How does this guy still have a partnership?
How does this guy still have a partnership?
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I want to be Jason Unruhe
I'm sorry.
alri jason
Capitalism gives partnerships to people who want the third world to unite into a maoist hegemon and invade the united states.
Meanwhile they make unpersons of those who say nigger.
How does this compute in leftypology? Repressive tolerance? 32425235235d chess?
Uruhe is a beast, he destroyed that liberal
Epic pwnage!
If Unruhe is a legitimate third worldist, why doesn't he dedicate most of his time and resources to making videos about the third world proletariat, rather than Sargon-esque vids attacking SJWs and idpol? How many Indian or Bangladeshi women in sweatshops give two shits about what the dreaded first worldists are doing? He really should go back to making vids about imperialism.
No you don't.
Because third worldists love to fetishize those poor oppressed POC but only care about them superficially.
Paying Unrhue to make an ass of himself and de facto forbidding certain hurtful words both have precisely the same effect: they create useless divisions between people who otherwise have a common interest.
Still sucking his own dick, I see.
I see, all divisions that aren't how they should be in leftypology can be explained by conspiring actors whose every action is designed to prevent them from coming true.
The conspiracy is not in what is presented to the public, it is in what is not presented.
The problem is that because of the ideological division between idpol and leftism the two groups are diverging in their interests and where they put their energies and what they're advocating for. Many liberals on the so-called American left are idpol liberals and economic neoliberals. They are indifferent to economic socialism and marxist revolutionary measures. By conflating them with the "left" it muddies the waters with respect to what true leftists actually believe and want to achieve, and this makes proper organization among like-minded people more difficult, because to find economic leftists they need to wade through tons of American "political leftists" who don't give two shits about true socialism. Moreover, this conflation between identity politics and economic leftism is arguably what caused a bunch of those good old unemployed Mericans to vote Trump. Blue haired overweight feminists railing against the patriarchy (however legitimate their causes may be) turn people with more conservative values off of anything having to do with "leftism" out of hand. But these are just the working class people who the economic left needs to gain class consciousness and rebel!
I agree with Unroo on this point, frankly. Idpol is legitimate in its struggles against power structures, and in that regard is leftist in its leanings, motivations and actions. But its directing too much attention and energy away from genuine class struggle, and turning way too many of the people we need on board away from considerations of class struggle because of the contemporary conflation between the two categories.
And what can therefor be imagined, with little imagination that is.
I see the advanced Holla Forums ideology of flagrant contrarianism is still in full force.
The id in idpol is an actual thing, it's already present, one does need to adapt a marxist ideology for it. The marxian working class needs to be imagined and held up over and over again, and even then it fails to fulfill itself, as the soviet union showed.
Marxists are unable to grasp this, what is real is what is written, scripture has absolute primacy.
You don't need to be a nazi to find it odd that our supposed capitalist porky pig overlords who create racism to divide the proletariat find the usage of the word nigger more pr0blematic than attempting to incite a frenzy of revolutionary terror that would mean their ends.
This raises the "so what?" question, then.
1) The identities that idpol deals with and tries to theorize and advocate for are already here. Check.
2) A marxist ideology must adapt to this. Sure, check.
3) The working class always fails to fulfill itself.
Okay… So now what? We now only worry about idpol stuff, because oppressed/oppressor identity interpretations of division are actually making progress, and class ones aren't? Isn't this fatalism about the inevitable failure of the essence of the marxist project? Real class levelling can never happen, so we should at least try and make transexuals happier and more accepted under the unchangable and exploitative capitalist system?
Holy shit, an intelligent and well-written post about Identity Politics on Holla Forums!
The sentiments, the unpure collection of thoughts around equality, common ownership and self-expression remain when stripped of their structured vessel. If these are to be actualized, one should look for forms that already do so, instead of creating theories based in marx writings of how this is supposed to actualize.
Burn the map, explore the territory. Marxism fails because it relegates every failing back to it's own structures and axioms, it's always people being too deep into capitalist ideology and capitalist institutions being more sly and efficient than imagined before, there is nothing that marxism can't explain ad-hoc, and with that it's adherents limit themselves from ever learning something new.
The key is to use idpol as bait, and then reel them into economic leftism slowly by pointing out that all of them are being oppressed by one common enemy; porky. The struggle is in getting them to see that rich people of every race and gender are their enemies, not just rich White "Cis" Men.
did I just agree with Jason un de la roo
Can't Jew the Roo!
Jason talks on behalf of all impoverished Asian people while not being Asian at all or impoverished. And he doesn't want to do anything than make videos about Maoism on an irrelevant platform.
In that respect, he's very similar to most tankles and maoists here.
Based Unruhe
You don't even listen to LilB he is for trans people
You're a faggot
Is Unruhe slowly becoming leftypilled?
I remember his discourse being far more liberal a year ago. In a couple months he'll have dropped Mautism Third Worldism.
Yes, Unruhe no doubt became a third worldist only out of his anger and disgust at "first worldist" Marxists.
So, not based on any theory. That seems to always be the case with maotists
This is quite an anti-Maoist position TBH. A sizeable industrial proletariat didn't exist in early 20th century China, so Mao and his buttbuddies organized the peasants as revolutionaries. Hmmmm.
whait he criticize China now?
I'm trans and OP needs to go back to reddit. The person he's talking about is an attention-seeking liberal and has no actual trans qualities other than her made-up requirement of "identifying as such and that's it"
Your eurocentric notions of gender are literally colonialism.
Maoists are borderline ethnic nationalists most of the time. It's why most socialist groups ban them. They can be as bad as leftcoms sometimes.
citation needed
Also, is queerness a form of cultural appropriation then? How about you white middle class kids stop "stealing" from oppressed cultures? We could liberal idpol all day long but you should know I don't lose the oppression olympics.
or you could just read marx
Unrhue falls for the basics like he falls for Maoism. Seeing the picture, making the worst choices possible about it everyone he disagrees with does.
There's people with gender dysphoria, and we treat them by helping them transition else they be easily killed by the public who are also, very mentally ill.
The non violent mentally ill people are causing rabble with the violent ones. Fuck em all.
Honestly I don't think Jason is anything short of what he proclaims is all that's evil. First worlder who was born with a silver spoon, and put on a crusader outfit to help fight for the poors and the asians for them.
It's also because most other socialists don't even see Maoism as Marxist as it prioritizes "national liberation" and vague ideas of "anti-imperialism" over class struggle. They're willing to make alliances with the national bourgeoisie and other assholes in the name of "anti-imperialism" which makes them not communist in the least.
And what do you suggest instead? letting western porkies exploit the third world forever?
Just because "hurrdurr there is no lesser evil"
Death to all petit-bourgeois deviants!
Death to pedophiles,transsexuals and the worse of them all, homosexuals!
Lol. That level of projection.
Kill yourself my man
Why is Unruhe such an Assadfag? He does know Assad killed communists, right?
Every Syrian communist and socialist party is supporting the government
lies. Assad is a socialist and he is also supported by the communist party
I don't understand how you can be left and not support transsexuals. This is not identity politics. It'a about doing the right thing. Meanwhile Pol is trying to genocide everyone who isn't White and inbred. We aren't them. We're better so start acting like it.
tfw no maoist gf
They are mentally ill, just like pedos.
I don`t have any sympathy for pedos, why should I have any for psudo-pedos like transsexuals?
never forget
Fuck off Holla Forums false-flagger
You don't stop that by allying with porkies. God, it's like maotists don't understand the concept of class.
That bitch is a trender attention whore not a real tranny
t. tranny
I didn't watch the video I'm just assuming he's talking about milo or whatever the fuck her name is
Ba'athism is closer to Arab nationalism than communism.
Holy fuck this is great. 10/10 never change
you guessed it fam.
Yeah honestly seems like a massive waste of time to sperg out over this literally who kid making stupid videos
Makes sense, neither did the founder of their ideology King Porker Mao
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Unruhe unironically made one of the best cases against idpol I've seen on youtube
It's a pretty basic Marxist critique of postcolonial theory and critical race theory.
but that argument isn't even original. Unruhe is just saying something that should be obvious to any decent marxist
It should be, shouldn't it?
Every decent Marxist holds to this and has been saying it for some time now.
Wrong. I wish we were living in the ideal world you describe.
Most Marxists have been skeptical of identity politics by itself. They want more PoC and women and LGBT and such but say all of those issues must be understood through the lens of HistMat. I have never seen a good Marxist say otherwise.
I agree with the person you're debating with. While we all know what a 'good marxist' would say, on places like youtube or any other channels of modern culture these realities have been obfuscated by hardcore idpol (even by "marxists" and "socialists"), and Unruhe here lays out quite nicely why idpol is not only wrong, but, ultimately, dangerous.
Which Marxists and socialists have prioritized idpol before class struggle? Can you name them?
I'd say anarchopac is one but he's certainly not a Marxist (he's just a garden variety chomskytard).
There are others forms of power besides economic capital.
guess im transgender please don't hate me i like this board
As long as you understand that you have some inherent male "privilege"/socialization and do not try to speak for cis women then you are alright.
Leave it to Unruhe to go after Milo Stewart and use their image in the thumbnail just to get views, identical to how he used images of Big Red and Carl the Cuck for the anti-idpol vid he made right after the Trump victory which gathered 17000+ views. If that's not clickbait to make some youtube earnings I don't know what is. Unruhe is really no different from Sargon, thunderf00t or any of those other aut-rightists or crypto-aut-rightists at this point.
this tbh
Do you understand that the most muh privileged people in the west are bourgeoisie house wives? They literally live like princesses. Men are expected to do hard, difficult work to support women.
You'd probably still accuse them of male muh privilege and socialisation if they transitioned as toddlers.
Privilege is contextual. Unless you just mean that men possess certain traits, like physical strength and spacial thinking skills, that advantage them over women. But women have certain traits, like social skills/empathy, that advantage them over men. But, of course, as communists, we should not be competing together, but rather cooperating, so that our skills might compliment each other.
No I wouldn't. Don't put words in my mouth. All I am saying is that transwomen should not expect cis women to let them take their rightful place in the revolution. We will gladly walk in solidarity with them but we will not let them walk in our place (if that makes sense.)
Your place in the revolution is in lockstep with everyone else who wants to abolish private property.
Most people here don't mind
I`ve personally dated two transgirls they`really both the loves of my life
Fam how the fuck are trans women going to walk in place if cis women are the majority
Don't be ridiculous and trans women do have their right to be in on the revolution
How about just marching in the Revolution with the proletariat?
Yes but what happens to us after the revolution? That's why cis women need a place at the table. I don't think that transwomen should be ostracised or anything. I just think that we should agree to make a distinction between them. It's only fair.
Accurate and the main reason to reject it as anti science.
What do you mean by this? What table? Are you referring to some sort of vanguard party? What is the point of distinguishing between anyone in this context?
Read lacan
Get fucked. That's not how imageboards work. Make your point. Feel free to quote/refer to Lacan's work.
I didn't put words in your mouth. If it's inherent as you claimed age of transition doesn't matter.
Or you could try being a less opiniated cunt and actually get read, have thought about that?
Do you even dialectics? Do you even board culture?
How is that fair?
"Allowing" a child to transition that young would be child abuse. Realistically speaking by the time transwomen are able to safely transition they are already socialized as men/boys. Perhaps in a communist society where gender was not thrust onto every living thing from the moment it was born this would not happen but until we have that sort of society I will remain extremely skeptical of transwomen's ability to represent all women.
i just started transitioning when I was 15 am I a woman in your opinion
Psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience. Read Chomsky.
Now this is how you imageboard!
Nice meme
You are the meme here, friend.
aka "I'm going to act like a fucking retard but call it tradition"
Actually, traditionally message/imageboards prided themselves on having dialectical discussions where people made clear, logical points, and backed them up with quotes and citations.
Wew lad.
Look at the fucking comments made on Unroo's vid:
Wew lad.
Yes, Thompson, Baudrillard, and every other ex-marxist who decided that materialism did not pay enough attention to feelz.
I don't want to be "that guy" but the only way China was able to "unite" all of its minority groups was by brutally oppressing all of them and adopting Han chinese as the cultural standard. Maoism is insanely racist.
There's your problem. I'm speaking about real Marxists, people like David Harvey and such.
You pulled that out of your ass. Messageboards and imageboards have been shitshows since the internet became a thing.
It's literally impossible for PoC to be racist, even towards other PoC. Mao must have learned racism from white people.
But even long after that, many boards continues to have a high quality of discussion, including even parts of 4chan.
Every system that recognizes race as a thing is ultimately racist. It happens every time.
Real marxists always have idealist colleagues who call themselves marxists until they decide to go full pomo. Until they do show their true colors, the idealists wear the moniker.
Of course. But who would you label as idealist? Althusser could be called "idealist" in some respects as could the Hotdog School (who didn't even try to hide their Hegelianism).
I was there for that. We pretty much just traded illegal porn and cybered. It's funny: the newfags on AOL who shitted up the internet were not teenage kids like they are now. They were stupid-ass old Boomers who could not figure out how to do anything.
You had better not be talking about old Holla Forums, because that shit was an embarrassment. Retards tried to make arguing on the internet into some kind of pretentious art. That is where we got the idiots who call everything a logical fallacy. 4chan was never a place for serious discussion of anything, even before it turned to shit in 2009.
Dead giveaway right there.
Part of board culture is actually making points and not telling people to read some author in a pretentious way, that's my main point.
Yeah Adorno literally said Hegel lead to fash but I guess you didn't get the memo.
Pick one. Last time I checked Jew-voodoo isn't Marxism.
I don't think that board culture has anything to do with that, but I agree with the sentiment. Board culture would be to tell the person that you are arguing with to delete System32, because it will make his computer run faster.
I would call that 4chan culture, specifically /g/ culture.
It's funny how "board culture" fits the definition of spook very well.
I would call that Aughts culture. Does Windows even have System32 anymore?
Fuck this captcha.
All words are metaphors, therefore all words are spooks. Reality defies description.
How do you fit 100 Cubans in a shoe box?
Tell them its a raft.
She's pretty cute, hope she doesn't have a dick.
Also China aint imperialist
does Unruhe lurk here?
TERFs please leave
They are mentally ill, just like depressed people.
In a socialist society we won't have any unhappy people because we'll just kill them all!
Fucking tankies ruin everything, even tankieism…
Lots of e-celebs lurk here. I know for a fact that the Chapo boys lurk here too.
After seeing the evolution of Jason unroo this last year I'm convinced that he lurks this board. He's definitely one of us.
Now he just needs to drop that third worldist maoist bullshit.
this, he´s slowly converting
Pedophiles are only a problem because they rape kids. People being trans doesn't affect anyone else.
Their identity crisis lays groundwork for idpol. They are petit-bourgeois and class enemies by nature of their exsistance.
Fuck off. You are more idpol than any tranny because you chose to deliberately misuse leftist terminology in lieu of an actual argument. You do not suddenly own the means of production to employ people with because you're uncomfortable with what's in between your own legs.
Fetishism is generally speaking a trait of bourgeois, just look how over-represented homosexuals are in higher ladders of social hierarchy.
Nice images. Unlike you, though, I have read Marx's actual writing, rather than an obfuscation of the events that happened during the first international where he makes explicit that Woodhull was kicked out because she was lying to the American people as well as the committee.
I thought it was jews that were over-represented in elites.
Are you telling me it's actually homosexual jews now?
If we take take Marx`s word for it, Jewish culture in particular holds capitalistic and self-serving tendencies and therefor is dangerous.
But I tend to agree more with Lenin on this question.
wtf i love commie cucks now
hi Holla Forums
Adorno believed everything was fash.