How do we convert 8/pol/ into a leftist haven?

what are your strategies in getting these fascist down on their knees?

how do we conquer them.

You don't, there's no point attacking the fash in their stronghold, at least unless we had superior numbers. Fight Holla Forums's invasion of Holla Forums instead; ignore their bait.

i don't even want a leftist haven if 8ch could go back to how it was in 2014/early 2015 i'd be happy

Weird, it's almost like communists consistently lose arguments once they can't censor everyone.

We need do no such things. The ones that aren't delusional will come around. You cannot deny reality forever.

Well it's a good thing not all of us are communists then. :^3

Why would we want to shit up the board with your garbage post?

Yeah whew, because those images were totally destroying Marxist philosophy. Good thing the mods banned you for that post– it might have actually persuaded someone away from our cult– Uh I mean image board!

Weird that you got banned for that. Most of the time the mods are really lenient about shitposting like that.

Lmao how pathethic can leftypol be?

wow you really are retarded

2014 called, they want your claims that Holla Forums is about free speech back.

You cannot. You willed be hanged in the streets like the dogs you are long before you make any worthwhile progress towards your false goal of idiocy.

That's their containment board idiot

Not ever going to happen.
It's pointless.

Stop being such a excellent asshole then.

We already have one of those. We do not need another on the same website.



IDK, they seem unreceptive to drugs, pornography and subversive media. This is becoming a real problen for us.

Before Holla Forumsacks started injecting every single fucking thread on every single fucking board with politics? Yeah, that'd be great.

I'm guessing the concept of irony is way over your head.

You wouldn't happen to be autistic, right?

Start by restoring the DNC into something that isn't hypocritical and anti-western and you might get people to listen again. My whole family used to be Democratic but 2016 either turned us Republican or we didn't vote after the bullshit and corruption.

A lot of times you misinterpret Holla Forums themed shitposting as "injecting politics into a thread." Obviously, this is their haven, so the culture on most boards is influenced by their language. I'm sure there are many non political people on a board like Holla Forums who might say something like "x is being a jew again" without it being a political statement, it's just shitposting in the language of the board. Of course, most of them probably are fascists, but not every comment you see that borrows Holla Forums language is political.

You never will. On a completely unrelated note they seemed very, very bothered by TRS shilling. I hope no-one here gets involved……

But it is political. It has obvious political undertones. It has an obvious political message. Just because it's memes doesn't mean it's not legitimately fascist propaganda. Fucking everything is political cmon.

this is from three days ago but those memes are shitty and old, plus you were literally looking for it

nahhhhh. I mean I'm fine with people calling other people fags and saying x is being a jew again or something, but I've legit seen people regularly sperg out about black people and cucks and shit pretty regularly on boards that shouldn't be at all nazi-related.

nazis are to the chans what new atheists are to reddit and that sort. Just constantly shoe-horning their bullshit into every possible conversation. They're too autistic not to.

this is true but what's the point? would you say the same if Holla Forums memes gained steam and people on Holla Forums were saying stuff like "capcom being porkies again"? yes, you're right in that a lot of people making cuck jokes at this point aren't actually fascists, but they are nonetheless spouting fascist ideology disguised as memes, Holla Forums effectively infected the whole site

it's almost like the loudest, most obnoxious, most uneducated group of people will inevitably flood any given community given the chance. That's happened here quite often actually because the mods here used to be pretty lenient to b8 posts.

These sorts of problems can only be solved with common-sense moderation that filters out tired meme-arguments. There is no shortage of nazis who come here with shitty images like those (likely those exact images in fact) thinking "I've finally debunked communizm. those libtards sure will be sorry. BTFOOOOOOOO XDXDXD." After a while, there's just no point to dealing with these same retarded arguments yet again.

You're kidding right?

good meme lad gooood meme

I have a qt fascist buddy that spends a lot of time on his knees, if you get me.

On an individual level, hitem with a big stick. On a more organized level, essentially, hitem with alot of big sticks.


Get the meat hooks boys!
I smell fascists

The fasces

Got banned from 8/pol/ for saying I was voting for Hillary pls no ban

First we clean up the left here (No anarchists,left coms or stirnerfags)

Second We wait for Trump to fail,point at them and give them answers to why

Third We infiltrate them and push the turd positionist meme

Beat them with their own sticks.

There's only a few of them, taking them out…with antifa…could be viable.

I mean some of them are okay, so we should warn them before hand but the rest will be culled

Nah, we totally can convert them - gradually. I think it's entirely possible, and easier to sway than 4/pol/ even.

Here's why: 4/pol/ is bigger than 8/pol/, and has a more diverse range of views. 8/pol/ is entirely based on herd-mentality; the views held there are more uniform than on 4/pol/, dissent is punished more, and individuals hold their views because they believe them to be the views held by the majority of the 8/pol/ community. They do not think for themselves. 4/pol/ is obviously similar, but the tendency to group-think is less extreme.

The important thing in this is that individuals hold their views because they believe them to be the views held by the majority of the 8/pol/ community. To convince an individual on 8/pol/ of an idea, you essentially have to convince them that the majority on 8/pol/ thinks it too.

I think this is our ticket in.

Find a way to reassert the "poor" and working classes place as the most disenfranchised "identity" Further find new ways to bridge the problems of the poor and the working class to other identities. Mean while in well meaning ways be critical of other competing identities but "concern troll" and nag them like they nagged everyone else into caring about their pet issue.

Make trans seem as Burgzee as it is. Criticize gays and women for not helping the poor more. Make non-white races feel guilty for focusing on inward issues and tell them to start worrying about economic mobilization issues.

Make social climbers a target for moral harassment and "representation" hacks seem as cretinous and vile as they are. This worked against Hillary it can happen again.

DEMONIZE WEALTH AND TIE IDENTITY ISSUES TO WEALTHY CAUSES. Don't be a crotchety Stirnerite. This board is anti-morality the rest of the world isn't and morality is still largely on the lefts side in terms of the poor being seen as good and in need of care.

The left needs more slogans and I don't just mean that in terms of this issue. We need things we can repeat and scream in the streets to get to the heart of issues like this. 1% and 99% cut through the bullshit for a while and now we need something new.