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Da, you stupid americans didn't even know i hacked all the paper ballots
The communist education system encouraged STEM
How were there more than 6 million?
It is. You can't prove me wrong can you?
There are dozen of videos on youtube of people literally going scene by scene debunking all 50 or so lies in the original film. I wonder how fast the sequel will be ripped to shreds.
Stay cozy Pepe
They also know their viewership comes from old people, so they air medicine commercials.
Based Jewish waifu
I look at Western European and American cities
There are no words for this stupidity
Funny though how 'conservatives' so quickly forget the moronic evangelical southern baptist when passing judgement on others though.
Greeks died out when Byzantium collapsed , you're literally just an Island Turk
Having said that, I fucking love kick the shit out of Antifa. That's always a nice thing to see.
And dafties.
they are drain it with nukes
Yes, I did more than post on an image board.
Darwinism and evolutionary game theory, but also applied to memes.
Well at least this kike knew he would be president
can we shut it down because it's offensive towards straight males?
They were forced to move their products at a loss (and to great gain for the Southerners). The Northern factory owners started crying and throwing fits. "But Mr. Congressman! Those dirty stupid Southerners want to buy spades and shovels for $4 from England instead of paying me $8 for the same one! make it stop!"
So, Congress says "Hey, let's pass a ridiculous tariff and support our local sucky factories. Forget the South. They have money." The South doesn't like this. they would much rather that the North put out good products than have to pay more. Too bad. Due to the bigger population in the North this ridiculous tariff passes in the House of Represenetives. So now, the Southern farmers have to pay $8 for a Northern spade or $12 for a British one. At this point, they feel like they're being taxed unfairly, so they say "Look. States should be able to decide this kind of stuff, not the federal government." The federal government says "Screw you, give me money." The South then tthreatens to secede. Elections happen. One candidate is sympathetic to the South, the other isn't. You know who wins.
Therefore the South says "Forget this, we're out." At this point, the North is screwed and they know it. They can't survive without the South. That's where all the money is coming from (Southerners are the only buyers of their bad spades, since Britain is still selling theirs for $4 a pop to get rid of their excess). They know that if the South leaves the Union, they can't force them to buy their goods, and then the economy is going to flip.
The Confederacy is formed and the Civil War begins.
Literally until every Russian has been dead for a hundred years. It's all the kikes have left.
we all know, they can't get independence if they claim that they must go back to Spain. that's all the Gibraltar thing
That's not going to "destroy" him nor stop him from taking office.
Russian chan culture is dead. Thats why we have so many ru posters here and on kraut
IDGAF as long as you don't infring upon another person.
Look closer. She's already exhibiting facial features that show a genetic influence from Eurasian ancestors. Probably scandi.
Sorry not sorry to burst your bubble, leaf.
Every nation favors one candidate over the other, in every other nations' elections.
I lived in the rust belt.
Walmart is shit.
Factories can be okay. More money duh.
Foster Campbell can barely string a sentence together, who the fuck on earth would vote for him?
So she's basically saying that a black president oppresses blacks as much as a fascist. Neat.
Yes, she's an idiot. She meant to say oppression.
Trap? I don't really remember the comic
You honestly thought he wouldn't block you?
Fake news'n press?
People should be allowed to do what they want as long as they don't reduce the quality of life of others.
DEFCON: Everybody Dies
It's far from being a simulator, but I think it covers certain aspects of nuclear war very well.
Is she a Zionist?
Okay, you got me. I remember a roach used to make these threads everyday. He's probably dead by now, though.
ill take that as a comment. thank you.
Wait a minute, this thread isn't as full as I thought it was!