Anarchism is the only way forward

A state is highly prone to getting hijacked.
We build communities while maintaining a decentralized nature for education to retain our freedom.

Freedom from what, to do what?

This. You don't have freedom, user. There won't be freedom after anarchy, because freedom is a state of mind and attitude to doing things, nothing that shows in practice. Also, Ayncrap is trash.

Is this self-parody?

If freedom is a state of mind, can that state of mind ever be achieved under a current state

Up to you. Do you believe in following the laws that hold you back? Because porky certainly doesn't. It's not like the police is omnipresent at any situation of disobedience. Just don't announce your heroic exercises of muh freedum like a moron.

Absolutely, all true anarchism is the way forward. Fake anarchism belongs in the trash, like ayncraps and their buttbuddies, natans.

Property is theft

Where we go, we won't need that, Harry !

So are property rights

The happiness I realize when seeing a fellow man use property means I will share my property, in return, a true egoist will realize the same happiness, and share his

Yes, BUT
We do this gradually by reducing the state and deepening democracy, starting with culturally homogenous communities. There's no need to be an edgy anarkiddie.

freedom from other people running you lives.

property is liberty

every second the state continues to exist, is an other second we tolarate extortion and violence

That's why we should reduce its capacity, one step at a time. Our goal is not freedom now, it's freedom in 1000 years.

freedom is unconditional reeeeeeeeeeee

Property is impossible

what else should i call an object created with my labour.


What else is my body?
I own it, no one else.

The only time you own it is when I don't.

so always

Read Produhon

Your body is just you you schizoid, there is not an other you that can own you.

I have. Have you?
I continue owning my body.

And the food I eat? I own that too.
I can't not own my lunch just because I have not eaten breakfast yet.

You merely posses it

Your body is not property, it cannot be apropiated

By claiming it can, you are arguing from a pro-slaery position

A different word for the same thing.
I possess my lunch and dinner too. I possess my dog and my horse. I possess my computers. I possess my hands and I possess the weapons I use to extend my reach and precision.

Own = Possess

verb: possess; 3rd person present: possesses; past tense: possessed; past participle: possessed; gerund or present participle: possessing
have as belonging to one; own.
"I do not possess a television set"
synonyms: own, have (to one's name), hold
"the only hat she possessed"

No, it is not the same thing

The only good anarchist is a dead anarchist


The problem with anarchy is that you need 938501478293 treaties to find someone who makes the type of bread you like.


thank you for all those who reject the state