Let's face it: the Republican party has working class whites in step for the next decade at the very least. What can be done about it?
Let's face it: the Republican party has working class whites in step for the next decade at the very least...
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Friendly reminder that nearly 50% of americans didn't vote and most of Trumps support came from porky fucks
But the Democrats lost poor whites
LOL no. The Republicans have them until the next crash. They will have no one to blame but themselves at that point.
Democrats lost everybody except for the intersectional fuckwits. Good. We do not want them to be in the position of an "anti-establishment" party.
Nah, they won the popular vote.
Not that guy, but the "anti establishment" seat is only that big. If Democrats fill it, we won't.
They lost poor whites on the fact that poor white democrats didn't vote.
Becoming the Democrats is the only solution barring armed rebellion which is much less likely to happen than if we did the former anyway
if we didn't do*
Not really
All that means is that both presidential candidates were wildly unpopular. Clinton got fewer votes than the loser of the previous presidential election, and that is with all of the SJWs who were terrified of Trump.
Don't forget that the Republicans also picked up even greater control of Congress. The Democrats lost across the board.
Becoming the Democrats is not a solution. The Democrats are run by wealth, and the position of the wealthy within the party is unassailable.
Yea they will only continue the status quo. They are still a centrist party and in favor of capitalism
The democrats are finished after shooting themselves in both feet and then cutting themselves off at the knees this election cycle. The republicans will follow with the next crash and all the problems that will arise when they cut entitlements. It's going to be a mess with people trying to figure out which new party to back. Porky might lobby for a military coup to keep order. It's going to be a wild ride and will probably only get worse from here.
Leftist support (particularly for Keynesian policies) tend to increase when crashes happen.
All whites are bourgeoisie. Killing them is the only way to solve it.
Whites are the majority of working class in America but they soon will not be.
Yeah but um… you know that like whites are the majority of the bore jossy boor swazi bourgousee ruling class which means that white = ruling class.
t. you know who
See you in hell white race
Facts are the iron paw of the oppressor!!!
the easiest path to victory for democrats is giving amnesty to illegals
They really didn't though? It was an almost unprecedented "party that takes the presidency actively loses seats in the house and Senate." Not enough, but some.
Legal non-citizens don't vote doofus.
But I'm a working class white.
Check your Western muh privilege.
They do if you don't need an ID card to vote.
Non white worker immigrants should vote as much as possible in order to bolster their own place in American politics from Central America.
sorry, should have said amnesty + path tho citizenship
this clown is not me
Four years.
Trump is probably going to do most of the legwork. We just sort of need to exist and be visible and available.
Serious question, lefty fags. Are those of you condemning whites (1) not white (2) white but larping (3) white but thinks it doesn't apply to you (4) just shitposting?
It's 1.
My level of patience for white nationalists has grown so thin with my own native nationalism I grew up with that I just want to accelerate the elimination of white identity politics forever faster.
Capitalism will take the side of whites until they die in media, and media in late capitalism informs politics.
Let it all burn out quick.
To make raiding Holla Forumsyps mad, mostly
Logically yes but come the fuck on, you share a website with Holla Forums. Do you really think they won't blame the jews/niggers/spics/democrats/sjws/liberals?
AnFam's for real kinda, but it's Holla Forums-tier. What happened is she's now more Holla Forums than I am, after I accidentally antagonized her too hard for being abhorrent (then I felt bad about it) by pretending I was obsessed with her and then taking the joke too far with 10/10 ruthless snipes while LARPing as Holla Forums but actually being a high empath white anti-racist Cultural Marxist opening a discursive space for nationalism. Pretty basic stuff really.
I haven't changed my opinions one bit really. You're highly dedicated to being a loser.
I finally understand the "please stop fighting!" meme.
Move the right to more progressive social issues. This will take away their ability to divert the working classes anger at the wrong enemy.
Not really, most working class people, even whites, still voted democrat. For example Union voters overwhelmingly voted democrat. What happened was a large number of working class whites went over to Trump, but not a majority.
The problem for the actual left is that the major "left wing" party is controlled by neolibs.
So, you have to do what the alt right did to the neocons and bullycide the neolibs online with danke meme's and put pressure on the DNC to become more far left.
Except the people who voted for Trump were actually rich middle class people despite the working class memes
the same demographics voted repub as every other year
mostly old people
young working class whites didn't vote or voted dem
The same people who voted for obama voted for trump.
Obama ran on hope and change, not being black.
Trump ran on, make america great again.
Trump also littrly had his own party, the entire media, and everyone on the planet shitting on him 24/7.
This actually backfired and made him more of a populist hero.
Clinton had lena dunham and guest appearances on broad city…..
Clintons who thing was, vote for her because "its her turn", and she is "the most qualified"
Which just made people recognize her as the empotmy of the establishment.
The entire corporate class from wall street to silicon vally voted for clinton.
Fuck off with that shit man.
That didn't happen
Get help
Please stop!
Change your catchphrase from "anti-racist revolution" to "working-class revolution." Blacks throw to the backburner yet again.
Also, you need to find some overlapping common ground.
Like for instance, tell them you arent a liberal, and communists think guns are cool and good and needed for a revolution
sounds extremely doubtful.
Trump's administration is full of porkies, the working class are gonna get fucked sideways.
nobody will vote Republican again unless they're retards or porkies
you going to be real mad when they win again like in 10 years because democrats suck
The Republicans named the problem, which is "militant Islam." The Democrats invited a bunch of brown people to the stage and called them "the con family." The head patriarch was called "captain con."