Why haven't you accepted Alunya as your waifu yet?
Why haven't you accepted Alunya as your waifu yet?
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Because my heart belongs to another.
Because Alunya will take no husbandos
because she's too cute. she's more like daughter chan or something.
And this, Alunya belongs heart and soul to the ideal and nothing else.
Draw more an-cap cat pls, she looks like the perfect financial domme
Marriage is a bourgeois institution, comrade!
Wich political catgirl is the most submissive?
I have a waifu
I see what you did there.
Because she is kind the slut tbh.
She would be regular domme, not findom
The shittiest one
did someone made more alunya lewds?
Nihilism exists
You have objectively poor taste
You have a trash taste my man
Put on the socdem flag because it's clear you're a faggot.
What, I never objected such thing
Every dom or domme is just impotent and wants to express their repression
Then why is keeping reactionaries as sex slaves "shit taste"? If you want the booty take the booty, don't give them money so they can "force" you to lick their feet. Force them to make you suck on dem toes if that's your thing.
What? Nigga, I can get my dick hard for vanilla and sub just as easily as I can when I dom.
because I have leftcom kitty in my life
Will there be catgirls communism?
But he replied to me first
There is no reason to keep her after the rape, ancap cat is confused and you need to slowly show how capitalism is exploitative by nature
When you'll be over flinging shit over each other fetishes, can we go back to post cute catgirls?
Okay, you're both autists
But catgirls are a fetish
how come people doesn't bring their fetishes more often on these threads is beyond me.
Fine, maybe just fuck her in an alleyway and leave her out in the rain to contemplate the exploitation of the working class
Neo-lib is coming home with me tho
Because Rosa Luxemburg is my waifu!
I already have a waifu.
Because she isn't cute enough.
Vlada is better.
Please go to another plane of existence
I bet rosa would make a cute anime girl.
I know what feel.
Where does this poor taste rise form? Lack of proper male role models/ father figures?
I hate those pics so much
lmao, so much impotence
This much projecting
What's with your obsession of calling mdoms impotent?
Why do you seek to argue with them on the first place?
Relationships are not based on equality. There is always the one who dominates and one who is dominated. More pain you inflict on them the long term the harder it is for them to live without you.
Not even surprised.
I take it this is why you killed Rosa?
Not even surprised.
Who the fuck are you and what is your problem?
Jesus this is fucked up…
cute :3
rly maks u tink
You just can`t handle the truth! There will always be the one who directs the relationship, asserting their will over the other. Cooperation is ultimately just control with soft hand. Compromise will lead to the death of the relationship.
seriously kys
couldn't be anymore insecure
post moar socdembro.
i didn't know i had this fetish
the masculinity spook is so very fragile
Do you think that women don`t want this? Their emancipation has only enslaved them to their employers as wage-slaves instead of living in the harmony with their husbands on their rightful place that their evolutionary psychology demands.
please don't hurt anime girl ;___;
We could have told you is you asked
but you have a nazbol flag
pedo tier. kys my man
Your seed can be strong, but its too bad that you will never use it.
I like girls with suits tbh
Because I'm 27 years old.
It will become non-existent soon as socialism is established. Only thing that supports your fetish is cultural hegemony of the bourgeoise and bourgeois feminists with their ideology.
thats rich coming from an anarkiddie
read lacan
literally outing yourself as impotent
lel m9
dumb pirateposter
Good thing socdems cant establish socialism then.
not if the nations don't follow any liberal ideology
Nationalism is a liberal ideology.
sadly nationalism is pretty much liberalism
You don't fugg your daughteru, you filthy deviant
just because it originated (thought tribalism is as old as man) together with liberalism during the french revolution dosen't make it liberal. many of us are against individualism for example
so pretty much another run of the mill liberal, bet you are an altruist aswell
literal definition of liberalism is individualism.
you call North Korea (even tought it's a bit extreme) for example a liberal country?
When did this board become so clinically insane?
I wonder who benefits from keeping the working class from uniting and tolerating nationalism instead of arbitrarily rejecting it as Literal Hitler, but with no actual reasons ever given, except cherry picked history, besides of course the academics and other dependents with a vested interest in maintaining the liberal state? Could it be, the international bourgeoisie?
Socdems will be shot before any other Liberals.
You are a socdem, alright.
Wew. You totally sound well adjusted and not at all like an unhinged sociopath. I now see the value in gulags if it means getting rid of people like yourself.
My favorite.
Nice try, gommies.
lel, literally every major liberal movement is a form of tribalism
absolutely, their ideological struggle is againts the evil american imperialists undermining the pure north korean people
peak liberalism
define liberalism then
wew lad
Basically any flavor of defending capitalism it seems.
I did not say this. Relationships are a power struggle form the confession forwards. The one who confesses is always the one who is going to submit first. People are driven to their base state of submissiveness by ideology and social behaviorism that is caused by their environment or by their evolutionary psychology. Stalinists,Tankies and Fascists alike are usually subs for their desire to become the "perfect servant" for their ideology.
the ideology surrounding the support towards the emancipatory movement of a society,group, ethnic based on any analysis other than class struggle
holy shit that definition even more retarded then the "everything i don't like is Fascism" meme.
what is your definition of liberalism then?
brotip; progressiveness is not the only variant of liberalism
It's impossible to argue with people who do this fam. It's an infinitely flexible categorical grid, there's no actual substance to it. They simply will shift boxes around forever. This way they can easily imagine everyone else is simply brainwashed and only they perceive the absolute truth. It's peak hostile intolerance, usually masking itself as tolerance to all peoples, r/atheism-tier bullshit carried to its logical conclusion.
I have never abided by any other definition of liberalism
putting individual freedoms above everything else. the same definition academia and 99% of people have used since the early 19th century
you're waifu is a shit
Go back to wanking to 2D girls.
At least that should keep you out of the real world.
You realise nothing in reality will ever meet your standard for absolute purity? You call socdems idealists for being pragmatists, but to me this kind of thinking is the ultimate idealism. Calling it "materialism", "science", doesn't change that. Class in an emergent property out of extremely complex social arrangements. There's literally no way Marx, nor his various interpreters, have got it all figured out, to the extent that they can say with any confidence that class is the ultimate, and only path, to realising the Absolute Idea of total liberation.
so if I am fighting for liberties outside of my individuality, such as women rights, I am not a liberal?
wew lad
That is a bit hard when you fuck 3D girls on semi-regular basis comrade.
feel free to provide an example of how it's not. feel free to prove your spooks are real. feel free to prove liberating your spooks will end the other hierarchies
Why would I ever respond seriously to a meme ideology shitpost tho?
The onus on you is to prove these ideas are spooks (I wish you'd just shut the fuck up about it though, honestly). And before you say anything, let me remind you that the idea that you should learn things from great books because people tell you to, is assuredly a spook.
On this notion, being single fucking sucks. I don`t think I can take another year of this, one night stands after spending a night at bars gets old really fast.
no, i only have to prove that the unique exist, that the unique is the only relevant entity, thats all that is my concern, anything outside of it does not concern me
easy, they do not concern me, the cause of the nation, of god of mankin is theirs, not mine, why should i care about them
i don't blindly follow stirner, if thats what you mean
its your turn to respond
Well you can bomb out of the reality the rest of us inhabit all you want, but it seems like your ideology is essentially idpol taken to the level of narcissism of the pure self, then making demands, and should be taken as seriously. Politics isn't about you. Your need to bend the world to your will is your problem.
I'm still bafled by the way discussions on anonymous imageboard can go from catgirls to fetishs to sociopathy to liberalism to Stirner.
except it is the rest of you that bomb out of reality, only your self-interest exist, doing things outside of it's realm means you are being controlled
lol, you don't even know what idpol is, the ego doesn't have an identity, it is the creative nothing
hence why politicis should not concern us, precisely why we should not engage in bourgeoise discussion about race, nation, law and so on
Well that to me is a fundamental problem with idpol, it tends to be narcissistic by design, or attracts people with those characteristics, who tend to dominate the discussions. They simply transplant their ego out onto their identity group, thus externalizing their personal issues, while personalizing the group's struggles. Egoism in practice to me seems like this form of idpol just without the group identity, or with class as the group. If it's personally liberating for you, go ahead with it man. But it's not really politics in my opinion.
Should also we not engage in bourgeois discussions about class? How was Marx, or Engels - the literal factory owner, not bourgeois for example? A lot of trust fund kiddies, idpol types, put class at the forefront too, claiming to be anticapitalist etc. When are the workers going to find their own voice, do they always need to be led, considering the so-called inevitability of communism? Do the proletariat not care about family, nation, culture, ethnicity, etc.?
Socdems killed Rosa because it's how they show affection.
And you never explain how you are going to force people to stop caring about things they care about. You screeching spook at them and being smug about your own enlightenment just simply won't work.
Communist logic.
hmmm, but identifying and labeling yourself under a spook and acting accordingly isn't?
exactly, liberal capitalism, keynesianism and other bourgeoise forms of revisionism do not concern us, only the economic model that will let us will our egos as much as we like
but i thought marx never ran a company, never had a job, never took care of his kids and so on :^)
you are condlicting the """left""" with vanguardism
those are secondary to the class struggle and purely subjective
they can voluntarily join the union of egoists or become our property, its their choice
gotta go to work fam but thanks for reminding me Marx was a NEET hahaha.
but yeah, you are just an ideologue, and it can't, and won't work, sorry.
empirically wrong, as proved by hundreds of thousands of people that follow his own self-interest only
enjoy being the property of your boss while yo're at it, object
Plebs, the lot of ya!
I wish someone would draw Alunya getting for rawdogged by Stiner while he pulls her tail
This can't be a coincidence
Isn't he (socdem) that autist who gloats over hiring prostitutes?
lol no
Because I've already accepted Charlie Somik-chan as my one and only waifu!
will I be able to get a cute catgirl under communism?
i will be your cute catgirl (^:
are you a cute grill
I already have a waifu and her name is JOHN CENA
Good taste, Situcat is great too tho.
I'd cuddle ya
The only waifu anyone should have is the revolution.
Agreed, this thread is counterrevolutionary.
i'd hug you
Only one girl has fullfiled my heart and I'm sure she doesn't breake me anytime…