The surplus value of shit

"Take a shit. Ask yourself if the labor used to exert that shit from your body gives it value. Then ask yourself if under any circumstances you would value this shit. Then ask yourself if that labor counts as socially necessary and realize Marx is a glorified shit poster." (self.ShittyDebateCommunism)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Shit

What if my diet is such that I am able to fertilize my garden with my own fecal matter? Checkmate, capitalism.

If someone wants to purchase your shit, then it's a commodity. It has a social use value - someone needs to want your shit. If they don't, it's worthless and your labour did not create value.

So does breathing, but it isn't a social relationship. It's something all people are required to do. Taking a shit is simply a fact of life, one of the things you do that production is carried out to facilitate (since people shit, we will now create toilets).

I should really stop replying to shit posters, shouldn't I?

IDK OP what do you think of this???'s_Shit

you are arguing for the subjective value of shit, not a very Marxist position

For you

How so, who am I to say whether shit becomes a commodity. "Value" is objective insofar at any given time, we have an objective capacity for labour we must expend to reproduce ourselves, and potentially create wealth. Use-value is subjective, and something having a use-value is a condition for having value.

thanks for those vids. starting to get the hang of Marxian economics I think

If you swallowed a cocaine condom, drove to a trap house, then shat it out, then yes your shit would be imbued with labor power.

You only proved that the subjective value of theory is capable of assigning a price to shit, congrats on your retardation

… ant this leads to … the Asian Cholera Epidemic of the 1950s.

Great Job Lefty!

I know in China where factories work with a lot of gold (like electronics plants) the toilets all go in to a big tank and they sell the shit to other companies who get the tiny particles of gold and other precious metals out of the shit.

Its pretty efficient recycling when you think about it.

Damn the pooshwaze! We must crush scatitalism and the pooletariate must sieze the means of pooduction!

Now this is shit posting.

Just when I think offshoring can't get any more cyberpunk dystopian, I'm proven wrong. Corpse stills when?

Shit makes good fertilizer.

Wealth is like shit. If you put it in a big pile, it stinks. If you spread it around it makes things grow.

t. Jimmy Dore

According to Marx, "value" comes from the earth. Everything else is just transfer of material.

your produce was probably grown with some % of human shit, it's becoming more common as cities grow bigger and sewers represent an increasingly more potent source of nitrogenous biosolids after treatment.

Don't you mean value comes from labour & time invested in the product and social transfer?


considering the fact that people literally sell shit and dirt under capitalism I can't see how le mudpie maymay XD is an argument

Labor has a multiplier effect.
If you bake bread, but follow the directions for weaving a basket, you end up with a table full of loose flour and neither bread nor a basket.


The mlst important part about this maymay is that apparently it takes ayncraps an hour or two to take a shit, and they spend that entire time sweating and straining. Is it because their sphincters are perpetually clinched so tight that they can't pass any kind of bowel movement without giving themselves a hernia? Are they literally eating a diet of nothing but Big Macs washed down with a jug of Imodium?

In answer to your question, under Communism you will be paid for these hour long sessions struggling to shit by a trip to the commune's doctor who will try to figure out what you've done to your poor colon, hopefully before your intestines explode out of your abdomen.