When you're stuck working a dead-end job in some capitalist's factory but it's okay because you're friends with the...
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basically modern uncle sam.
don't you mean uncle tom?
shit i'm retarded
Harry Potter is full of pure ideology
It's the most clichéd liberal powerfantasy
Also note that while the wizard world seemingly has a government with a 'prime minister', there never seems to be any talk of elections. Aristocratic dynasties and nepotism are rife, and its entire world seems to be based in 'just-so'-isms
Yes. What did you expect from Rowling?
Fantasy in general is pretty bourgeois. Anyone know of any lefty authors?
China Mieville. I've only read Dial H its a super hero comic but it blows other capeshit comics out of the universe
Pic related, best single issue of any comic in years
Joe Abercrombie
Lel, noice. is Joke Rowling a liberal, tho?
Leo Tolstoy, Oscar Wilde
Ursula Le Guin
Frederick Pohl
You don't even know
Look up her twitter rants on Corbyn, she even makes Hogwarts metaphors, it was truly sad.
Moorcock is an anarchist.
I feel bad for being a fan of Harry Potter tbh.
Alan Moore.
George RR Martin, ASOIAF is one of the few truly materialist works in recent decades.
Even the wall can't cure this level of ideology. Christ, this'll put a bad taste in my mouth whenever I read anything about those books in the future.
What kind of fucktarded arguments are these anyway?
Welcome to the deepest levels of classcuckery; levels that run even deeper than those in Japan or Clapistan.
I didn't even know what the fuck was going on in this film 75% of the time
Why is it getting so many good reviews?
It really wasn't that complicated or especially terrible. Or good, for that matter. It's really just that kind of movie that wastes 2 hours of your life without provoking any real reaction whatsoever.
literally every blockbuster gets good reviews now despite the fact that they're all the exact same movie.