Michio Kaku tries to explain Trump and recites the history of capitalism in the process
Uh, why? Isn't he a physicist?
He talks about broader topics like economics, sociology and futurology as well.
why do people still listen to this hack?
Why do people feel offended at his generalized soft science and not Holla Forums's
YouTube comments always amaze me.
Well I don't really get "offended" by either of them and pol's "science" is probably the more dangerous of the two, but this dude is basically another paid shill to justify the system only he does it under an even heavier pretense of knowledge than most people.
Whew can you imagine if we listened to economists on how the physical world works?
Or how about anthropologists on chemistry?
The Renaissance man is dead.
That's a good philosophical question and they don't even realize it
Kaku is no polymath and this isn't the Renaissance where so many fields were in their infancy that it was easy to perform meaningful research in multiple disparate areas. Especially not alone. Scientific breakthroughs increasingly happen at a team level.
It really is. It's skin deep politics from popsci and soft science cherry pick. Except Jews run Academia so nvm until it's convenient again.
His entire thing is
Ok maybe, I don't think so though
He's overall correct on how technological innovation changes capital, society and doesn't wait for anyone, the trading opportunities offered by globalization and the latest tech not reaching into the folks living in the countryside as much as city dwellers, and how automation is going to replace entire professions (but it won't while inexpensive female workers living in East Asia or Africa, or immigrants, remain the less expensive option).
Of course the so-called "human capital" is vital and Kaku admits the US education system is "quite deficient" and even scientifically proven to be uncompetitive and worthless for the purposes and challenges of the CURRENT YEAR, but I'm not entirely sure if the project of retraining adult human drones to work @ more skilled jobs is feasible with any extant model or system, and again, will Porky be willing to provide the means for that?
Something tells me Porky just do the Porky thing, and have the relevant subjects taught to a later generation.
What is interesting is that no politician ever seems to attempt to sell globalism to non-globalized countryside guys: "No longer will you be disconnected, I will make you part of this new world."
I guess MAGA sounds better than "No One Left Behind."
Have you seen this guy's other stuff? He might be a perfectly decent physicist but outside of his field, he's Ray Kurzweil tier retarded.
It's actually an image board on 4chan
Will extremism happen in our lifetimes?
Kaku* and social strife*
Actually Michio kaku used to be involved in commie politics way back when the New Communist Movement was a thing in America
Workers Party circa the Greensboro massacre, I
understand that Kaku was a cadre of the CWP. I'll ask
my friend if Kaku, to his knowledge was ever,
previously, in the PLP as well.
wtf I love Michio Kaku now
it's for or against communism? is kaku our comrade?
the only difference is that those fields are a joke compared to the natural sciences
yes and no
Yeah, collecting trash requires humans. Totally can't be automated.
so, he's against communism?
I think he was referring to when the garbage in question isn't already placed inside the appropriate bin by humans. The robot would have to be able to tell trash from non-trash, the latter being some boy's soccer ball or dog, for example.
It's hilarious because half the things in that picture happen here but ten times worse.
I had a dream once that he tried to kill me with a katana
He praises Thomas Edison—a capitalist and fraudster par excellence—for "creating wealth" rather than merely "redistributing" it.
That wasn't a dream bucko
If everything is predetermined what say do we have in the prisons?
Yeah, a pretty average one though.
Isn't Chomsky a linguist?
This guy has serious autism
He lead the CWP when it was the Workers Viewpoint Organization in the 70s. Not sure what his viewpoints are now. He might have moved away from Maoism. If anything he probably would prefer FALC with an AI benevolent dictator but that's a guess.