Should we abolish inheritance, or at least tax most of it away?
Should we abolish inheritance, or at least tax most of it away?
Porky will always find a way around it. "Inheriting" the company which is it's own legal entity.
No because the workers should have the right to leave heritage to their children
We should abolish capitalism
What is there to leave? Some mass-producable personnel property and a membership in a local industrial co-op?
This. Workers should be able to leave their toothbrushes to their descendants without governmental interference.
Should be taxed at 100%
I couldn't agree more you dirty prole I mean fellow leftist
You should not be allowed to inherit land, money or private property.
A home is ok, so long as you simply live in it.
Yes, maybe he is spooked and wants to use his fathers sweater
famine urself
this seems like another one of those things like UBI which becomes a substitute for actual anticapitalism.
I actually kind of agree. In a capitalist society it would be a massive waste of time for lefties. In a communist society it would only be an inconvenience to everyone. I don't see the point.
sort of; I think a better way to put it is that it that the mirror rather than the entire camera assembly is used to track the projectile (making it much easier to track quickly; less weight/inertia, easier tracking) and the projectile velocity/distance/etc are used to pre-program the rotation of the mirror to track accurately without any image processing or manual control.
It's a gigantic waste of political capital.
And where should this political capital be invested?
Don't let porky amass obscene wealth in the first place.
Proles meagre possessions should be left alone.
CAPTCHA: cuck8d
I does has moneys for shoes!
You guys are da best u know that
I've been thinking about creating a planet generator in Substance Designer. Wouldn't be difficult. I think someone has already made one but it's shit.
Nah, we should allow people to give their kids inheritance. We should just kill the kids of anyone who chooses to do so.
are houses part of this
She has no tits.
She's fucking gross.
Traslation of text
A record of completing within an hour
1)Draw a general sketch, set how the character looks like, the accessories are based on what I collected before, with some modifications.
2) On the layer of the sketch, fill in the base colours, because there isn't enough time, the main thing to do here is to draw clear boundaries between items, if this isn't done properly, might not have enough time to do the details.
3) Open a new layer for colour contrasting, separate the light areas and the shadow areas in one go, the contrast between them must be sufficient.
4) Open another layer and accentuate the boundaries between light and dark areas, add some grey to light areas, make the dark areas darker.
5) Add details.
6) Focusing on modifying the light areas, put some cool colours on them, and such the light areas will get some green, the dark areas will appear to be more orange (the colour reflected when light passes through skin)
Since the whole image is brownish, I added
7) some green to compliment it, done.
i also forgot the MC had a sister who was actually a guy in drag
soy-based meat products are literally worse than hitler
maybe if he'd won they wouldn't exist
fuck off
What a weird pattern of spamming.
Yes. Nobody needs more than one house. And landlords certainly won't be passing on anything.
How many of these votes come from dead people and illegals?
Achieving post scarcity and changing societies priorities in other areas.
give us the ip's
you must be some religious wackjob
I will volunteer to become cyborg, think about it, you can shape your body whatever you want. Control whatever technologies with your brain. Then, increase your life span. Tell me reason why not?
All I want is some kangaproof
This and only this, all these other "fixes" that social democrats derive for capitalism only makes the problem worse and worsens the lives of the workers. Inheritance tax, income tax welfare, etc. all methods for porky to keep the capitalist system entrenched and further control the workers. Abolish capitalism or live with the consequences of capitalism.
As soon as there is one fully communist country that isn't just a sham populist country that relies on ethnic nationalism and handouts to keep its native population at bay we can talk about starting a revolution. Until then I think it's safe to just stick to reforms.
you do realize most people, porkies or not, are continue to work so their kids can have a better future? Of course you don't, you are a retarded leftist.
you are a spooky man indeed, friend
Not that guy, but can you fucking read?
Bourgie children will inherit a bullet in the face
Wow. You give Stirnerposters a bad name.
You should definitely use your reading comprehension, instead of making tenuous implications, or just being a schizophrenic.
Under capitalism it shouldn't be surprising that people behave like this. The solution is to change the system. Not blame the (weakest) individuals in that system.
… seriously, what?
you have pretty shit memory, but nice digits nonetheless
Know that you stared this, Holla Forums
Yes what the fuck indeed.
Why don't you all go right back to the beginning and restate your argument without being a green texting retard.
La cosa bella è che ho ideali di destra e ho votato No, ma per il tuo cervello è troppo difficile elaborare il fatto che gente abbia pensieri diversi dal tuo. Continua a montare fatti su di me, non mi infastidiscono, perché tanto confronto le cazzate che spari con quella che è davvero la mia vita e mi faccio una grassa risata.
No, the amount they raised for primaries and general election were released today and was reported by PBS.
Stupid fake news faggot.
My parents raised me Catholic and I haven't been back since I moved out of the house
In general I'm just not afraid of dieing and don't really believe in the afterlife. I don't go to church because I'm not trying to impress some god.
dawww that's nice
but the alt-lite faggots are the ones who can't help cucking to liberals so this isn''t true
fuck no
t. anarchist
porky has to be eaten alive
you know we have to like "bop" putin in the nose
i grew up in a small town and my father was a mailman
hes from lebanon you dumbass