What's the leftist perspective on the Mejii Restoration?
What's the leftist perspective on the Mejii Restoration?
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Reactionaries vs fascists.
Perhaps one of the few instances where the distinction actually mattered.
I think it was a smart move on the part of the Japanese ruling class.
Who do you consider the 'fascists'. Seems similar to what happened in Europe, with the centralization of state power towards the monarch and away from the individual feudal lords.
bretty interesting time in history
A bourgeois revolution. Actually my favourite period of Japanese history, partially because the aesthetic of Imperial Japan was based, but also because it's fascinating how a country so far from Europe can go from a feudal backwater to a Great Power BTFOing major European countries like Russia basically overnight.
Shogun/feudal nobility were the reactionaries, the imperialists were the fascists.
I just don't know how you qualify them as fascists in this scenario. What's your criteria?
Not really Fascists, more like run of the mill 19th century quasi-authoritarian nationalists in the realm of Bismark and the German Empire.
Even by the time WW2 came around, they still seemed to have this kind of 19th century mindset. My theory on that is that because they alone of the Great Powers were spared firsthand experience of the horrors of WW1, they never experienced the same shattering of faith in 19th century nationalist ideology, and so they clung to it well into the 20th century. It also almost seems like because Japan got a late start to the colonialism game they were just ramping up by the time everybody else was winding down. Because of this as well as the fact that it coincided with the rise of Fascism, Japanese imperialism shortly before and during WW2 seems a lot more Fascistic than it really was.
Radical nationalism.
"Revere the emperor, expell the barbarian" and all that.
That's not really exclusive to fascism, tbh. Your loose definitions are triggering me.
This. I remember people like Johnathan Bowden talk about Mosley and how he experienced WOW as a 'revolution'.
That's what fascism is if you regard fascism as literally anything other than an Italian movement from the early 20th century.
I'm not talking about the psychology of fascism or its historical function.
I'm talking about the ideology itself. The ideology itself is just radical nationalism. You could argue that there's more to it than its simple ideological tenets, but that's a different conversation entirely.
Bunkermag article doesn't understand that it's talking about New Right that can lead to the same Fascism as Nazism did.
Fascism is a reaction by Capitalists that use some radical (often pseudo-Left) ideology to keep masses under control with radical reforms - that have nothing to do with Left and actually support status quo (to a degree, some members of the ruling class might get thrown to the wolves).
No, it's not. Autarkism was a logical - and rational - consequence of militarisation. International trade is unreliable as fuck, when you have World War going. If Germans didn't have at least some form of Autarky, they would've went under much earlier.
Oh, boy. Did he ever wrote it?
who knew that Holla Forums is actually full of millonaire porkies scared of a communist revolution
Holla Forums is a deluded (Lumpen)-Proletariat, not unlike Wahhabites.
Financial support of Nazi gangs - the thing that put them into power - never came from Holla Forums - or whatever it's incarnation was before. It was Capitalists who financed them.
Holla Forums is both simultaneously weak pussie virgins who routinely beat up antifa at every chance, but are poor misfits who can't into society but equally running the world from their millionaire porky complex's in their mothers basements.
To be fair cognitive dissonance can propel things pretty far. Just look at the orks in 40k.
Pretty interesting.
Vow for power, with the abolishment of an entire class, wherein the Emperor was able to subjugate and dismantle local lords due to better armament gained from the west. The smaller lords and samurai class didn't want to adopt the new technology, they were luddites who wanted to preserve the old order where the samurai held a higher position due to their caste and skill required for fighting with sword.
With the introduction of guns, the power the samurai had over the populus disappeared as using guns and gatling guns takes very little training. This allowed the emperor to recruit a large army from the lower class, arm them, and take out the samurai class and his rivals, while keeping in power himself. I dont think its fair to say that this was a "bourgeois revolution" from my limited knowledge of japanese history, it seems more like a grab for power by the already existing ruling class. But, it did coincide with industrialisation of japan, as such that new technology such as weapons and factories, made the old mode of production obsolete, being replaced with a modern nation state with european capitalist orginisation.
Well historically Fascism usually comes initially from the ranks of the petty bourgeoisie and labour aristocracy (not Lenin's version mind you, just the upper echelons of the proletariat, high-paid workers and collaborators with the porkies), reacting violently to the threat of Communism. This is usually the capitalized on and supported by major ruling class interests who support the Fascists as a tactic of keeping Communism at bay. So it doesn't really start with porkies, but porkies jump on board when it suits them.
The Emperor and his allies weren't the ruling class, the Samurai, Daimyo, and Shogun were. The Emperor was a figurehead, and he and a number of former nobles became the new ruling class, later supplemented by the rising bourgeoisie once Japan started to industrialize. I mean the Zaibatsu (Japanese mega porkies) started to form almost immediately after the Mejii Restoration.
The capitalists surely aren't financing fascists now. Why is that, do they have ideology beyond hoarding as much profit as possible?
In this sense, the fascists are the jews of marxism.
I think it's more the case that those porkies were genuinely fascist, many of Hitlers rich supporters were true believers.
The sword thing is largely a romantic meme, it wasn't even the 1st choice in battle for most samurai.
it's fascinating how a country so far from Europe can go from a feudal backwater to a Great Power BTFOing major European countries like Russia basically overnight
You could ask the same question about Europe going from the backwater of the world to world domination mode within a couple of decades of Renaissance. Germany also had a pretty feudal structure up until Bismarcks unification and became a world power right away.
It's a couple of socio-economic factors that correlate with each other - and surely not only Holla Forumss muh Autism Level level (that's probably the variable of least importance). However it's a very interesting historical question, and some historians identify the seed of European world hegemony already in the time of Charlemagne, but that's probably up for debate for sure.
Forgot to greentext
Correct. The Katana was a ceremonial weapon, mostly, and Samurai would fight with Bowl and Spear.
Okay I stop posting now
Except with Europe they were just pulling ahead of places like China or Persia. With Japan they were playing catch-up, and they succeeded.