just silly. You aren't silly are you user?

This board literally means nothing everyone is on twitter

heres my email, drop me a line



You're one of those retards that bitches about social media stealing memes lmao

Guess again. I don't give a fuck about inherently disposable pop culture ephemera, unlike SOME people here


This board still doesn't really matter.

It's worth mentioning that I'm attracted to people who have opposing political views.

Didn't even notice my trip was off my mistake :v)

Alright, Holla Forums.

I'm not Holla Forums, but you are

i guess you enjoy getting cucked too

I'm getting soft about you now aww

Look we can argue all day about who's more pol (it's you), or

Actually I don't have a better way to spend my time

The one time you're right.

I'm ALWAYS right, it irritates you doesn't it? :^)

this discussion is a prime example for how low self esteem manifests in different personalities

Wow thanks for the psychoanalysis doc, but I believe I mop the floor with everyone here on that front, right AnFam?

Jesus christ

Here's an email. Hit me up sometime if you ever wannaโ€ฆ debate.

No, seriously.

Hahaha. Ok I'm done.

wtf dude

I just sent you a very interesting offer from an african prince.

is it anfem's time of the month? She seems extra psychotic today.


It's literally the Golden Age of Tech, you neckbeard shit lords just don't know how to get clear.

I read both of these articles.

What I came away from is that New York is a hellhole that should be nuked.

Osama did nothing wrong.

Feminism needs to change.
Less focus on gender equality, more focus on the benefits of gender differences.

Women have talents that have not been unleashed, there may be some forms of function in society they work best with other than housewivery.
They have different brains. Something tells me they will not do well with computers. They need to think about what they can do as women again. Otherwise they'll be forced into jobs they struggle with or hate.

Embrace the gender differences, don't destroy it.

They have a knack for psychology. But men need to trust them.
Women need to win back that trust by admitting that Clinton was cancer to all women and that feminist subversion has had a crippling effect on societies.

Women let their feelings get too involved - think!
My sister hates those sorts of women, she ends up doing most of their work because they are lazy thinkers.

Was a meme magician.

The painful thing about Cultural Appropriation is that it is actually a real issue, but Social Justice types completely trivialize it by ignoring the real problems and instead focusing on fashion shaming hipsters at festivals and white people wearing Dreads.

Real cultural appropriation is where anglo capitalist culture basically subjugates other cultures into shallow commodities and forces them to serve capitalist Anglo interests as nothing more than a commodity.

For example, how for example you get immigrants thrown all into some ghetto, but after a while, that ghetto gets some good ethnic restaunts and suddenly becomes a "cool hip place with good food!" so all the white yuppies move in and crush the local culture while keeping only the "cool" stuff, the food and some of the aesthetics.

Another issue as someone who literally runs multi-day festivals filled with hippy new age types is that these people are hilariously anti-intellectual and seriously view other cultures as nothing more than what they are seen as in Disney films. They take other cultures, turn them into fucking cartoons, then talk about how "enlightened they are". This again is cultural appropriation and far more insidious than the OMG DREADLOCKS ON A WHITE GUY!!!, yet completely ignored by these Social justice types.

Capitalism is the biggest driving force behind cultural appropriation, yet try bring up Capitalism and class to these idiots and suddenly your just a "distracting from the hear and now!"

Feminism by definition is focused primarily on women's issues. Areas where men are disadvantaged are not their primary concern which is reflected in a significant proportion of feminist movements.

Egalitarianism on the other hand sees male and female issues as equally important.

But obfuscates the nature of "men's" and "women's" oppression and the inequality between the two instead reducing it to a comfortable liberal platitude of "we're both oppressed in different in ways lets leave it at that :๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€)".

Liberal feminism is garbage. The modern feminist movement is garbage and only reasserts the dominance of capital. That said the resulting "anti-feminism" is no different and only demonstrates are total ignorance of the changes in the feminist movement and the historical importance of marxist feminist thinkers.

and lol fucking filter turned my obnoxious smiley into 4 leaf clovers.

Why yes, According to feminism I can be a patriarchal serial rapist that actively oppresses 50% of the worlds population

What the hell happened in this thread? Why did many posts get deleted?

i'd guess it's because feminism threads bring out the butthurt autism

Trigglypuff hates any criticism of feminism.

And feminism is female supremacy. You'll find it if you look through their literature long enough. They claim to hate war yet they love poems about female warriors. The whole talk about Hillary Clinton being "experienced" and "qualified" was code for how she would be a better military commander than Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.