drunk 4ch Holla Forums here
what do you fuckheads think about anime?
not an anarchy
Drunk 4ch Holla Forums here
It is essential for the revolution.
but do you mean moeart or seinenshit?
It's shit.
Fukn great m8
fight me
it's decent imo
Also best anime is parent-child-esque shows like barakamon and good thrillers/dramas like steins;gate or your name
Only reason I'm still alive tbh
I'm also from Holla Forums and I think 99% of anime is fucking disgusting. Especially ecchi and moeshit
back to >>>Holla Forums fucker
me too tbh
anime is this ice thing that connect right and left side
Porky tool used to pacify potential revolutionaries.
fucking reddit out off my board reeeeee
also i bet you votet for trump ibstead for based paul you homoboii
What would you guys recommend someone who knows nothing about anime watch?
depends, do you like more action or slow-peaced oriented things?
some people have a stick up their ass about it, because it's too excellent or some stuff they watched is cliche. Those people are all, without exception, miserable people to be around. a small fraction of anime is enjoyable, and plenty come to the level of total artistic masterpiece.
I miss this feature tbh
I like the Spanish anime communist that posts threads on 4pol
hes portugal tbh
we only have only one leftist tbh lad smh fam
I like Holla Forums animu
/a/ needs to commit suduko
I mean how can you support them. It's pure wish fulfillment. It's always some nerdy fag who magically gets like 10 women. Disgusting. What kind of person enjoys that
I incline this way, but …. anime, so I don't agree.
is akari a commie if she have red hair?
thats what you get for watching harems
I only watch shows that has only female characters
She's too pure for this.
That's even more depraved. You're so infatuated with this fabrication of women in your head that you want to BE the girl instead of watching a nerdy shit be with them
it doesn't happen without a purpose
The last anime I enjoyed was Tatami Galaxy.
It's okay. Watch it sometimes but it's generally nothing too amazing.
It isn't natural for Japs. They are so infatuated with whites. It's really quite sad.
ginger irish shits are more orange than red
I think I read they do it because otherwise it would become very hard to distinguish anime characters, as they are all drawn in similar styles, especially when you involve uniforms in the mix.
no bully
Underrated post. Your fellow Holla Forumsyps need to take the Rafiq pill.
Have some pics that make this a lefty discussion:
Like any medium it can be good or bad. Never got the hate, people say its all moeshit and escapist fantasy but most other forms of media have plenty of shit. There probably more copies of trashy romance novels and boring YA literature than philosophy books.
Fuck any analysis that includes Freud.
also since im already here, can anybody explain to me why you think stirner is leftist?
absolutely schizophrenic
Good as long as they're lewd and show tits.
because he was
Depends, I don't like moeshit except for girls und panzer for obvious reasons
Anime is bourgeois expression
so he was leftist because he said that labourer class scum have power, right? his cre philosophy seems pretty a-politicall tho
Is nowhere sacred
The only real reason people watch it is for masturbating
which yuru would be the most class conscious
Those are the weaboos who only enjoy subpar animes.
i'm unable to get an erection while reading or watching berserk
you're not doing it right then
Are you telling me you rubbed one off to Griffith?
even seeing schierke's ass didn't do anything for me
i guess this is why miura wants to keep playing idol master
Anime business is like all business: fucking disgusting
That actually made me drop it. Eroticizing rape is a disgusting thing to do.
guilty as charged, honestly
btw 4ch has asked me to post the following:
also why is central planning such a whore?
Why haven't animators unionized?
they asked me to write this, don't blame me
halfchan got out
no >:^)
/int/ is filled with retards that love to suck ass. Is the catalog filled with generals? my god.
Seconding this.
make me faggot
bant is pretty good outside of generals to be onest famillia
A vast majority of art under capitalism is like that.
What ever happened to /leftyweebpol/?
k tell me where you live
Wy kurwy zwierzaki
Left or right ?
spierdalaj polski zwierzu
right ofcourse
Panty is basically every anarchist girl I have ever met (excluding the transgirls of course.)
Pretty, slutty and foul mouthed ?
What kind of anarchist meetups are you attending?
The companies are too powerful and their livelyhood too fragile. A Japanese user once said that he is completely banned from any political activity because of his job and that he is not even allowed to sign petitions.
Chuj ci w dupe lewacki pise i powiedziłem ci żebyś napisał Holla Forums nie /int/ debilu jebany
right of course, I don't want no slut
uspokój się, nie u siebie jesteś
Akira was fairly class conscious
No i tak ma być sram ty cwela do ryja
Demon sisters or anarchy angels ?
But really what do you think about Corporatism?
What the hell. Since when do leftists watch anime? Normally weaboos only care about anime. So how come you watch anime and still have interest in other things?
This is very bizarre
shitty system
pure capitalism da bess
Holla Forumsyps just admitted there's light-brigaiding going on.
Is this a serious question?
In practice it just meant inviting the most cooperative companies to directly participate in the regime and join forces with the party in exploiting the common man. Dunno why institutionalized crony capitalism would be better than informal crony capitalism.
You can like anime and manga along with other things you know
The pair that is committed to tearing down patriarchal systems (the rules) and destroying sexual norms.
The manga has several extremely fapable pages.
That's a weird way of spelling hot.
lmao tankie #roasted
I can like it but I hate the Japanese people and their shitty island and I hope they all are destroyed.
Can we please ban Holla Forums tier racists?
niggers ins gas
Why limit your hopes to just the Japanese?
Intra-East shitting will never stop no matter what you do.
They deserve it more for what they've done throughout history.
Because she's Vietnamese and has a grudge against the Japanese.
This is pretty obvious and in my experience the average otaku is the worst victim of commodity fetischism (the ones I knew were generally horribly paid ITs or NEETs that shitted on people protesting for a higher minimum wage) but I can still enjoy it, I may not classify as a weeb myself but ocassionally I watch a lot of it, in 2016 I watched like 30 retro ovas
more like their ruling class
You don't know Japan my man. It's everyone. They're all reactionary fuckers. Japan is an island of goblin people.
But the Japs just sat AFK on their island for centuries. Why not prioritize killing the British or Spanish who got up to all kinds of horrific murder and destruction whilst the Japanese were just sitting there?
And yet it's the best country by a mile in Asia.
Intra-Asian shitting. Europe is too far away to really give a fuck about to previous generations. Asking why Asians hate other Asian nations is a really plain question.
And it deserves to be an impovershed shithole.
I hope North Korea unites with South in their equal hatred of Japan and finishes the job the Americans started.
Then get elitist taste.
Watch LOGH.
This movie was nice.
With the largest communist party in whole of developed world…
Really makes you think.
Finnish socdem you're not capable of any educated opinion or thought whatsoever
That would depend on subject.
I mean all subjects. You have a basic politically inclined but not well read internet bitch opinion about everything.
made me think
God you third worlders are so pathetic. Japan is literally the only reason that Vietnam and South Korea aren't still feudal shitholes or colonial outposts.
Anyways typical of a Trot to praise salarymen.
I`m rather well read on military history and orthodox christian theology but lacking on most subjects for sure.
A lot of it is moe shit these days, but harmless shit.
Japs can't into humor. They also can't into characters that behave like human beings.
His core philosophy–the whole union of egoist thing–was anarchistic, which is decidedly leftist. Before you ask, no, ancaps are not anarchists.
Because she always provides for everybody?
Dead people are beyond justice. Living people do not bear the sins of the dead.
I post with it sometimes to emotionally manipulate NEET's. I liked Evangelion cos it had cool Christian themes. Other than that it's dege… decadent trash.
I love gigantic anime titties
One of the few reasons I'm still alive desu
How come every characters face is drawn like a fucking jigglypuff these days?
He's basically saying if workers were smart they would get the means of production for themselves, literally communism
what did he mean by this?
I like Kunihiko Ikuhara works. I think they have some sort of leftist point of view.
Mawaru Penguindrum. Revolutionary Girl Utena.