Leftist qt thread

We haven't had a leftist qt thread in a while

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Fuck off brocalists.


did you just assume my gender?


Stale meme

we haven't had them because threads like these are trash, and there are plenty of other venues where you can do something so pathetic.

Sorry. I will chop down my genitals immediately so I will never want to have sex (=rape) with women.

He was simply spectacular

Nice try Holla Forums

Sexy as fuck.

pretty ugly tbh

this. It's dumb as fuck.

absolutely pathetic

t. Sartre

you bet your sweet ass

motherfucker have you even looked at the front page

leftypol is 100% trash threads from you retards responding to Holla Forums bait constantly

exact same threads come up every fucking hour and you all don't fucking sage like god damn nigger shut the fuck up


Also, to be a little on topic: just post cute girls in regular threads you fucking homo.


t. cunt




don't be stupid be a smarty come and join the nazbol party

me ;)



post boobies

I don't get why NazBols use pics of punky alt chicks as propaganda. Isn't their ideology supposed to support traditional gender roles?

because they're teenagers who want what they'll never have



le handsome chocolate revolutionary


I don't see how it would inherently.

Because fascism is a fake revolution. Take old, oppressive systems and sell them as youthful rebellion.
It's a vicious cycle:

Socialists attempt to seize power -> liberals/socdems/moderates get it instead -> promote weaksauce ideology that isn't empowering at all and amounts to a bunch of rules that young people are taught in school -> fascists take advantage of youthful spirit of rebellion, sell the kids an ideology that is both empowering and subversive, also they don't have to read any theory because fascism is just an emboldening of the present ideology (as Bordiga said, one of two endpoints of Bourgeois democracy) -> fascists seize power.

It happened in 1930 and it's happening today.
The solution is to shamelessly tell fascist kids to go fuck themselves and also kill all socdems.

I'm hungry.

these are just some of the paintings from this one chinese guy who draws communist chinese qt3.14s

because under the nazbol system you can take punky alt girls and make them subservient housewives

let's get some ypj qts in here

All wearing designer sunglasses. Topkek

Two communist qties while reading Marx and Federici

He was hot af

which one?

Soviet grills are cute