Thought on this /leftypol ?
Is this just pushing transhumanist lobbys agenda ?
Thought on this /leftypol ?
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I don't think about it. There are much more pressing matters
I don't think its the "transhumanist lobby's agenda"
But it is pushing IDpol to get people to stop thinking about class struggles. Plain and simple.
Gender is a spook
Stay triggered cuck!
The only cuck here is you
Try harder faggot
I would ask you the same, but its pretty clear you can't even start to critique stirner
Liberals belongs on the stake
Don't care.
It appears to being pushing some agenda.
plastic surgeon porkies are pushing the transgender meme to line their pockets
I'm going to buy it and read it
then i will be able to discuss the issue
but transgenders are not transhumans
He says while gripping his nutsack. What a baller.
"The best thing about being a girl is……….
The liberation of the proletariat and gender liberation are the. same. fucking. struggle. against. the. same. oppression.
Then class struggle is idpol you fuckers. Do you want liberation or not?
"Bitch, shut the fuck up."
When you or this tranny start feeding the homeless, then we can talk.
As for now all you're doing is telling me about your weird Bougie hobbies.
I'm so gender fluid I switch gender at least twice a day: WITHOUT, taking hormones, getting surgery, or wearing patriarchal designated WOMYN'S clothing.
Top that bitch. I'm more womyn than anyone in this thread, including cover boy.
but it's not necessarily 'politics'. We can discuss things like gender without it having to be idpol or take away from class struggle. Personally I think gender roles loosening is cool, more place for personal expression.
Gender is a spook, but pretending that gender liberation and the liberation of the proletariat is even remotely comparable is pretty ridiculous
Liberation of transgender working class: part of our struggle. Discrimination amongst workers is reactionary. I couldn't care less if someone born biologically male marches amongst those in
Liberation of transgender bourgeoise: Reactionary through and through, the bourgeoise deserves no rights and has to consider itself lucky if it doesn't also get physically exterminated. Using identity politics to distract from the class character is the foundation of fascism. To the >>>/gulag/ you go.
Transgender ideology has absolutely nothing to do with loosening gender roles. If anything it strengthens them.
Fuck off TERF.
I'm not even a feminist.
you've been here long enough
you know that your feefees are irrelevant to how class is determined
nigger please
refute the statement faggot
many trannies are the most spooked people alive
not all trans are legit
there are attention whoring narcissists in their ranks
You refuted it yourself. There are retarded transtrenders but by saying "not all trans are legit" you admit that not all are fake either.
OK then fuck off idealist.
Great argument. Transsexuality is a mental illness, not an identity.
At most its idpol, at least its putting a spotlight and normalizing a particularly victamized segment of the population of physical violence, robbery, sexual assault/rape etc.
Even if it is idpol, at least it might raise awareness of a demographic of people that are targeted by other mentally ill individuals wishing to pick them out for their vunerability.
I mean we can talk about idpol but Holla Forums is the one that pushes certain identities as well, you can't deny that. It's kind of an inevitability in the discourse we're in.
Who gives a shit about identity? Where do you think we are? Trannies have abnormal brains. It's not something that people just get over. It's a material fact about who they are. As this guy mentions, there are nuts who think they're trannies when they're not but that doesn't make trannies not real.
Schizophrenics also have brain that's different from normal. Does that mean we respect their delusions?
Does it rather mean that you disrespect their entire being?
Honestly the mental illness is played up because of the way they look, not particularly their actions.
If you want to view mental illness in such concrete terms with quality of life issues related to the mind, you'd be judging people around you that you didn't even know were mentally ill.
Unless I'm missing what you're saying.
What would respect entail? I would say totally, you don't go up to a hallucinating person and tell them "SHUT UP STOP! STOP RIGHT NOW!" that's about the worst thing you could do to someone in the middle of an episode.
Idpol should be sent into the dust bin of ideology.
these kinds will be transformed into crippled insufficient individuals with severe mental issues.
Schizophrenia impedes people's abilities to function because reality and hallucinations blend together. Trans people can live perfectly normal lives assuming they're not stigmatized for it.
Why are they the only ones that you label as the population severe mental issues. Do you know what severe mental issues are?
Commiting suicide because people don't use pronouns you prefer or needing to castrate yourself and taking homons in order to live is not "living perfectly normal lives assuming".
I'm saying that calling it a mental illness stupid. Trannies have abnormal brains and the dysphoria is a recognition of that. Saying trannies are mentally ill is like saying that someone with a malformed body part is mentally ill if they recognize it as such.
Suicide in these cases is common not because of the transition but the reaction to it. Transitioning is legal for the same reason.
I can tell you are definitely basing your opinion on a reasoned appraisal of the topic and not sensationalized stories that idiots pass around to amuse themselves.
Identity disorders.
Both surgical and non-surgical practices have been developed as voluntary procedures for those individuals who desire to transcend the physical dualisms of male/female or who wish to cross-over-the-divide. Not only is it increasingly common to encounter male-to-females and female-to-males, whose gender must be located somewhere beyond the aspects, whether or not they can publicly pass as unambiguous, but also to encounter those who have opted for secondary sexual characteristics of both male and female, so-called androgynes. Sexual relations have undergone major cultural transformation, and there is no sign that this process will soon cease.
Severe mental issues are in fact, something that is purely cosmetic in nature. Be glad that it formed out as gender and not something else. In the scheme of things, there are people you've known/know that are more mentally ill than someone with gender dyspohoria.
Just too end up looking like fucking Trannies or Dykes.
woah what an awesome Transition you got there.
*not something
Whatever you want to call it. There will be more caustic comments made than that, probably more than a bitter mind could imagine.
Reddit please.
There is no "gender liberation". There is sex liberation and that can only be achieved through class struggle as capitalism does discriminate on the basis of sex. See Engels On the Origins of the Family or for a more contemporary example how the sex trade thrives when a country collapses (see 1990s Russia and modern day Greece).
This gender nonsense is just absurd. People can dress however they want blahblahblah but to compare that to the class struggle is absolutely insane - and that's not getting into how creepy and regressive the whole movement's ideology is. Look no further than the pic in the OP with the reification of gender roles via the long hair and pink outfit and the fucked up sexualised pose.
How is the pose sexualised?
i think you might be a pedophile and not be aware yet
Not actually possible. Calling these surgeries sex change operations is false advertising.
Sex change operations were made legal simply because just dressing as a woman was a big deal to everyone to the point the only solution is to make someone fully the other sex. As in, insurance/protection not to get robbed.
Of course, these people want it badly, and there are legal and quantifying hoops you have to go through to get to that point. It was useful in shielding people rather than telling them they should.
I think that implies greater negative things than the negatives you're suggesting.
Yet this naturalistic appeal to what "gender" is was precisely the problem to begin with. This was the trump card used since the early modern period to secure women to our pumpkins. So, in the West, women will be oppressed by a two prong attack: being associated with nature, fertility, children and so on (more closely than men) and by a simultaneous denigration of nature, putting it and us down with the animals, to be domesticated, and far away from the grace of God. Thinking purely strategically here, if women could manage to achieve transcendence from the realm of nature it wouldn't matter how nature is regarded.
HAHAHAHA Holy shit, you're just uncomfortable because you find yourself slightly attracted to (kid?) trannies and this bootyblisters you because you think gays are gross. Just accept it nigga, you're not some hypermasculine womanizing stud. Nobody's 100% straight. Deal with it. I'd be a lot more concerned about the hebephilia you're displaying.
Also to not turn rape into murder.
What you write makes no sense.
I'm saying that you have a reactionary way of looking at other people's business.
If you would look a little deeper and actually knew the backstory to that family and the girl… to this transition and how fucked up it all was…
You would probably burn this copy of the magazine.
How fucked up was it? Give a summary.
Transitioning kids is incredibly fucked up but that doesn't mean transgender people aren't real or shouldn't transition as adults when they know what they're doing.
I think you jumped the gun a bit there user.
And yes, the picture in question has received enormous backlash for the pose. Although you may not see it as sexualised you'd have to be pretty dense to not see why others might.
Okay, tell me why other people would.
Religious family who'd rather believe there gay son was actually a woman as opposed to being a gay man.
As I mentioned before, although adults should be able to dress however they please much of the ideology of the trans movement atm is quite regressive and appeals to this kind of conservatism.
I don't think you're particularly sincere in asking this but it is a popular pose echoing Edouard Manet's Olympia. A painting that was scandalous at the time for its sexuality whose pose has seeped into popular culture.
Although really one need not be familiar with art history to know that someone reclining on a lounge is generally considered sexualised.
Nigga WHAT
Here's the painting you mentioned. Notice how the subject is nude? Do you think that might be what's scandalous about it as opposed to the fact that the woman is sitting in a rather unremarkable way?
Glad to see an off hand remark (that again, was a common reaction to the picture) is the takeaway of my post critiquing modern gender politics.
I'm honestly not that invested in defending the gut reaction of "ew, that's a bit creepy" people have had to the photo - honestly not even sure why people are defensive about it.
So yeah, I'll drop it.
We're not reacting to that, we're reacting to you thinking there's something sexual about it. I think most people find the picture weird given who it's a picture of and how over the top the "girly" appearance is.
Sexualised, not sexual.
E.g. the Green M&M is sexualised, you don't have to want to fuck it to recognize that.
But like I said, the point of my post was pointing out how femposters modern gender politics, rather than tearing down gender roles and allowing people to dress and act as they wish instead reifies existing gender roles by saying X actions are girl actions and Y actions are boy actions and if you're a boy and do X or are a girl and do Y you must be the opposite sex.
I support transgender rights, but I don't really agree with their gender theory. I don't think that there are a thousand different genders or flexible genders or whatever. I think there are exactly zero genders (gender being here defined as the various values and social norms associated with a particular sex). That you must necessarily wear this set of clothing and perform these rituals and uphold this set of values based on what equipment you're packing in between your legs is clearly just a fake social concept.
That said, I also thing some of this stuff is pushed by gender feminists and radfems because they think they're destroying male sexuality and/or the "masculine essence". Just watch how they react if you, as a "cis" man, show any sexual attraction to transgenders.
To what extent do you think secondary sex characteristics exist as a function of biology vs. socialization?
They're a function of biology.
What about the ones that involve behavior instead of just morphology?
Like what? Hormones?
Hormones do effect behavior, and they are biological, but everyone has a different balance of hormones, so the idea that biological sex necessitates a certain type of behavior is largely a social standard.
Honestly I think this is a difference in definitions. When people say there are a gorillian genders, aren't they really talking about how they express their gender in terms of the social norms associated with sex? They come up with new ones every day of the week just to personalize their gender identity.
I mean gender is a spook.
Well, yes, but I think it's still based on the idea that there's some kind of gender essence that forms who you are, rather than gender being a spook.
Not necessarily just hormones, but stuff like physical differences in the brain or nervous system resulting in different behavior. From stuff like different pain tolerance up to complex behavior like different emotional responses to the same things.
Yeah, the idea that people should adhere to a standard is harmful. Even though everyone's different the sexes tend to cluster in such a way that when you look at populations you see trends. My concern is that there are people who deny that sort of thing and would enforce a social standard of sameness instead of just letting people do what suits them personally. I see it as just another form of gender roles.
queers and non-binaries are responsible for the 10k genders nonsense.
t. actual tranny and not some liberal with a weird haircut
I hope I'm not being an asshole for saying this but I'm sorry idiots have surrounded this topic with such retarded bullshit. It's not at all hard to understand if you aren't whipped up into a tiff about special snowflakes or whatever.
Idk why people are complaining about there being more than two genders since we have two spirit, muxes, hijras, and what not
Because christian ideology still dominates the world, especially the west.
There are 2 genders.
If you are a woman, that identifies as a man, you are a man.
Have sex with whatever you want, and get on with it.
yeah they get on my nerves when they whine about being oppressed (for essentially having a different hair color) and never need to take hormones, get therapy, deal with their families, etc.
It amazes me that we will let children go through radical, disruptive, dangerous, artificial, and permanent biological modification to let them realize a budding sexually natured fantasy that that they have only just begun to explore. And we do it on very confused ideological pretenses. Who can tell me what it means to feel or experience something that you are not? Transcendentally speaking this is a contradiction. What does it mean for a girl to "be a girl" from an existential or phenomenological perspective? This simplistic breakdown, this stereotypical, sexist expression of being a gender, is anti-progressive and anti-intellectual. I'm still surprised by the demographic that supports it. We have overcome so much only for the same demographic who has made that progress to relapse into a "girls are girls because they like pink and makeup and boys are boys because they like trucks and blue" dichotomy. Look at this picture- what girl dresses like this? What eight year old girl has her hair dyed pink and is wearing purple leapard print spandex tights? This is an offensive caricature- trans women are the black face of gender. If you wonder what a trans woman thinks it means to be a girl, you don't have to even ask them- just look at how they are expressing their idea of what a woman is. A grown man will dress as a hypersexualized little girl and change their name to Sabrina Babyslut and it screams "THIS is what it means to be a woman!", and we applaud them.
But she's a QT trap loli dude.
National geographic gotta sell mags too.
What about letting them be more likely to be raped because they have a compulsory need to do something as innocent as wear a dress?
The problem here is that transitioning accelerated to this point simply because of the likelihood diagnosis offers patient victim hood of abuse and violent crime by other mentally ill people, or just sick people, who target vulnerable groups.
This is not so much the creation of psychiatry as it is a creation of a society without its proper care, eliminated. A society where the mentally ill go homeless, and the people slightly ill are killed and raped for looking differently because they're ill.
America is an ill society.
I'm not, any more. This is part of what made me realise how liberal society really is.
Psychiatry is both part of the solution and part of the problem. Prisoners being mentally ill when they should be in care on the solution side. Psychiatry is absolutely riddled with contradiction though. Doesn't mean psychiatrists can't on an individual basis do a good job with what they have.
It's as part of the problem as any doctor is. The problem isn't the psychiatrist, it's the problem a child who is a boy is more likely to be kidnapped and raped for wearing make up and a dress, because of a compulsive need, than a regular boy is.
Now you could say, but the pre-teen was simply asking to be in a demographic where they are kidnapped and killed and buried in a shallow grave.
And to that I would say you are probably wrong. That is why it exists. The moment society had the chance not to allow the existence of transitioning, it had it.
It forced the hand of people in medical positions, and now we have it.
He look like's a little rich boy dude. I don't think any of that sounds likely.
Anyone want to post the actual article so we can stop speculating and find out more about this stoic trap?
Quick poll:
How many people are here are aware of meeting a trans individual?
I've only ever come across them on OkCupid and usually I would not have guessed if they didn't put it in their profiles.
I wouldn't have guessed cover girl without the text. Maybe I'm just bad at sexing humies I dunno.
I was talking hypothetical, not the OP. Around the confusion why transitioning exists as it does.
I'm not disputing this type of aspect. It's one part of it, but it's complicated. We are all complicit in liberal society however. Psychiatrists aren't really villains, it's as you say, a villainous society.
What is this supposed to argue
I'm simply stating why it exists. As it does? It's facts. Don't like it? Yell at the kidnapped kids for being kidnapped.
Da fuq? I'm saying this is another preaching to the choir type scenario where no amount of crying at society is going to stop the type of people who were going to do the kidnap and rape in the first place.
Second of all if you eliminate scenarios where people are likely to get raped/kidnapped than you'll get rid of most of the rape/kidnap scenarios involving trans people specifically.
Being a runaway and hooking on the street is what leads to rape/kidnap, not being a trans person per se.
You're going to really tell me that all things being equal, a middle-class/upper-class trans individual who dates in a normal environment and gives fair warning to dates that they are trans or are so post op no one can tell the difference, or saving it for marriage or whatever the fuck, are THAT MUCH more likely to be raped/kidnapped?
You can't simply wipe a dysphoric condition of society from the face of the Earth by killing enough of it. It exists from multiple circumstances that arise from many variables, leading to this.
We live in a society that prides itself barely on having the care to not let its citizens' children be kidnapped.
So we cannot and will not agree with you likely for the rest of the century.
Fuckin vanishing trip.
I'm talking per-transition, gender dysphoria is incredibly dangerous because it is the compulsive need to be in drag, and that attracts other mentally ill people, actually people in worse off states, to pick them off.
Arguing over the inhumanity of transitioning a child in say, a poor environment, is also arguing he would be better off with an increased likelihood to die.
It's a no win scenario so estrogen or testosterone are given to influence characteristics for both the psyche of the patient and their own safety.
Who is we? You talk in such a weird fashion. I'm saying the tranny shit ain't the problem.
I'm all for trans-acceptance, personally I don't give a flying fuck, it's on the level of a girl saying she's heavy into Twilight. You have/or once had a penis or are really into Selena Gomez? Ok next chick.
As far as my personal priorities: the hooking epidemic is much worse and I PERSONALLY feel it should be society's priority over trans-acceptance.
PERSONALLY I know and have met a lot more FULL BLOWN FEMALE hookers than trans hookers.
That's all fine, we're arguing different things. It's not about worse, I'm explaining. Also yes, sex workers do get killed often.
First of all, once again, I don't give a flying fuck what someone does with their own child. I don't agree with the Honey Boo Boo shit either, but at the same time, there's worse shit in the world.
You sound like the Pill Pushers who told my parents that if they gave me Dextro-Amphetamine as a kid I'd be less likely to use hard drugs later in life (kind of true in a way cuz amphetamines are some of the hardest shit out there. How much harder can you go? Heroin?)
Getting sidetracked, but you really trying to do the psychiatrist thing? Cuz I hate psychiatrists. Fucking fitting the stereotype perfectly: Person with mental illness tries to tell other people if they're mentally fit. Fucking insanity.
Insane diagnosing the insane.
Even if they were not stigmatized, gender dysphoria is so bad that suicide is still a high possibility. I think medical advancement in the field should be the priority.
I don't care what adults do. I think there are ethical questions when people encourage self harming behaviour, but its none of my business.
When it comes to children however, I think its disgusting that Munchhausen syndrome by proxy isn't seen as an extreme form of abuse. People should go to jail for mutilating children and advocating that it be legal to give them hormone blockers.
There is nothing violent about trans people, in fact I think someone with severe handicaps would put you into a fit about eugenics.
You hate psychiatrists because you had adderall?
Not my problem.
IdPol conservative mentality in a nutshell.
You gonna post those proofs you're in medical school, or have we got it down to countertransference?
Unless you're influenced into amphetamine madness for all I know you're bitching about less than the people you're accusing of bitching about nothing, and for all I know the adderall helped.
Not me before. It's your favorite poster now though.
I just find it interesting how the liberal mind works in relation to the social structure. Don't you? You see, I both empathize with trans people, and the mass victims of psychiatry. Not everything is so easily stereotyped, which is one of the great ironies of idpol. The progressives have done some sick shit when it comes to trans though, and are utterly incapable of imagining they could be at fault, it's pretty amazing.
Liberals have this grand simulation of empathy, it's a carefully woven narrative spoonfed to them, but I think liberalism actually destroys empathy, or rather they are simply the kind of people who lack it in the first place. Which is counterintuitive to a leftist, because the conservatives are supposed to be le reactionaries, the liberals are supposed to more like them. But when you realise what they are reacting to is the liberals, which is perfectly understandable given what I have described, and that they react proportionately to the extreme progressive narrative building and social engineering of the historical communists, which is really this exact same phenomena, despite the changes in the mode of production and the political system. This essential realisation eludes leftists, maybe because it kind of shit cans your whole framework for political alignment. Sorry, it was just universal propaganda and you fell for the memes.
Giving Speed to children is kind of fucked up tho, wouldn't you agree?
It depends, honestly. You're not going to like that answer, but it depends.
They had me on that 40mg and 60mg XR back in middle school.
Amphetamines and puberty are never a good mix.
But ADHD is a fucking fictional disease and no amount of marketing is going to convince me, but it is a free market after all.
Do yo thang.
What makes psychiatry so special compared to other physicians who benefit from pharma? We have to work with it, we have to work with answers we have from research and medical science and peer review, and you can't just wipe it all off the map because it seems suspicious.
Not everything is as it seems.
What are your thoughts on meth-amphetamines? Therapeutic in some cases? For children as well?
That's right, they do prescribe meth to children.
how are you still shilling this hard? As far as we can tell, you are lying about medical school as well.
Shilling and annoying you are different activities. I'm just annoying you right now with the facts about practice in medicine.
Liberals are just slightly less status quo than conservative liberals, they like making up imaginary shit to make it look like they are doing something.
So you're telling me dextro-amphetamine is fine and dandy but meth-amphetamine is not?
WebMD says different:
This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills.
This medication is also used along with a doctor-approved, reduced-calorie diet as an aid to help significantly overweight (obese) people lose weight. It should only be used for a short time (a few weeks) in patients who have not lost enough weight with other treatments (e.g., dieting, other drugs, group programs). It may work by decreasing your appetite.
transhumans are something else than transgender.
Who doesn't see it that way? I'm not particularly familiar with, like, the attitudes of scientific or medical fields toward it. It it generally not seen as extreme abuse? I find that hard to imagine much less believe.
Then why are parents who claim their children are trans being given support?
What does this have to do with communism?
I thought you all hated idpol
My transgender friend tells me that is an aversion to having a penis, a male body, being seen as male.. I think it can be somewhat compared to how a normal man would feel if he lost his penis.
One's identity does not have to have a political axis. "To say that everything is political is to affirm this ubiquity of relations of force and their immanence in the political field but this is to give oneself the task, which as yet has scarcelt been outlined, of disentangling this indefinite knot."
please, continue to tell me about my feelings about my gender and my body.
Why don't you tell us?
Haha, faggot…
there's armchair economics here too but capitalism can't be triggered :^)
I've tried many times and I'm honestly exhausted from doing it, sorry.
There is a lot of archived material on what gender dysphoria is and what it really feels like. If you just googe "what does gender dysphoria feel like" you'll find plenty. I think the trannies on halfchan's lgbt give the best descriptions that are expressed within cis ideology so they are easier to understand.
The problem I have with google search results is that a lot of is SJW nonsense , with that what isn't being purged by them.
Idiot liberals desperate to out-righteous each other.
Another victory for the ego.
Don't expect scientific insight on here. Instead, expect armchairs and grad students ""giving their opinion"".
When self is the reality that you're dealing with, yeah pretty much.
Many schizophrenics experience themselves as the victims of an extraterrestrial conspiracy, it doesn't follow that such a conspiracy actually exists. The subjective experience of gender misalignment does not correspond to objective reality.
holy heck okay let's go over this for the eighteen billionth time
in the same way that you might support labor unions on the way to class liberation and socialism, gender identity stuff is a way of supporting those hurting while on the way to a genderless (or gender uncaring) society
this shit ain't too complex
It does though. There are morphological differences in the brain that align with the gender trans people identify as.
Wake up and smell the coffee, sunshine. It's a schizophrenic world we're living in.
No there isn't.
So does depression, does that mean depressed people should kill themselves?
There are also morphological differences between a schizophrenic brain and a non-schizophrenic brain. It does not follow that the schizophrenic has in reality had their brain tampered with by alien conspiracies. The morphological differences between a trans brain and a non-trans brain are not consistent with a "misplaced brain" hypothesis. Transsexuals do not have the brain of the opposite sex, though they have brains with distinct morphological features.
Nice try, five eyes.
No it means that their sadness is real and not a delusion. Are you even following the conversation here?
Schizophrenic delusions are based on the exterior world and can be falsified. Indulging schizophrenic delusions will further disconnect schizos from reality. Letting trannies transition tends to significantly improve their quality of life and make it easier to function by lessening the dissonance they feel. You're literally just kicking your feet and whining how it's a mental illness but not suggesting what would be a better practice than transitioning. Even if we take the mental illness classification at face value, the way people treat mental illness is to make life as livable as possible. In the case of trans people, that is transitioning.
They still think pray the trans away with mystical conversion therapists is a viable solution, or antipsychotics they would otherwise never condone because muh big phama is owned by the joos!!!! but it's okay because it's for treating disgusting trannies!!!!
But the sadness isn't linked to reality, it is due to hormones in the brain that make them feel a way that isn't consistent with their external reality.
I don't disbelieve that trans people have hormonal issues in their mind, but rather than treat the problem to help them, we encourage the behaviour that leads to self harm.
Why do people who have no understanding of neuroscience try to inject their opinions on neuroscience?
Transgenders have a normal hormonal profile compared to controls. This was established in the literature years ago.
How about you fuck off
I don't disagree with any of this. At the moment, it is the only way to prolong the lifespan of a transsexual, as they are inclined to commit suicide otherwise. However, even after transitioning, transsexuals are still more inclined to commit suicide than the general population. This suggests that sexual realignment surgery is more of a palliative than a cure. I hope that in the future medical science will discover a less invasive treatment than sex realignment surgery, namely medication. One day the causes may even be discovered and cured.
Post HRT?
I was talking about morphological differences and used the wrong term by accident, you then felt the need to claim a victory in your argument rather than respond to what I clearly meant. You are being childish and have no interest in a real discussion, so why should I waste my time with you.
Point to my first post and tell me where I claimed victory anywhere.
Can't? That's right, it's because I was just stating a fact. Keep being triggered over fucking nothing, though, you're surely helping that tranny stereotype.
And why do you think I'm a fucking tranny?
inb4 "anybody else ITT used the book flag but me"
I've been using the book flag for weeks, I'm not the only one. I was arguing AGAINST the tranny you fucking dipshit
Do you know about the study from Sweden showing trannies still have very high suicide rates even after transitioning?
My only wish is that the mods would enable IDs for this thread to reveal how much of a shitposter you are.
Medication is a pipe dream. They've been attempting to pill away all of man's problems for decades. It hasn't worked. Look at how many fucking school shooters were on antideps! Social isolation and depression rates are at an all time peak even though we're more medicated than ever before! We're still using drug classes from fifty fucking years ago when treating schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, sometimes ripped directly from epilepsy drugs.
And yet you expect us to bumble upon this magical bullet which has never had any precedent when it comes to mental health treatment? There is no panacea, for ANY mental health condition, and it's foolish to expect one to be developed just because "science n shit!"
If anything, medical advancement in transitioning will ease transgender QoL over the next few decades much to the triggering of assrendered stormcunts.
Go nuts faggot
No thanks tranny. It's nice to know you're so assravaged over FUCK ALL you're willing to load up image editing software tho.
Some people are literally too insecure to handle not knowing about something.
Palliative > nothing, even assuming it's something you would want to cure. Assuming that suicide rates are more due to being trans than society's attitude toward trannies is full retard though. You try living in an environment where most people at best think you're weird and more frequently think you're abhorrent.
Yes. Anybody who's seen as a freak has a higher rate of suicide.
Or it's evidence that "tansitioning" is not very effective treatment. But i doubt you would ever even consider that.
t. armchair cherrypicking science to fit his predetermined conclusions
Read a fucking book.
he thinks it took me more than 10 seconds to do that
It probably took you longer to think of a reply
I have read many books. I can recommend "the transexual empire"
You forgot your anfem flag.
I'm not even a feminist.
It reduces the suicide rate more than anything else and other metrics for quality of life improve.
Nigger, I'm an anti-feminist and I agree that trans people get a raw deal.
Man, I want to empathize with trans people because every person deserves to seek self-realization, and I know very well how awful it is to live with self-loathing. At the same time, I can't see how it isn't just a form of transability.
You know how some people are born with body parts that are a mismatch for their gender? Like how some women have big beefy hands and some men have shapely hips? Imagine that but with parts of your brain. The difference is that your brain is you in ways that other body parts are not.
I think you're drawing a false distinction between the brain and the rest of the body. The mind can have pathologies, to the point where you don't know were you end and, say, bipolar disorder begins. Just because it might distort your "fundamental self" doesn't mean it's not a pathology.
Even if it is a pathology that doesn't mean it's curable or that trying to eliminate it is what's best for the patient.
Why would I care what they do? I don't know about children though. Children can't consent.