Is there any beloved, classic story where the hero isn't a communist?
Is there any beloved, classic story where the hero isn't a communist?
Other urls found in this thread:
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Hansel and Gretel
The Three Little Pigs
If you organised a large infographic about this it would be pretty neat.
A communist message could be derived from any of those.
Gilgamesh? The Illiad?
Out of curiosity, how?
More than likely, but you could probably draw leftist themes from mos of them.
The Song of Roland
The Odyssey
i want to fuck him
The gospels
I'm not sure its fair to apply communism to pre-capitalism stories.
More importantly, are there any classic stories where the protagonist is overtly communist, as opposed to a Keynesian like Robin Hood or some other kind of reformist?
Batman is like eighty years old. How old does a story have to be to qualify as a classic?
He recognized the lack of use-value in currency.
Rome was a socialist empire. I mean just look at how many road they built.
He was like
The exodus from Egypt is the most anti-capitalist portion of the Bible.
I think he was more apathetic since the alternative would have just been some brutal Jewish monarchy and/or theocracy.
He's a liberal who bootlicks the police and terrifies the working class.
He came from the mountain carrying two different tablets. How is this not capitalist?
he literally beats the shit out of guys selling small quantities of ectasy and marijuana, drugs which would be legal and regulated if it weren't for porky
Isn't it sad that the only reason Bane was the bad guy in Dark Knight Rises is because he really did it all to persue a secret plan that made no sense?
what's sad is that the left is so impotent that they allowed NRx fuckwits to co-opt Bane and turn him into a fashy meme
But it is also pretty hilarious that Holla Forums doesn't realize that Bane is an obvious Anarchist. It's like when right-wingers quote 1984. It's just precious.
I guess those 100 mil of dead people were all kindness?
That's just shit white people did. You can't call all of human history "gabitalism" and act like that's the reason shit happened.
99% of those have nothing to do with capitalism
99% of those are related to the accumulation of capital, so yes they are.
nobody got gulag'd because of socialism,
they got gulag'd because autocracies have to suppress dissidence
oh people that were killed in the pursuit of capital wasn't due to capitalism? Fair enough but I guess you'll have to admit communism has killed 0 people and is therefore literally perfect.
Then you can call every not real communist war a capitalist since you need to accumulate capital and resources to arm men that aren't working in industry or agriculture.