Does nobody see the hypocrisy?
Other urls found in this thread:
tbh,Trump won't start a war with Russia, he wants a detente,unless they push on the sphere of NATO, eg baltics
His tenet is to clash with chinks, white people get triggered of having to negotiate with non-white people where roles are reversed. Later they will pick up on India, because pahjeets will be incurring on a maritime strategy that defies the status quo-as China's been defying now, and the primacy about the sea routes of commerce and preoccupation from the political centers of EuropeNATO: Britain and France, mostly France concerning pahjeet projection of power.
Mainstream news only works to further an agenda, sempai
Nukes are a deterrent. Nobody wants nuclear war. Even if the bourgeoisie were to go full exterminism nukes would be a terrible way to do it. It would be too easy to fuck it up and it would leave radiation everywhere. Also, even with the shit people have put up with from neolib/neocon government, dropping a nuke would rock the boat too much.
AHAHAHA sure comrade.
White capitalists are worried that he will tank their Chinese investments. It's quite funny actually. China is the primary source of BRIC country momentum yet so far the West has refused to stand up to them because muh profits.
Not an argument
Who the fuck elected this moron? (hillary isnt any better)
Why the hell do people think that Trump (or hillary) would be a good leader?
Because American education is shit
Trump: war with China or Iran
Hillary: war with Russia or Iran
A Chinese war would be easier and better for the US than one against Russia.
It would completely destroy the American economy. Fortunately that is why capital will never let it happen.
i doubt education has something to do with it.
you can't teach a monkey quantum physics
what happened to America is unique.
its a farmer country, most people arent bright, but because of WW2 most European scientist escaped there
they built advanced tech, weapon and even went to the moon.
but the average American is still an uneducated farmer.
its like a 16 yo kid with a missile launcher
a 16 yo kid with a missile launcher would probably still be smarter tbh
Russia is not 'friends' with, nor never will become 'friends' with USA.
Forgot the namefield from other thread. Have a cool doggo.
It would be for the greater good if Russia nuked DC tbh
they should take one for the team
ITT: nuclear football
Islamic terrorists are probably holding on to stolen US nukes, so the US has to upgrade its defense system.
Why do communists complain about do-nothing Republicans yet call from the same playbook when a Republican gets into office?
Putin is good friends with Trump, and by proxy, USA.
You fool
And yet America still runs the world. What does that say about everyone else's Autism Level levels.
Because we have a one party system with advanced pageantry.
Oh no! The little lady boys are going to be in the stall next to my sweet virginal daughter! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO THIS COUNTRY?!?!
Oh no my sweet little angelic trans baby is going to have to piss in a stall next to a bunch of smelly dudes who can't hit the broad-side of a urinal!
(Insert new inane non-issue) Lather, rinse, repeat.
CTR…on Holla Forums?
You guys lost man, go home.
Way to fucking go, Holla Forumsyp
You're not seeing the chess.
I trust Trump's leadership in the upcoming WW over Hillary. Bitch couldn't even win an election against a reality TV star.
yeah rightio
This. Also she proved to be fucking horrible as sec. of state.
I didn't want him to do any of that so…..
Except maybe lock up Hill-dog, but she's on a long list of American war criminals.
How long do you plan on shilling for Hill before you move on?
And maybe the trade stuff. I'm cool on the cancer-inducing Chinese toys.
Not all is about capital, most time it is. This is a political question too, white people can not fathom being out of the picture in the major tussles of others nations/peoples.
They wouldn't like, example, the chinks convening with another countries to assert their influence. It's more passable for them when Russia does this shit, they accept more naturally. No fan of China, but they are snatching territory disputed, russians are outright annexing land from countries. The US has overlooked it.
It's rather obvious this is a movement try to renewal a status quo lackluster where only those muh white countries that won WWII have the political influence, coming this century.
Obama's beating him to the punch:
President Obama signs defense bill that could spur new space-based arms race
I find it hilarious that a week ago, Liberals were crying about Trump being besties with Putin, now they are criticizing him for going hard on Putin.
What the fuck do they want?
To be unconditionally validated and claim they had it right from the beginning.
You know, "right side of history" and all that.
A fence isnt a wall. Old news now anyway since Trump says fence now.
nice strawman captain moron
Do liberals not understand how capitalism works?
it seems that rightwingers don't either.
they fail to see the link between capitalism and immigration for some reasons