[Class Consciousness Intensifies]
[Class Consciousness Intensifies]
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That's never a good sign for an imageboard.
And they're all going to 8ch.pl
That's just the level of Holla Forums's butthurt about our existence.
kek. it really is an excellent idiot filter
Goddamn, that was hilarious. 4chan can't even raid the right website anymore.
It'll probably go higher after we're announced as one of Wolff's sponsors for the economic update.
Reddit on the general political ideology of Holla Forums
Reddit can't into the twenty layers of irony on this board.
And the thread system is too confusing for them.
Thread system is straightforward as fuck. Reddit's layout is shit
As both a leftypol user, a long time 4/then 7/then 99/then Holla Forums user, and a long time reddit user (r/marketsocialism, r/fullcommunism and r/latestagecapitalism are pretty decent) it's basically this. I remember 6-10 years ago when arguing with an ancap (the closest you could get to a conservative on reddit then) on reddit was actually fun. People would provide sources (or try to) and not everything was about trying to get upvotes.
Fun fact: "Up/down votes" were then called "up/down mods", as in democratic moderation, and using "upvotes" was discouraged to try to keep discussion interesting [1]. It still had the issue of people using the voting buttons as a glorified facebookesque like/dislike button, but it was very discouraged. Often people who didn't agree with the content of a post but saw that it was well constructed would upmod it to fight back against upvoting. Generally the humorless, trolling shitposts were the ones at the bottom of the comments. This all happened before they instituted subreddits, which are still mistake in my eyes, balkanization of the web is a real and dangerous thing.
The problem with "Joe Redditor" trying to figure out leftypol really is trying to understand when a post/thread is ironic, real talk, or humor. And it's frequently a combination. Redditors, as with the rest of the web in general anymore, only recognize humor, entertainment, or offense. Even in subreddits that espouse they are pro-discussion, like r/socialism, are now moderated within an inch of their life. That's not how anonymous discussions operate. as
Humor in general is being stamped down by both the left and right directions, forced into a type of "with us or against us" mentality. If it's inflammatory, then it's against us, so mod it out of existence. Example, gulag-posting. Except for maybe a few tankies, nobody thinks there should be real gulags for real people. The idea of a conceptual gulag for *sniff, degenerate ideology* is important though. Somebody not able to recognize this, say an r/socialism user, will just use the "against us, so bad" heuristic then apply the heuristic to the entirety of the board. Does this mean that the concept of a theoretical gulag for ideas shouldn't be used? No and fuck that guy for applying a shitty heuristic shittily.
Just my $0.02.
[1] - web.archive.org
From Germany here. My family is the proletariat. Every single one recognized there is something fundamentally wrong with the current capitalistic system and that they're being exploited, however none realized the alternative to this means socialism. It doesn't help that there currently is not one socialist party in Germany (that is to be taken seriously).
Fellow German here.
So you are waiting for the corporate press (Bild, Welt, FAZ, Focus and so on) to proclaim, "look here, that's a real socialist party here?"
No, but I looked at all I know and haven't seen one that I would support. Feel free to present me with one that's not full of tankies or populist liberals (MLPD, Linke)
my dad said the ussr was less corrupt than our current government, and he's right.
I think my dad's gay for Trump and my mom's a paultard. Feel sorry for folks that have to live with parents after talking to them.