I don't mind if you rely an oddly specific situation to solve the problem, but there has to be some consistency.
For example, you use specific situation of late period Russian Civil War (not even first years) to pacify right-wing militias in America (circa 2017), which then are to be used against police.
Alternatively, you do not clarify what situation you refer to.
Is your solution specific to Russia-1917, specific to US-2017, or is it your own prerequisite?
I.e. do you think, Russian revolution was started by "rogue soldiers" (whatever that means), American revolution has to be started by "rogue soldiers" (deserters? PMC? regular army going revolutionary?), or revolution has to be started by "rogue soldiers" (similarly to Anarchist above that would support Revolution only if it had fully formed state and had won the elections)?
And how exactly do you intend to co-opt them? What will you offer, how will you control them?
Is your solution specific to Russia-1917, specific to US-2017, or is it your own prerequisite?
How exactly do you appeal? Can you name those interests?
But stores are empty. This happens today even without revolution (Atlanta 2014, for example).
The question is how will you handle the logistics. Will you tell everyone to drive to local farms and try to barter (hyperinflation) for food there?
Are you talking modern US situation or pre-October Russia?
Because I can tell you for a fact, that Russian workers in 1917 were unable to manage. They didn't know where (and what) supplies to buy, whom to sell to, how to oversee the whole process, what critical defects there were, and so on.
Similarly enough, most modern processes require specialists. While regular worker can tell "you take this grayish stuff and use it like that", he is incapable of telling where do you buy this stuff, how do you check if the stuff is up to specifications, or what do you do, if the grayish stuff is slightly different.
Look at the iPhone factory: regular workers can't explain to you how much dust in the air there should be. They know how to do one operation: "put this thingy into this slot".
Nuclear power station. Are unions "generally able to manage" it? Because if they can't, you still have the problem of needing highly trained specialists for things to work.
And what would that policy be?
How do they regulate it? Subsidies, taxes, planned economy?
I don't get this one at all. Reindustrialization is possible at least 5-10 years down the road, but whatever.
What collectivization has to do with anything? If it's US-2017, industrialization of farming happened decades ago. Pre-WWII, in fact (see Grapes of Wrath, for example).
On what exactly? Gold?
What do you do? You can't hide behind "Bolsheviks were stoooopid and I'm smart, so I magically solve every problem".
I specifically presented you example where Bolsheviks never enacted "state-issued girlfriends", never suggested it, never discussed it, nor even contemplated this nonsense. Nevertheless, since 1918 (to 1923, at least) they were plagued by this "commonly acknowledged fact". IIRC even American Congress considered this to be truth in 1922, with multiple witnesses confirming it and several internal Bolsheviks documents proving it.
I'll refrain from discussing this for now. I'm still not certain how exactly you intend to revolutionize and discipline counter-revolutionary gangs.