fucking liberals, why are they so obsessed with these shitty shows
Interests: Harry Potter, Disney
They use escapism to deal with their alienation, because changing the system is too scary for them.
I'm LITERALLY CRINGING right now. I can't remember, was that from when Trump one?
Time for Sudoku I guess
So unique!
fucking christ
Because they are children
cringe thread?
Don't HP and Gisnep have kind of reactionary messages and worldviews? be intentional or not
Well other than Scary Harry accidentally comparing slavery to being a housewife and having a "racism is bad mmkay" "message" and some Disney movies overlooking the full structure of capital (which is to be expected) not really.
For example in Pete's Dragon the implication throughout is logging is bad!! but nobody ever says anything about all the jobs involved.
And honestly I'm convinced they can't grow up. It's being a 25-year-old anime convention-goer for people who are a little more normiecore. They hold on to Harry Potter and Disney because they provide simplistic and idealistic answers about how the world works because they weren't ready for it when they became adults in the most traditional sense. So they regress to their comfort zone's comfort zone, what they teethed on. Like autists that still like Sonic.
Harry Potter - not really, it's just a standard good vs evil story. Pretty sure Voldemort is meant to be a fascist anyway
I at least like both
Voldemort is a fascist caricature.
Harry meanwhile is a liberal faggot who refuses to do what is necessary to win. Honestly Dumbledore is the only character worth admiring since he actually has the resolve necessary to fight wizard fascism.
Rowling is bourgie to the max so I wouldn't be surprised.
Dumbledore is the most interesting character in the series, I'm pretty hyped about getting to know more details about him and Grindelwald in the spin-off franchise.
Most of the HP plot is a series of convoluted plans by Dumbledore.
I like Star Wars(yes I know trek is more left), but I sure as fuck wouldn't put that in likes anymore than I'd put in Taxi Driver. Much less use constant Star Wars references to explain current events.
They seem to think life is a fairy tale where you solve the world's ills by hugging liberals are the world's ills, and I'll gladly give them a hug with nuclear arms
Trek is liberal+bad science. There is no preachier show.
You kind of… do. You certainly could solve every issue like this if everyone else was smart enough to see the same way and you could be a militant pacifist until they do, just at great cost to yourself. From a consequentialist perspective the route with the least suffering is often self-defense and so it is the one that should be taken.
What a retarded statement.
You wanna say why or is it just about your fascist-retentive tendencies?
Trek is FALC where capitalism ended because it was no longer needed. It's very much against liberalism that sees markets as the natural order, if in a lowkey way.
Conflicts rise mostly due to material conditions, ideology gives excuses. Leaving aside the fact that it's retarded to expect everyone to uphold the same ideals, it still solves jack shit.
Fuck me the spectacle is strong
And it's for every obnoxious kind of idpol and war apologism and vulgar environmentalism and meme feminism.
You could read the rest of my post.
Read the rest of the damn post.
I did, it just didn't make any sense.
Yeah it did, you're just retarded.
You should do whatever you think will cause the least harm. Sometimes this is giving the enemy the benefit of the doubt and sometimes it's playing safe and killing the hell out of them.
Like WarGames. The best way to win a war is to not have it and if you have reason to believe that has any chance of happening you should pursue it.
Consequentialism is retarded. This 'harm' is not well defined, you can't do minimization when your cost function is undefined.
They are generally pretty progressive in a liberal mainstream sense, but that's beside the point.
They lack any kind of artistic depth, if for an adult Harry Potter is the high point of modern literature they clearly lack the ablility to read actual literature.
Harry potter appeals to liberals because liberals picture themselves as the wizards doing battle against the forced of evil (alt right is like le voldemort xD)
While they completely ignore the working class and outside world, also known as muggles
Not to mention that J.K. Rowling is a peak Blairite
The content does not matter all that much tbh, they just lap up any form of easily digestible escapism of 'le geek culture'
don't worry OP, one day you'll find that qt grill that likes that one obscure anime that totally understands you
Dude morality is a fuzzy spook anyway, any attempts to define it are going to fail in some regard.
I can still remember being a kid in elementary, they would read us books like where the red fern grows and hatchet, and white fang, thinking back , all stories about the outdoors, that was weird.
Then one day my teacher comes in with the harry potter book.
Liberals live in a fantasy world were they are the good guys on the "right side of history", they have no critical thinking skills, are easily pleased by corporation comodifying their cultures.
Like, some person who is on the verge of becoming homeless and can only get a part time job lives in reality, while these man child liberals are prancing about yelling "wingardium leviosa".
Have you noticed how must movies nowadays arent set in reality, there are no real people.
Its just fantasy characters, super heroes, and of course, its all sequels, and remakes, and franchises.
All the stories liberals love are set in fantasy worlds, there are no working class people, no suffering, no reality.
You know i used to be able with the fact there was no such thing as art under capitlism, that it was actually just entertianment meant for wealth extraction.
But its like, things are so stagnate even the entertainment isnt entertaining, its just like the same formulaic super hero movie sequels every year.
makes me ashamed of liking HP holy shit
Because they're children.
You mean Mormons? Those guys love that shit.
As for liberals love Disney, I'd say it's because it represents the ideal word where everyone can come to and understanding and be friends. (And arguably some cappie propaganda is in there too)
But Harry Potter? Eh, idk.