picture related, #woke liberal redditor
Are liberals waking up?
Democrat leadership is being upheld as a lost Eden and liberalism will successfully dupe many supposed "far-leftists" into trying to return to this.
We will we see in the coming years what the Italian socialists meant when they said "the only thing worse than fascism is anti-fascists".
I made fucking cheese: the post
Where's your rifle?
>leftypol's "left"-"communist" Bordiga spammers & e-celeb shitheads who ALL stay in their basements
Thanks for nothing "woke" liberals.
I'm a propagandist.
10/10. I vote we virtue signal veganism at him until he cracks.
No, because he wouldn't have made that post if Hillary won.
He's a paranoid liberal who thinks he has to fight nazis.
Smarter people would agree that they are equally powerful.
Even Liberals are becoming fucking LARPers now.
Sadly no.
Most liberals are buying into the MSM McCarthyist bullshit about Russia and fake news and other such nonsense.
This is the year where liberals will literally just openly become wet tories.
we wuz cheese makers
*red ?
google it fam
What does "I made fucking cheese" refer to?
wat is the cheese meme
Amusing post.
Wet Tories. Neoliberals. "Socially progressive" conservatives.
New Labour, Liberal conservatives, Blue Dogs etc.
I never understood the cuckold meme tbh. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but if your wife is cheating on you she's a horrible person who goes back on her promises and you don't deserve that kind of treatment.
I know it's supposed to be emasculating and embarrassing, but the way I see it you're just laughing at another person's misfortune that isn't their fault, it's kind of like laughing at someone because a tornado hit their house. Just mean and not funny.
Personally, I'd say it's an expression of Holla Forumss inferiority complex and virginity.
Well I hope you're happy Holla Forums, the cheesemaker you sent insane in your thirst for a Hitler remake is hypothetically getting cucked and it's upset this woman, and now there'll be no more cheese for anyone. Apologize.
Well, the fetish it originates from is just that, a fetish. Plenty of fetishes take a horrible person to perform outside of the context of mutual sexual gratification of consenting individuals.
Holla Forums's white supremacists' obsession with it in particular, however, comes from trauma they got from being spammed with interracial cuckold porn. "This is you," said the trolls, "pathetic whiteys having your women stolen from you by manly, virile blacks." Eventually, they internalized the reasoning, but decided it's not them it applies to, but everyone else who doesn't understand racial realism and lets colored people into their society.
i dont think its a coincidence that every chan is filled with interracial porn
funnily enough the interracial porn subreddits on reddit grew alongside the altright subreddits btw
Well that's not surprising seeing as cuckolding is a fringe fetish. As a fetsih, cuckolding is about embarrassment and emasculation. The cuckold enjoys being humiliated and wants to feel inferior to the person fucking their partner.
It's a clusterfuck to examine the aut-right's obsession and use of it as an insult, but it probably stems from sexual frustration, after all they see women not fucking them as genocide, and the belief that anytime a white woman fuck a non-white, it is an insult to the whote race. Doesn't really make much sense when you look at it, but these are people who think the system works fine but niggers and joos need to be removed and that communists control the world theough private businesses and central banks.
The cuck meme is because kissless virgins finally found a kind of person with a sadder sex life than theirs.
Why does the left think making sarcastic remarks at your enemy is equivalent to understanding them?
It's not homophobic or gendered or necessarily racial at all. It's funny to the more normie memers because it largely capitulates to the SJW language santization program while still being psychosexual and expressing male weakness. Of course handwringing pedants will always nitpick everything forever, as you can see.
The "alt-right" racialists like it because to them it is about having a preference for raising a hereditary line other than your own.
Mystery solved.
Real life is just like Dwarf Fortress. All the Cheese Makers become soldiers.
Stopped reading. Read sticky, lurk moar.
Milo Yiannopolous is right wing.
No shit, and you're upset about a blurb about the proper interpretation of the cuck meme.
It's literally the new "faggot".
The only literal new faggot here is you, user.
I give it 2 years before a Jonestown-like mass extinction event kills off a portion of this cult.
an hero, pls
Cute. But do you really think there is any sort of nuance to a fucking meme?
Holla Forums is founded on the exploitation of chan culture as a conduit for normalizing extreme political views, and a cornerstone of chan culture is being as grating as possible because it's funny. Turns out shouting "KUK" over and over again is pretty annoying even without context.
Though largely I blame liberals getting butthurt about it for its popularity, not Holla Forums. Normies gonna norm.
Fuck, if this guy is actually being honest than he's 100 % better than the LARPers on here who became commies a year ago because pol has become mainstream and who still harbor really racist shitty beliefs and want muh ethnostate but with commie characteristics. tfw you have 30% of this country who will buy communism because they are sick of getting the shit stick as minorities and done with false promises of liberalismbut lets concentrate on muh lumpenprole whites who will never fucking align with you.
Dressing up as a soldier to fight the imaginary SA is the definition of LARPing.
Nah, they are still seething and mad as fuck about socialism.
The cuck meme has nothing to do with black men fuggen white women.
In no way is that the association invoked by the people who came up with the term.
Don't be fucking dumb, of course it's racial.
So did Bernie Sanders win the minority votes or no?
Of course we shouldn't exclude minorities and their interests, but that doesn't mean that there's not a lot of hurting white trash proles out there who are not buying into neoliberal trash anymore, but get alienated when they're accused of being oppressive to others.