/r/socialism mods get BTFO
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I love how the OP have erased the two mentions of /u/Handsomejack94 along with the slurs
Why do you redditors always post a link and go? At least try and make a good thread and quote whatever the fuck you want to talk about.
Sounds like mods want to avoid criticism kek
Try to make a good post once in your life you irritating cryptonamefag.
ahahahah, we're probably more balanced than that my god
How the fuck do you manage to feel out of place on /r/socialism lol
Not surprising since plebbit has a disproportionately male demographic overall
/r/socialism is the reason leftist ideology will never become mainstream
Would honestly prepare to live under fascism than whatever these people dreamt up.
Holy shit this is pure tanky shit. Remember comrades, dont disagree with us or you are a reactionary!
The OSS field manual on sabotage has this to say about breaking up group cohesion: nitpick. "Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions." Sound familiar? Policing the use of words like "stupid" or "fool" is the most transparent sabotage tactic imaginable. GCHQ also advises agents to "exploit prior beliefs". In this context, it means presenting your counter-productive policies in the language of the group you are infiltrating. Make it appear as if your disruption is consistent with group goals. This is why the moderation team legitimizes its disruptive policies by accusing all who oppose them of being "reactionary".
You really think intelligence agencies didn't realize the organizing potential of the internet after Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring? You think they didn't notice the popularity of 4chan and reddit? If the objective result of a policy is consistently to alienate people, ask yourself what the person advocating that policy really represents. If a withdrawn cult-like atmosphere emerges in a political group, find the person who is most fanatical in advocating that atmosphere. It is likely they will also be in a leadership position. I am willing to bet that 9/10 they will be an agent. Never judge a policy by the language used to advocate it or by the symbols the advocates drape themselves in: judge it only by its results.
Is the moderation policy conducive to building a broad movement of working people? No, it does the opposite. Is the policy consistent with the aim of educating the average person about socialism? No, it alienates them. I don't doubt that a minority of sick minds are acting independently, but I believe that the initial infection emerged by design. Those responsible for impeding the progress of socialism by sabotaging this important platform of communication must be held accountable. Even a low-intensity campaign of harassment would be sufficient to neutralize the psychologically frail dupes on the moderation team. The intelligence agents would have to be exposed.
This, really, in general. Listen to what people actually say, not how they say it.
What the fuck are these people doing, making appeals to Feminists to be in their space, is like asking blight to come to your organic potato farm.
we seem to have a pretty diverse userbase in terms of nationalities too tbh
/r/socialism is supremely America centric
Top tier post friend. Please join the other discussion on /r/socialism and discuss how we can bring true socialism to reddit and limit the damage these mods are doing to the struggle for class consciousness.
Spot on. I'd bet all my money on the /r/socialism mods being capitalist agents of one kind or another.
This is really ridiculous, a lot of the deleted posts were people saying that banning words like "crazy" and "insane" is pretty ridiculous, and some of them admitted being mentally ill to prove that these words don't offend anyone. All these posts had like 15-20 upvotes, and the mods defending themselves were quite downvoted.
I hesitate to create a throwaway account and send a rant to some of the mods to tell them that we noticed their censorship, and that I think they are either crazy liberals on steroids at best, or COINTELPRO at worst.
Who has that infograph of SJW's being COINTERPOL? Perfect to go with this post.
I think at this point we have to accept that it is more likely they are intelligence assets. How likely is it that the moderation team has failed to notice the words "stupid" or "insane" when reading leftist literature? These words are so commonly used that they aren't even noteworthy. Just to illustrate the point, the word "stupid" appears several times in Marx's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. Can we really believe a literate person to be a leftist if they cannot or have not read leftist literature? Is it not more likely that they are something else? This may sound like a radical claim, but just consider all the proven cases of online manipulation:
We know from COINTELPRO that they've infiltrated and disrupted political groups in the past. We know they were deeply concerned by Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring and what it taught them about online coordination. We know they have a massive presence online. We also know that /r/socialism is useless for coordination or outreach owing to its disruptive moderation. We also know that the people moderating /r/socialism cannot have read much left-wing literature. Doesn't this paint a very clear picture?
Yeah, I'm usually the type of people who really isn't into conspiracy theories at all, and prefer to bet on the stupidity of people, but this is really weird, and I know that an English spy named Mark Kennedy inflitrated the anarchists in Tarnac, so it's definitely a possibility.
Look at the posts of the guy cited in the article :
His contributions aren't longer than a couple of lines, and most of the time, it amounts to "muh ableism", "capitalism sucks lol", "i'm a feminist !" or really basic socialism 101 shit.
I don't want to denounce him after skimming through his posts for only like 5 minutes, it would be disingenious, but it's still weird that this guy is a mod when I see way more knowledgeable posters here. On a chan.
the meme subreddits for anarchism and socialism are more open to discussion than the actual subreddits
What a collection of faggots.
How come calling someone an idiot is bannable but being a Maoist is not?
these people can't be fucking serious
something something muh dialectical wizardry, muh mao took ML to a new level
Funny thing is that it's like 3-4 moderators (NoCountryForOldMen, Handsomejack94, pseudojewboy and another one) who are responsible for this policy. With half of them being responsible for pushing this SJW shit on the sub for years.
People are getting banned for posting quotes with "triggering" words or pointing out that saying "people are blind to X" isn't an ableist slur but a common expression.
Worst part is that the head admin is wants to revoke their muh privileges, but is apparently being threatened in real life.
lel reddit
We have anfem, so we win by default.
That's why is shit. American can't socialism.
Are they wrong to do that? Seems a good reason.
t. third-worldist whose favorite third-world movements are completely reactionary or barely reformist
Needs more Mugabe
How could you think that was serious lel
I don't believe any third world movement can succeed, only European.
Right here.
they're doing a private poll on whether or not to keep the rules against ableist language. should i post it here?
Anywhere but here, only post it here if they are expected to keep those rules.
Try the IRC or the dubtrack or any other place but here.
I feel like they probably will end up keeping them but i'll refrain from posting it anyway because it would just make them paranoid if they get flooded with dissent. What's the IRC for this place?
t. dumb amerilard.
get back to england or wtvr the fuck your ancestors came from. That's not your land.
Try the sticky, look up any other threads regarding Holla Forums chats.
Be warned though, they are often inhabited by tripfags and annoying faggots. But that's normal for Holla Forums i guess
This shit has to be sabotage to make leftists look like retarded SJW babies
Not even tankies would purge this many comments.
well its good entertainment at least
no tankies are generally more in favor of purging people