this'll be fun
What a surprise.
Anyway, you know the job.
Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait. Let me get this fucking straight.
We're already back to the point where we can have actual fucking pogroms??
nice dubs
Do people just not give a shit anymore to stop this?
That's how fascism always exists.
In capitalist excess, people don't give enough of a shit to stop it.
What can be done? How are you going to stop angry white men with guns? The police? They ARE the police. /r/ing that one quote about how the KKK wears hoods so they can go back to being your teachers and police and firemen when they're done.
With our own guns
Some madman should do a gas attack on them
You cannot give fascists an inch, ever.
Every American leftist needs to be armed and ready to put fascists where they belong.
but we aren't at that stage though, fascists don't have a mainstream political outlet, they don't have a charismatic figure yet who will be able to soothe the working class's anger over the failings of the current system. I suppose if you live in America you want to start getting armed at this point.
the KKK started off as a class collaboration movement to end reconstruction, and as history repeats itself, they're coming back to do the same exact thing over 100 years later.
Make this the battle of cable street 2.0
Listen to anyone who remembers fascism. People just remember in one second it wasn't, in the next it was. And it all happened because nobody was radical enough to challenge its roots forming.
Trump is pushing in that direction
And you cannot let them get to that point. At that stage it's too late and you're heading for purges.
I get what you're saying, but things are different now a days (I hope), fascists biggest tool to keeping the working class content was to form a protectionist economy, in our globalized world that's not possible. The majority of the people who support this movement, the rust belt workers, and tradesmen who are going to lose their jobs to automation or cheaper immigration aren't going to be content with the poison being spilled in their ears.
I think Trump is doing more damage for the aut-right than anything.
for once I agree with anfem
God damn am I shaken, brodel. I have always supported gun rights and even know a thing or two about them from Boi Scouts but I may actually have to make an investment.
It's Montana dude. Daily Stormer has a very wide readership in rural areas (personal testament to this, I remember my best friend saying something about how someone told his youth pastor that Tarantino was a terrorist for going out and supporting BLM, which was rhetoric stripped directly from one of Anglin's headlines, the dates matched up and everything) whereas there's only a couple dozen thousand of us socialists and definitely not enough to make a showing there. Besides it's probably a nothingburger, more of a sign of things to come than an actual threat.
It's fucking scary, dude. I feel like Nazi masturbation fantasy might actually happen. I never thought I'd see the day where I had to take arms and stand against fascism and I never wanted to, I thought it was the stuff of LARPer dreams. To think I may have to man up and fight for justice kind of shakes me, because I at least want to finish my book series before I become a martyr.
I'm not American so I can only offer vocal support on here, but good luck. Nazis might not get their Nazi masturbation fantasy but violence will ramp up and the left needs to smash it with unrelenting force. They feel emboldened, the most confidence they've had in a long time.
you made me feel tonight, good luck with your country lad.
Where ya from, famham?
Thanks brah, same to you.
britbongland, where we don't even have the luxury of the 2A
Lol Second Amendment never meant anything here either. Look at the reaction to Black Panther demonstrations, that's just off the top of my head.
Fuck I wish I had the money to arm myself. I plan on it but my fear is that by the time I can it'll be too late.
These people are so fucking disgusting
now, or back during the counter culture era?
I guess
America could really do with a new Black Panther Party
Back then, but same deal with BLM inspired demonstrations now.
There's two, the loose web of organizations that call themselves Black Lives Matter after the wider movement and the New Afrikan Black Panther Party Prison Chapter. BLM is only barely revolutionary and NABPPPC is whack. If you mean a competent and organized BPP I imagine it'll be something like the Socialist Alternative but a little more fanged and more inclusive.
Umberto Eco was a spook.
Everybody in Montana has guns. It is one of those backwater places in the middle of nowhere in which guns are actually a practical necessity. Nothing will come of this.
Unfortunately I suspect that many of the people in Montana won't care about stopping Nazis, guns or no.
Sherbert that? We'd have to learn about the local politics there and how likely people are to stand up for each other.
Fucking source? What country has brown people holding up Nazi paraphernalia? Latin America somewhere?
They're Native American, they stole it from (and I think chased off?)Nazis.
They stole that from Nazis to troll them they're native Americans
pretty funny, they should have defaced it so it wouldn't look like they are nazis. at least it's upside-down
Are we just going to pretend the Jews in whitefish did nothing wrong?
They were acting as a protection racket.
The guy is an asshole but attacking his mom was retarded and Jews were trying to get rich from the whole thing.
Oh kek that's pretty funny.
All of the Native Americans I've ever met were super based, I don't think there's such thing as a classcucked one. I went to some events hosted by a Caddo grouping near where I lived when I was little and went to a museum where I live now for another Caddo event when I was like 10. At both of them the chiefs were super nice and super based.
So they should be doxed and killed in an actual fucking pogrom?? This is entirely about the fact they were Jewish, not the fact they didn't want to support this guy's mom's business, or whatever happened.
That's right! Because freedom of speech only applies if they agree with us!
Red people.
Duh. Political correctness is about ensuring right wing ideas don't just lose, they first become unspeakable, and then unimaginable. That's how we win. Why do you think antifa uses bats instead of debaters? They must learn to fear the porky within.
Yeah it's pretty fucking bad that they were extorting his mom.
but then they go ahead and make this a pogrom, and bring race into the argument like the fucking nazi trash they are.
I was not talking about the article you posted from after the profiteering but since you brought it up I'd say the American first amendment is one of the best thing to come out of US. The UK where I live are making it illegal to compare islrael to Nazi Germany (fair comparison) and be "overly" critical of Jews who support the state all because some of those views overlap with Nazis.
Want to swap?
We need pictures.
That's weird, but ok.
oh goodness look at those noses, you can never trust what those goblins are up to.
It is a great idea that cannot be an effective reality in a bourgeois society. The freedom of expression can only be a reality in a classless society. In the current reality it is nothing more yhan an empty promise.
Freedom is a spook. Victory is the only meaningful principle.
What's whitefish?
Even if the promises are only partially forfilled it's still better than the UK with no promises.
If you want to demonstrate then do so but don't use it as blackmail for private profit. Gersh is a capitalist pig who does not care about minorities and her behaviour is now getting used against her rightly or wrongly. Her kid also spends most of his time on his public Twitter promoting "competitions" so he get money from his friends.
Yes, and drinking piss is better than eating shit.
Yes it is.
You are all playing a dangerous game, trust me. If you are attacked, defend (natural response). Otherwise, no conflict or you'll wait the beast.
Trump is just baiting them. The problem comes when Trump turns out to be yet another neoliberal centrist who dresses up his policies in nationalist rhetoric. People could decide that they want an actual fascist who really means it this time.
He's right. Honestly this is a fight of porky vs porky. We can just sit back and watch them fight over stupid ethnic/religious spooks. We don't need to get involved. They are discrediting themselves.
To be fair 1930's Europe was pretty much a choice between being raped by Hitler or Stalin, given that practically every communist party on the continent was in Stalin's pocket
The shrill refrain of every fucking pussy Holla Forumsyp ever. YOU don't give a fuck about freedom of speech why should we?
We're bitching because our own were killed, not because we're moralizing.
where is the "If you keep fascists from organizing you're as bad as them" pic? That one was amazing, can't find it on the booru.
kek, that pic is awesome.
Fascists don't get free speech.
Free speech is a spook. Speech is a weapon to be controlled. Anyone who is afraid of using 1984 as a manual is afraid of winning.
True tbh
Holla Forums here
I started this whole shitstorm. I saw the interview with Love Lives Here and Tanya Gersh. Taya Gersh, Jew, was giving an interview saying the protests against Sherry Spencer would stop if she sold her property. I thought, what, this is incredibly suspicious a Jewish realtor demanding someone sell property. I looked into Love Lives Here and it's entirely filled with Jews and they were putting pressure on Sherry Spencer. I posted it on 8/pol/ and got banned because the mods don't like Richard Spencer. Then I posted it on 4/pol/ and the whole thing blew up and Anglin got a hold of it and called a crusade. Then it blew up even more and the IDF went to Whitefish to protect the Jews there. The governor of Montana was condemning it and backed off the next day because he must have found out about the extortion racket going on. Now these Jews are stabbing each other in the back and the shitstorm is still ongoing. Jews are scattering from Whitefish like they're fleeing a crime scene. It's turning into a modern day pogrom.
I guess the Jews lose. :(
I might just visit white fish to look for antifags starting up trouble, I've been waiting to put my combat training into practice.
How do I recognize those from Holla Forums?
We are the ones with cokebottle glasses and inhalers.
Yeah, but I'd feel pretty bad beating up a nerd who was beat up by white kids and now seeks solidarity and revenge in leftism.
Who the fuck blew this op?
There is literally nothing wrong with being a Fascist.
Please be real
Absolutely this tbh. Nobody in this whole shitshow besides the mother appears tp be innocent, but that realtor woman and the Love Lives group should be punished for being porkies
Seriously, fuck these skinheads
Once again proving how much better 4pol is compared to 8pol
This tbh
It's incredible whenever "Lela spooky fascist boogeyman" appears, LeftyPol turns into retarded edgelord r/anarchism, r/socialism. I don't know why people on this board supported him over Hillary, then cry that he's a mean "fascist".
You people are identity politics obsessed idiots.
Nobody on this board would ever support Hillary, under any circumstances.
Where do you think we are?
The radical left's uncommon and rare circumstance of beating and killing fascists and nationalists has taken over everything hasn't it
Like it's never happened before this year. No history whatsoever, it's insane
Nobody is screaming that Trump is a, "spooky fascist boogeyman" but that he is instead a generic NeoCon who is doing anything but draining the swap that's what makes it so funny
If you can't defend your words with force, then you can't expect anyone to listen to you. "Free speech" exists only as much as the people in power allow it.
The Left deserves fascism.
Especially the idiots who rant on about multiple genders.
I wonder people here think the majority of people would want to live in their shitty commune.
And tankies and other leftists will keep defending Stalin's rotten legacy, and the failed socialist states.
Don't worry in actual fascism hits the deck, you'll just become leftist because you have no spine. It always happens to liberals like you.
Lmao at all you impotent leftist trash
Trump is the embodiment of the Republicans.
he IS what the Republicans are all about.
he's not an outsider, and definitely not anti-establishment
How are you not impotent in trusting in the electoral process totally to get what you want lmfao
Antifa is a tool of the state. Someone in the Nordic Resistance killed an Antifa faggot and the whole organisation gets banned. National Action in Britain impersonated Antifa and infiltrated them and they get banned as a terrorist organisation in Britain. While Antifa operates with impunity and in some cases state funding.
How in the fuck aren't right natavists not tools of the state, they willingly give themselves up to it in order to work towards control or attempted control, and power.
They love the state, there's nothing they couldn't do in ideology without it.
Sssshh it's ok now no one here is going to hurt you
Yeah because you cucks sure have the momentum in meta politics online and off
You couldn't if you wanted to tough guy
You are a minority population tbh.
You couldn't hurt shit either don't be upset.
Could you be anymore predictable with your posts if you tried.
Also anyone can play the le funny person of the other political belief game it's really not proving anything at all
Fascists aren't tool of the state because they aren't in power. And fascists don't support any state but a fascist state which means in the future fascists will be the state not tools of it.
You fags really dont even have a presence outside of seattle. Even in europe da nazis are growing everywhere. Hell look at russia, most neo nazis per capita in the world. We are rising from your ashes and starting to piss on your graves and the only thing you can do to shake your fists is make a general on Holla Forums
So you say
When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their muh privileges.
You fags don't even have a presence outside of the midwest and outside whites. All other nationalists of other races are really fucking tired of you and won't support you. Good luck in an urban environment.
By your own admission, us inferior non whites are hm "growing" at a more rapid pace.
LARPer shit.
That's like saying a monarch is a tool of the state. The only state that fascists support is a fascistic state.
Every strong nazi isn't in prison and doesn't do meth
That would be true.
Lmao richard spencer has a following where ever he goes NPI is just one example of it growing all over the country
That's the point, whites are gatekeepers of western civilization. If you want your venezula or brazilian shitskin wetdream go for it buddy.
Tell me where are the most neo nazis? Oh that's right in the land where stalin reigned
A monarch is the state.
Western """"civilization"""" was a mistake
but that's exactly what fascism is
Then fuck off to south america or indian jungle you fucking cancer
Alienation and blaming other races hardly is new.
If you really want to idolize Richard Spencer you're an incredible tool.
Western Civilization is an oxymoron, there isn't any civilization original from the west that originated from it. All that comes from it are the drives you hate, you'll never be satisfied with your own existence.
More evidence that people are ideologically weak willed?
Great Argument my man!
Now join your kin
I'm not even from US you cuck :^)
It's redundant, but there is nothing the west has built that didn't really originate from an eastern source.
greco-roman civilization? Societal development is almost never independent and unique, it's interconnected, and progress is often made as a result of trade and the communication between ideas.
Rome was even less original than Greece. First as tragedy to its farce.
you aren't even trying anymore are you?
Rome took Greek's art of bronze and physically stole it and copied it in Marble, while most of the Greek originals are no longer with us. This is largely representative of the state of existence of Rome itself, fueled by the dying fires of Hellenism.
Rome existed alongside Greece for centuries you know that? I guess fuck Rome because of muh ingenuity and shit, fuck those social programs, long records of political and economic stability, and bringing Europe out of savagery.
Rome was a Greek colony. Saying Rome stole art from the Greeks like saying Australians stole their flag from Britain.
I love it when the right goes on about the "white race" and "Western civilisation".
They don't exist. They're constructions to cling to after the demise of the European colonial empires and mass immigration into the USA and Western Europe. Essentially, nothing unites them but Nazis now embrace a pan-European outlook because they know they can't conquer Asia and Africa any more.
I'm a Nazi and I don't care one bit about western civilisation. It should be destroyed. Western civilisation only means liberal countries. It's a pointless 20th century meme that replaced Christendom.
The white race is real.
You are all lovely people! God Bless you! Have a blessed Holidays!
Got any proofs to go with that wall o' text?
i'm ok with this, lets have a confrontation
You people are so awfully confused it hurts.
Free speech means you can say whatever you want without being censored by the state.
Free speech doesn't mean you are entitled to personal state police protection if you offend someone else with your speech.
We support free speech, we just don't support rising future social threats going unchecked, and if the liberal state refuses to do anything about it then the people should put a stop to it.
Freedom is an ideal. You either believe people should free and fight for it or you don't. The goal of the workers' movement for example is Freedom of Labor (freedom to work with what, with whom, when, where, how you want and not be forced to work against your will).
Victory is not a principle, that doesn't make any sense, it's the achievement of a goal.
lel you lot can't even decide who counts as white without bickering endlessly
Based antifa tbh
I'd pay good money to see him sit on a Nazi tbh
He'd probably have a heart attack if he tried
kek, the government doesn't even need to imprison people for violating what it deems "wrongthink", since there are hordes of antifas and other organisations out there willing to destroy the lives of individuals they've never even met over voicing wrongthink opinions.
Then you have no right to complain about anything that those opposed to "communist" or "socialist" ideologies may enact against yourselves, since any capitalist could well make the same argument
Too bad they are a bunch of ineffective cowards that lack firearms, paramilitary training and intention to actually kill their targets.
No I don't. Different people have different views on what constitutes social threats, the only way to solve this is if the different radical political factions fight each other on the streets (civil war) until one of them manages to triumph over the others.
Worth it.
Why go that far? All they need to do is exert sufficient pressure on someone's employer and make enough of a stink that the first result for a Google search on that person turns up whatever remarks offended the blue hairs doxxing them.
I don't think a healthy society is wracked by continual streetfights over extreme political ideologies
To perpetually eliminate your enemies and prevent them from politically organizing in the near future. And more importantly to restore the honour of those the enemies offended by insulting and by calling for the deportation and killing of them.
I don't care about a "heathy"/stable society.
Not many of us called him a fascist. He was just another 90s style democrat who also happened to be a porky.
Now he's back peddling like mad.
someone please post the "my ancestor" and it's a really ugly nazi
actually it was made by someone on Holla Forums mocking Nordic supremacists and racial purists
Except it's based on the original image of black woman with a profoundly negroid skull staring in satisfaction at an Egyptian statue. The image I posted is a meme of it. Holla Forums just modified what Holla Forums did.
Ready to get btfo like last time in Sacramento
Here you go
That wasn't the point you moron, he was pointing out that leftypol didn't make the meme you said we "copied".
No he's not.
Kek, why would we want to do that. This isn't how political wars are fought.
Anybody on 4chan//8ch that's a leftist is Holla Forums
Are you new? Holla Forums used to have commie threads.
Only infrequently. Even 4/pol/ calls out Holla Forums. Any leftist is Holla Forums just like how if someone goes on another board and starts posting about Jews gets called Holla Forums
This is before leftypol was created, prior to Gamergate. Again, how new are you?
Before Holla Forums and 8/pol/ were created commie threads were infrequent on Holla Forums. Holla Forums was always mostly libertarian and Not Socialist. So was /new/. Now the libertarians are mostly gone though.
They were more frequent than they are not, if you don't count the raid at least. I remember in 2012, there were lefty threads.
Even in 2012 the infrequent communist was usually some anarcho communist LARPer
What's your point?
That the left has no real representation on Holla Forums and never has. The only representation the left gets on Holla Forums are liberal idiots during election season.
And? How does "representation" relate to whether there were:
- leftist on 4pol prior to the creation of leftypol
- this meme would be a Holla Forums produced meme, not a leftypol one
I know fascist like to group people into big conglomerates despite the obvious contradiction, but let's be honest here.