Why does Holla Forums seize up then spaghetti when someone brings up race. Convince me that class not race matters and that it is in my interests to help poor Mbutu have a good life by busting my ass every day.
Race and Class
The point of acknowledging class is to seize the means of production. The point of acknowleding race is to create social strafication.
One of those things is the rather decent, and the other is shitty. Can you guess which one is which?
race matters to racists
or are you denying that racists exist?
How does acknowledging race create social stratification.
Race matters, as it is always the white male devil destroying everything
We need to adress this first
Looks like i'm not the only Holla Forumsack here.
There are already several race threads. Check the catalogs before posting. This one of course will be an exact copy of the other ones because the retards here love to argue the same shit over and over
OP, your post is both not an argument and a slide thread.
You stupid fucking nigger.
Because it doesn't matter what color the skin is of the porky that is fucking you in the ass. This is about material conditions. I reckon a working white guy is just as much of a nigger to someone like Trump than an actual nigger that does the same work.
That's not really what we're about. It's in your interests that Mbutu will never ask you for anything or try to make you ask him for something. In a word, it's good for you to make a system where poverty will be impossible, and where you receive 100% the fruits of your labor. Mbutu receiving the same is just something that happens because you are in the same class as him.
Like it or not, to the rich, you are just another nigger. They don't care about you for being white. They have no reason to. Try to pretend I own the means of production. I'm the capitalist. Tell me why I should give a fuck about you just for being white. Mbutu and you will work for the same wage and do the same job, and if either of you complains or causes trouble, I'll dispose of you, throw you away. You're just a tool, a commodity, to me. Either eliminate me, or continue living is an economic nigger.
Neither race nor class matters. What matters is the abolition of class and other racial/sexual/etc. castes.
The only ones who think race matters (as far as “not caring” about other races or whatever) are idiot autists with low social skills or lack of access to heterogenous contexts, so their only perspectives on other races are learned from what they read about or a few shitty individual experiences they use to prejudge a group as a whole.
Anyone who’s lived interacted with enough “others” (by, e.g., travelling, living/working with other groups etc.) would know race or ethnicity or nationality are unnecessary barriers to what might otherwise be healthy relations. You’re only hurting yourself.
Just stop fucking posting. Do you think anyone was ever convinced by a "logical" argument against racism?
yes but this is my thread and don't you dare have the audacity to complain about Holla Forums "shitting up the board" while you do the same to us.
Thanks and i'm perfectly happy with eat the rich sentiment and if Mbutu wants to hunt Zebra and eat banana more power to him.
I grew up poor in an "enriched" Neighborhood and know all to well what sticking together as a class is like and sticking together as a race is like. Boffins like you do more harm than good to your cause.
We will destroy white communities through cultural marxists
There is nothing you can do to stop us
Racism matters to race-deniers
Or are you denying that race exists?
Communism would remove the economic incentive for migration and would leave you with tourists and immigrants who like the local culture.
When capitalism starts to collapse it will be in your interest, Mbutu has little to do with it.
No, he is simply stating they arenot important
But you are too cucked to understand
yeah ofcourse race matters. ever notice how asian girls always have the best feet?
I've worked my ass off in the hot sun with a ton of hard working minorities fam, just because you work doesn't mean they don't.
Us poor working class people are in this together, no matter our melanin, because nobody else is going to help us but ourselves.
all well and good but I've seen Somalis sharpen a rondo bar and use it as a spear to try and kill someone. Literal spear chuckers and savages that should be driven out.
Meanwhile, in France…
So? Should i go to France and fight Varg with an Axe? get out of here with that strawman.
Just saying, we're all spear chuckers when push comes to shove. Those with access to better weaponry fare better, but those without - or in Varg's case, those who choose to not use - better weaponry must make do with what they have.
It was an Argument over how loud the neighbors party was … sometimes i wonder about you Holla Forums do we even live in the same time line.
oh did you want to get shot instead? Are you American?
They both matter, but while the working class is divided and unequal we can't come together to overthrow the ruling class/ideology.
Class, race, and gender are all connected.
Also, I find it funny how here "poor working class" seems to be a dogwhistle for white man, yet most of the lower class are black women.
Has your ideology even won a war? talk about cucked m8 even sambos have got their shit together better than you.
As a white man you should only care about your own race.
[citation needed]
This is obviously bait, but I've heard the same thing repeated sincerely sometimes. Some minorities may be more likely to fall into certain categories, but there's a reason they're called minorities. America is still a majority white nation, and whites still outnumber anyone else in virtually any demographic division or metric, including each slice of the income scale.
That's a pretty brutal graphic. Everywhere you look, it's just… bad.
forgot to take off shitpost flag
class is a social construct
genes are a fact
whether or not a social construct is important is not the question
the question is why do you think genetics are irrelevant when the ones you have make you what you are
0/10 strawman
Internationalism =/= Globalism
Now read a fucking book
So your employer will give you raise and your landlord will lower your rent and cease expanding his property portfolio once there are no minorities left?
Capitalism still sucks, regardless of whether the mere sight of a black person triggers you.
yes, there are genes that determine your religion, the education given to you, your language, your occupation
This is how genes indeed work
I hope neoliberals win and destroy your nation
Yeah, I'll just identify as a factory owner from now on so that I can stop working a shitty job. Class is totally not a material reality.
The revolution can only begin after we kill all the white-presenting, able-bodied, heterosexual men
Really makes you think.
Of course
i'm tired of the same moronic Holla Forumsype posting the same retarded threads over and over.
its literally a religious vs non-religious debate.
that shit stopped being interesting back in 2011.
its like teaching a monkey physics, in the end he'll still be shitting in his hand and throw it at others.
you can't fix stupid.
Why would we eliminate the top gene matter of our species? Makes me wonder about the level-headedness of anarcho-feminists. If you're all going to be egoistic in the end why not sport the right flag as well, right? Eliminating the white population is counterproductive from basically any decent viewpoint especially technocracy.
They've earned their position, it is up to you whether or not you can surpass them.
Both trigger me you numbskull.
Why would it be in my interests when i want capitalism to collapse but don't want hordes of savages chimping out in my neighborhood.
In that case you've only increased my opinion of Somalis because whitey would probably just throw whatever they happened to have at hand 9 times out of 10
Must be why so many end up getting shot in the head then.
Why would they be in your neighborhood you fucking moron
Without the enforcement of private property in capitalism you'd have nothing they'd want you stupid fucking racecuck invertebrate
Jesus, stop replying and taking the b8
Because race is a social construct used to divide and conquer proles.
I'm white
I know lots of people who aren't
I know lots of people who are
My experience doesn't differ outside of superficial shit.
Why do you give a shit?
even when they're not, why shouldn't they?
genetically homogeneous nations are more successful than others
"Genetically homogeneous" isn't anything but a comforting fantasy. What could it possibly mean? What country is "genetically homogeneous?" No country in the world in homogeneous, the "most successful" especially. The United States? Heterogeneous as all hell, even if you were to only count those from Europe, unless European just means "white" to your ignorant ass. China too has vast genetic and cultural diversity with hundreds of different ethnic groups living within its borders, for hundreds or thousands of years, especially during the period when it was the richest empire on the planet.
"Genetic homogeneous" equating or even correlating to success is completely nonsensical and doesn't hold up to even cursory examination. It's even more apparent if you look at the pre modern period when one would expect to find greater homogeneity among populations due to the cost and difficulty of travel, the most successful counties were vast, multicultural empires.
Obviously there is some mechanism for explaining the differences in material circumstances between nations, but "genetic homogeneity" isn't it.
Cry less and read the thread fuck face.
t. Asshurt racist with no arguments
Kys fag
Thanks for the Chat Leftypol aside from one or two posters this pretty much confirms the better red than dead meme. You live on a different planet to me.
You were the one who was suppose to convince me you crosseyed mastabator. Good job lmao.
How does it feel to be literally SJW-tier? Kys spooked faggot
Okay, so, let's look up at the different definitions of race on Wikipedia, shall we ?
It doesn't apply to humans.
It can't apply to humans, since black people aren't isolated in Africa, Asians aren't isolated in Asia, etc.
Okay, so, since meth-smoking white trash have different behavioral patterns than white porkies for example, is white trash a different race than white porkies ?
If some white porky children suddenly lose their family and end up growing up in the same socioeconomic conditions as some meth-smoking rednecks, will they still have the same behavioral pattern as rich bourgeois dudes ?
I think the answer to those two questions is "no" and "no".
There's no convincing racecucks like you because you aren't concerned with material reality or reasonable arguments. You live in a fantasy land where the nigs are plotting and scheming to rob your house and fuck your wife.
I think the problem with race relation is that we have let rich white people become the big other for other races and pretend poor white people doesn't exist.
Class conscience in yankland will not develope until we acknolage poor white people so all races see that poverty affects them all equaly
Not him, but I am denying race exist. What are you gonna do about it? Post Holla Forums infographs?
It can't apply to humans, since black people aren't isolated in Africa, Asians aren't isolated in Asia, etc.
So you are saying that if I get a galapagos tortoise and move it to Los Angelas, its geographical race no longer applies and it's race suddenly becomes a Los Angelan Tortoise because thats where it happens to be when you examine it?
Kill yourself
You're really proving your point by posting the movie where the black dude and the white dude fight for twenty minutes to realize they're being ruled equally under a bunch of rich superior aliens.
Im sorry, but race does exist.
Its real AF, and is real because people evolved in geographically distince areas of the world.
Explain to me how mankind did not evolve in geographically distinct areas. Explain to me why we are not all one color of beige if we all evolved the same way.
I dont mean race is real is a 'master race' type of meaning. I simply mean, yes, it is real, mankind has not evolved yet into one cohesive organism.
In short, its like skyrim fellas:
Its not an oppresive idea, its simply pragmatic.
the right actually thinks they live is /their movie/. And the glasses make you see the the jewish liberal message in the ads and the aliens are high class liberals/jews.
I agree.
It doesnt mean any race is better than any other, or that you can judge an individual by their race.
It simply means when you look at the whole there are certain trends which occur due to the evolution which took place in geographically distant areas
The term evolve is broken because taxonomically speaking human beings are alike in so many ways, science does not seperate due to "liberal bias" or "jewish peer review" but simply the fact in order for things to be worthy of classification outside themselves they must have enough significant differences.
Humans don't have enough to consider anything they have outside themselves taste.
Every problem you ask can be solved by simply replying "material conditions". The North is cold, you get Asians. The Mediterranean is hot, you get Mediterraneans, they go North, they fuck Neanderthals, hey it's white people. People cross to America from Asia, become Native Americans.
And it's far more complicated than just that. You have time periods where during the Ice Age and post the sea around Indonesia dried up allowing people to migrate from mainland Asia as far away as Java and back.
It's really all simple and you don't need to trick yourself into believing some sort of taxonomic psuedo science of classifying human beings.
No, I'm saying that if galapagos tortoises had been reproducing with different tortoises around the world for thousands of years, then it wouldn't make much sense to still count their distant offspring as pure galapagos tortoises.
I'm glad I read this whole post before wasting my time with a serious repl
Vast multiculture empires, most of which were themselves at some sort of crossroads between different groups with piles on even more genetic heterogeneity.
Are you 14 ? Most leftists have always been anti-racists because racism divides the working class.
No one's white except the populace of three particular norwegian mountain villages that no one who wasn't born there have moved into for decades. There used to be four but someone spent some time in the city before coming back with a city wife and ruined the whole thing.
Race doesn't matter.
it if you acknowledge it will only bring racial tensions, witch are not desirable in the class war.
Found the Holla Forumsyp.
Race doesn't matter you fucking Holla Forums infiltrator.
Except when they haven't for the last 200+ years Ameritard.
Ever wonder why every other country in the world got real names for their ethnic groups and America has colors?