Can anyone show me a single example of Donald Trump explicitly endorsing racism, preferably after he started running for president?
No, terrorists are not a race, illlegal immigrants are not a race.
I'm posting this here because I'm left-wing as fuck.
Can anyone show me a single example of Donald Trump explicitly endorsing racism...
No because it doesn't exist. Trump's problems are much worse than he's rayciss anyway.
At this point explicate racism would have still hurt his campaign despite the populist appeal of simply being "politically incorrect". I actually don't think he on an ideological level cares about any of it though, he just sensed what was popular and used it to get himself elected.
There was the thing with the Mexican judge, but Mexicans aren't a race (there are White Mexicans).
That's really it.
He posted defamatory and false crime statistics on twitter that said most white homicide victims are killed by black people, and there's the whole Mexicans are rapists thing, not to mention the standard right-wing dog-whistles.
His sons went on a couple of literal WN radio shows during the campaign
they then feigned ignorance
He doesn't need to "endorse" it. Racism is subtle and reinforced at every level of society
That's not how it works.
Race is entirely in your head. If people think Mexican is a race then mexican is a race.
I am a race on my own.
yeah you're free to think that but if no one else thinks that it's not going to be a particularly accurate description of how society reacts to you
it's all good moaning about spooks but 99% of humanity doesn't see it that way
Modern racists can't outright come out and say 'fuck niggers', you have to read between the lines.
fuck you nigger
Hard to find any specific examples of him saying racist things. It's quite obvious he was trying to appeal to racists though especially during his primary campaign. This part from his campaign opening speech is the best example I can find but still not technically racist I guess although it is obvious who he is appealing too.
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people.
It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably – probably – from the Middle East"
you can take advantage of racism by spreading false info about a margianlized group without explicitly saying "this group is inferior"
how do right-wingers even define racism?
saying "jews are greedy" isn't racist because you didn't explicitly say Jews are inferior to the point of lacking the essential qualities of humanity. But the guy saying "jews are greedy, don't trust them and vote for me" is still probably a racist
I'm getting so sick of the fucking faggots like you.
So he never said a goddamn thing about race, but you know he ran an election campaign entirely based on racism because…
le reactionary save muh white lumpenprole idpol in here. it isnt racism but he basically said a judge who is mexican american is incapable of judging him fairly because hes mexican. dogwhistle racism isnt that hard to understand. instead of saying niggers and towelheads just say welfare and terrorists. the hillbillies are smart enough to get what you're saying.
Obligatory read:
Called Mexicans as a whole rapists. That's pretty fucking racist.
Hey, hey HEY! He did say that some of them might be good people, maybe.
Yeah he's a moron and a racist
That statement was about illegals and implied that the illegals were the worst Mexico had to offer, and therefore that they were not representative of Mexicans. If you bought the liberal media's line on that, you have some work to do on your critical thinking skills.
Anyway, none of this matters now that Trump has won. In 2020 he will be judged on his actions as President, not on his words.
This isn't that hard to understand. Do right wingers now deny that implications exist? Newt Gingrich called Barack Obama the food stamp president in 2012. You can think he was referring to economic policy all you want but the reality was he was signaling to his voters he wasn't going to let welfare queen blacks continue to steal their pay checks. One of Ronald Reagan's first speeches as a presidential candidate was about state rights in the town where three Civil Rights workers had been killed two decades before. The reason for this might be lost to you, but most people know he did this to signal to white voters he wasn't going to do anything about their racism and in fact he was going to go in the direction they wanted.
Dog whistling exists but trumps attacks against Mexicans was more overt than any of this. You can say Mexicans aren't a race or whatever, but that is not how most low-information white voters perceive them. They're brown hence they're light shaded niggers. Saying most of these immigrants are rapists is essentially him saying "I'll keep darkies from your daughter." He has chosen to surround himself with known racists and Holla Forums you darlings are very much pro racism so I don't understand why you even dislike the fact that he is called this. You should take it as a sign that hes authentic and playing 95 degree multidimensional backgammon and pat yourselves on the back.
tfw when ur this retarded.
people have been accusing romney and mccain of racism because it doesnt matter what they say, by identifying as republicans they have essentially aligned themselves to the racist values republicans have built themselves on now. fear mongering about muslims, latinos are illegals, blacks are criminals has become the foundation of their party.
not defending liberals multiculti but the fact that overall republicans still lack a large majority of all minority voters should be a clue that even with the large number of values that these minorities possess across the board (this includes muh evangelical christianity blacks and latinos), their platform is harsh to minorities
they want to have their cake and eat it too. have the ability to bash non whites but also move the goalposts of racism so that because they dont say nigger chinks spics, therefore they are not racist.
I hope you didn't vote like the proper anarchist you say you are.
Sage for bourgeoisie identity politics.
What if we said xenophobia instead of racism, would that make you happy?
If enough idiots believe islam is a race… it is.
Donald Trump said that Judge Gonzalo Curiel should recuse himself from the Trump University case because he was Mexican. The judge is a high-ranking member of La Raza and the Mexican drug cartels don't want the wall to go up. Do yourself a favor, stop believing the lefty media.
They do say those words just not in the media.
no rightwinger was able to tell me how they're gonna do that without going full bandwagon (racism) id: lets just ban brown people.
I'll tell you
1. Ban all self identified Muslims
2. Ban those with Muslim parents (even if they don't identify as Muslim)
3. For the rest, have them spit on a copy of the Koran, if they refuse, ban them
how is that not bandwagon ?
religion is genetic now ?
guilty by birth, nice.
why are you guy so irrational and morally bankrupt?
i think many people won't do that for moral reasons.
stop being edgy for a minute, the real world isn't full of Holla Forumsype (thank god)