Bordiga. Gotta let my kids know about that state capitalism man
Rightmost book, then read my way leftwards on the very comfy armchair I just made. It's only the most dialectical of the options, really.
And by the time you've built the chair and read Workers' Councils you've made yourself some pancakes as a perfect digestive for Bordiga's From Capitalist Economy to Communism.
pancakes for sure.
There is only one book she will need. vid related.
WTF I love pancake man now!
I thought you were better than that, muhslamic gommie! {*|:^(
dont you have some sparrows to kill
We're not stopping at the sparrows.
I consider the number '200 million dead under communism' to be a challenge.
Everyone should have a profession so I would tell her to start with the chair book.
This doesn't even make sense, Bodiga's stance here isn't more left than Pancake.
Bordiga's stance is further left in the sense that Bordiga fully assumes that the revolutionary's onus lies in ignoring all that is essentially the politics of being afraid to truly embrace the ruthlessness of the communist hypothesis (to perform the ontological break within capitalism). Pannekoekian council communism may succeed in bringing us worldwide communism, but it would only be because it is critically vanguardist and ignoring all sense of participatory and decentralized policy when it actually does. Bordiga tells us to stop pretending like we don't truly know that this is the endgame of our perogative. We should cut the crap and be as ruthless as possible, for once and for all, as to not wail in the conscious fact that we know that we are otherwise just beating around the bush and to avoid the critical point at which we will inevitably be ruthless or fail.
Ignoring the common will of the populace, no matter how misguided, is fundamentally right-wing.
Chair book. Use the other two books as waste paper when staining the chair.
What is fundamentally right-wing is the belief that the will of the masses are some natural holiness; one that exists as an immutable bastion of righteousness.
Say we had a referendum today in Europe about the migrant crisis, what do you think the results would be? Let's make it even more interesting: what do most people reply when you ask them to join the communist movement? They'd rather stick in the festering pile of shit that is a worsening social democracy than risk it big.
There is, if anything, perhaps nothing more reactionary than babying society to the ignorance of the masses, whom will under class society (but in general) always be dominantely shaped by an ideology and mode of production that makes them mentally incapacitated and incapable of seeing their own conditions of existent.
Democracy is a dictatorship
That is gramsci not bordiga
I know; the joke is that their figures have a similar shape (esp hair).
If you think this theory belongs to left-communism you're wrong.
And that is why you raise the class awereness to over 50% before you start the revolution. You tankies need to read your Marx.
I know; there's nothing more consistently Marxist about this disdain for popular ignorance. Left communists are, before anything else, just consistent Marxists, then simply anti-Stalinist communists and at least baseline skeptics of the Bolsheviks post-'17.
Why should I play this game? I'm a communist; not your psychotherapist. I will save you from your own fucking stupidity; I will force you to accept that which I think is right. I either force the condom onto your penis or first risk you catching an STD before you finally decide to put it on yourself.
Ruthlessness is only warranted if you dare be consistent about your aims and be honest about them. The tankie (Stalinist, Khruschevite, etc.) idea of being cruel because "it's right" is fine and dandy, but I spit on it because tankies deep down know that they fight for their own opportunistic mess which ends up being little more than social democracy at the barrell of a gun. I want my ruthlessness to be in the name of the cause I truly doomed myself to from the start: communism. Not muh anti-imperialism, not muh "revisionism", etc.
joj. Is this UbiMarx or Karl Marx you've been reading there, son? We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror. - t. actual Marx
I'm not challenging your theories here but if you acknowledge it isn't left-communism then the original picture being argued about here doesn't make sense.
Bordiga, being a communist and thus a part of the left of communism in his life time, is left communism. Once again, this is only descriptive of his political affiliation, because in truth there is not really such a thing as a "left communism" model, doctrine, etc. It's just a unified front, united by the things I listed above. Bordigism, however, can be argued to be further left than (Pannekoekian) council communism (which, like Bordigism/Bordigist Leninism, etc. is accompanied by a specific cause and means to it) if we compare their rhetorics and politics in measure of their ultimate honesties in regards to their mutually shared goal of communism, as I just did.
To touch upon the entire idea of who is "more" left wing, this was precisely why the left communist faction within the third international called itself as such (left communist, or, the left wing of communism). Because it believed itself to be much more true to the communist cause, and by this virtue further left than the "right wing" communists they critiqued and/or opposed.
Pannekoek > Bordiga > chair manual
How can I build an armchair? That would require me to get out of the one I'm sitting in.
Feels good
The overwhelming majority of "the masses" have no desire for communism at the moment, but communism is left-wing.
superior choice