Exactly how lonely does he feel in congress?
Exactly how lonely does he feel in congress?
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Hes a fucking clown the quicker he keels over the quicker someone real can step forward
I dont get this guy. Is he class conscious or not? Maybe he's just baiting socialists, and is a big fat liberal scumbag like the rest
Fuck off
I think Bernie is an honest soc-dem, the problem is he is just too nice for his own good. He is in a position right now where he can be as arrogant as trump and tell the dems to go fuck themselves but instead he keeps playing patticake with them.
Whos going to carry the left into the winds of accelerationism?
I just can't decide whether I think he is a genuine SocDem or a genuine socialist LARPing as a SocDem so he doesn't alienate himself from US politics and lose his platform.
You know, I'd love to ask him in private. I'd love to hear what he really believes, no censorship.
But we'll never know what he TRULY believes.
Look back to his work he did in the early 90s and prior. It's very obvious he is outright socialist, but has had to contend in the last decade or so with the fact that congressional and electoral politics in America requires an entryist approach to allow broader ideas to be able to disseminate.
He still can be seen periodically gushing over Eugene Debs and other American socialists from the earlier half of the 20th century.
I've fantasized about being able to do this or also Bernie being on his deathbed and his last words are outright commie shit calling for revolution and revealing that Clinton threatened him into endorsing her.
It would be funny if during a speech he gets a bit to into and he lets out some truly communist beliefs. Like Jimmy Dore in a rage. Just starts talking about world wide unions and universal strike.
Bernie used to be pretty radical.
The fact is there's been class warfare for the last ten thousand years, but it's been the ruling class taking on the middle class and poor.
Ftfy Bernie.
He definitely used to be more radical but nowadays is a socdem doing what he can to make liberals class conscious, he played his part.
But like all socdem politicians he compromises rather than have principles.
no you didn't, you fell for the meme just like he did
He has more integrity and revolutionary spirit than most modern "socialists"
Wew lad.
How is anything I said an argument from authority?
I mean feel free to insult me but at least make them factual.
Because historically there has been no classes between the ruling class and poorest class right.
You're a tard.
If I was him I would just call for a violent overthrow of the government, is not like he has too much time left anyway.
The American usage of "middle class" annoys me
There were but they were defined by a tangible material distinction. The modern concept of middle class is just an arbitrary milestone bourgeois institutions place on the spectrum of income.
America is the frankenstein of ideology. It makes me sick to read about your politics.
i'm still unsure about Bernie's political vision.
the thing i'm sure of is that he's far batter than shillary and the orange buffoon
You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar
Actually, I view that as his slickest move. Sure, there was the threat of a Trump presidency and the DNC killing his movement, but in hindsight that was pretty clever.
Remember when the media refused to cover him in the primary, like scheduling the debates for shit hours and focusing on Trump's empty podium while he gave a victory speech? Endorsing Clinton guaranteed him PRIME TIME COVERAGE at the convention. He would be able to broadcast his message all over America without any shenanigans.
For a candidate that had been muted for the entire primary, that was quite the coup, especially when raising class consciousness was his entire goal for this election.
Yeah but there's always those who think if a politician deviates 1% from what they want to see implemented they're complete shit.
They seem to be more common on the left, sadly.
His foreign policy is sketchy imo. He's still better than anybody else in American politics.
isn't he an isolationist ?
Jesus Christ. Lurk moar.
He's a big fan of the drone program and wanted the US to lead a coalition against ISIS. I don't consider that isolationist.
Lonely as fuck.
Read some marx you fucking cuck
Bourgeoisie literally means the middle class.
They used to be the ones in the middle until they got us and the peasants to get rid of the top.
I may have misread your post. I was responding to any idea that "middle class" was inherently fictitious rather than only fictitious in our modern context.
This guy told us to vote for the Wall street puppet.
Now he say he will fight the class war for us?
It was his only move. Liberals already blame him (well before they started blaming the Russian bogeyman) for Hillary's loss. But now he has a soapbox
This isn't 19th Century Germany. In America, middle class does not mean Bourgeoisie. Literally everyone calls themselves middle class, even wage slaves making $14/hour. He has to claim to protect the middle class because proles have been deluded into believing they're the middle class despite being two missed paychecks away from begging on the street.
He's honestly enjoying robbing the middle class of their donations to his campaign in his 6 million dollar lakehouse.
Selling out was not his "only move." It is just the only move that socdems know how to make.
No excuse to defend the term middle class or talk about 'saving the middle class' (which is more precisely referring to an amalgamation of the petit-bourgeoisie and the professional-managerial class), when it a class that must necessarily be destroyed, just like the bourgeoisie and even the proletariat for that matter, in order to achieve Communism.
The American "middle class" is mostly consisted of proletarians. Only welfare lumpens, the lowest rungs of the proletariat, and the homeless are considered poor.
The professional-managerial class actually makes a good portion of the "rich" and the "upper-middle class", while the petite-bourgeoisie actually are mostly "middle"/"upper-middle" class.
The reason for this is, as the proletariat marched closer and closer to power with unions, their material conditions resemble that of the self-employed "petite-bourgeoisie" that you despised so much and so they saw themselves as a middle class. And, in a way, this is a good thing. The proletariat's mission is to ascend out of being a prole and to become petite-bourgeoisie by seizing the means of production. Petite-bourgeois elements that don't rely on wage labor are welcome in this struggle against the capitalists. Not members of the professional-managerial class however, who simply seek to replace the capitalists and to create a welfare-bureaucratic society. Lumpens also are allied to the state due to being reliant on welfare.
Basically, this
It means "city-dweller" actually. There were no proletarians when the term was coined. For example, craftsmen and artisans were considered bourgeoisie/burgher. It also came to mean "citizen" due to it's association with republicanism. In a way, I actually admire the bourgeoisie and burghers in that sense, in contrast to the capitalist class. Burghers were self-employed artisans who organized themselves in guilds, capitalists are a ruling class who exploit the labor of others. As I said before, I believe that it is the mission of the proletariat to become an industrial burgher class by seizing the means of production and creating industrial guilds, which necessitates the elimination of the capitalist class.
Sanders is also a sell-out and cuck to Clinton.
Jim Webb is the only way forward.
Is he /ourguy/?
I don't remember him saying or doing anything noteworthy short of being the only Democrat who was pro-guns, Bernie included.
Oh hey Holla Forums
Bernie is driving an mk1 r8, not an mk2
lrn ur shit
This is the kind of shit you debunk by just posting a Snopes link. Weak!
The Audi thing was covered by already, but the Podesta thing is misleading.
The quote that Sarwark puts out suggests that it was Sanders himself speaking on the matter, or that Sanders was in on it at that point in time. The full quote is as follows:
It's not exactly a secret that the HRC campaign was banking on Sanders losing and them directing his supporters towards the Clinton campaign. Sanders' final endorsement of the HRC campaign was admittedly lackluster, which was to be expected for anyone who wasn't tucked away within the clenched asshole of the Democratic Party machine. Aside from essentially saying "she's probably better than Trump," not much actual effort was put in to corral the Sander supporters into the voting booths.
He's actually really left-wing/pro-union on economic matters (By US standards) while being nationalist and pro-gun.
He also was a veteran from the Vietnam War and voted against the Iraq War. Webb also left the Democrats due to dissatisfaction with the primary process.
In a way, he's a reverse-Sanders.
Being a Democrat who progressively grew more radical and eventually went Independent, while Sanders was an independent who progressively became more "Democrat" and became absorbed by the party.
This. Trumpcucks are completely blind as if the media treated them unfairly.
This is still the best explanation of the modern Bourgeois and Proletariat in my opinion.
That's because they were completely banking on them going out and voting for Hillary anyway, which many did. The Democrats honestly didn't give a shit about the voters this election.
The media treated Trump a lot better than it should have, mostly because they didn't view him as an actual threat. They really treated him with kid gloves during this election.
This is the only positive aspect of a Trump victory.
Choosing the lesser evil doesn't work anymore.
Too bad the Dems don't get that, so Trump's second term is more than a certain.
Oh I think he'll be just fine in congress with his neoliberal socdem brothers
The media was riding Trump's knob throughout the primaries. It seriously would not shut up about everything that Trump said. It was only when the general election got underway that the media started pointing out his flaws, dredging up old dirt on him, and openly mocking him.
It looked to me like they built up Trump, because he looked like the perfect jabroni to throw the match to Clinton. Then they tried to paint him as a clown, which he is, only to discover that the one thing that Americans hate more than scary clowns is a corrupt politician.
But they still didn't go after him as hard as they could have since he was still useful to them. The polls told them he had no shot at winning, so they continued to use him to both bring in the ratings and distract from Hillary's numerous weaknesses. It only during the last months did they actually try to take him down, but as was usual with this election, it was far too late to be effective.
The clown promised both JOBS and REFORM, and that's what got him elected by the skin of his teeth. The corrupt politician only offered more of the same and that's why she lost.