How can you expect us to ever trust SocDems again?!
How can you expect us to ever trust SocDems again?!
I'm guessing SocDem is your ideology scheduled for next week
i was under the impression that you are a succdem
A reminder.
How long till Rebel is a Clerical-Fascist? 3, 4 weeks?
t. actual capitalist
stay mad lads
She was a Trot anyways, so it's not much of a loss
How can you expect us to ever trust Jews again?!
"Libertarian leninism"
Would jesus have ushered in a new age of socialism if he wasn't crucified?
this could use some additions
some recycling bins
What? I denounced her for BEING a Trot, I think you have the wrong guy.
The only porky here is you
someone photoshop in sartre guarding the factory
Jesus was a jewish conservative who was mad at the roman occupation and corrupt clergy. He wanted to kick the romans out and recreate a jewish kingdom and the jews romans killed him because of that.
In other words, no.
Oh fuck off. He just adds and removes adjectives from the same central idea of a Kierkegaardian pacifist Marxist-anarchist who's into economics. He's not changing his ideology any.
RIDF reporting in
Hey criollito can you get a trip so everyone can block all your posts? It's shitting up the board how much you whine about one productive poster whose opinions you don't like. Nut up or shut up. Fucking autist.
like pottery
wew lad
t. Lares
well I actually have him nameblocked because I was hoping it would get you faggots off my page, though I see now I have to Post+ block which I will do.
Why do you care this much? Is it personal? Do you have a grudge against precocious children with big heads? Are you this committed to the cause of "nobody can use trips for any reason" that you will personally attack children on the internet? I imagine your parents are proud.
Anyway stop derailing every thread with posts about how much you hate a minor on a Polynesian mythological storytelling forum.
kek this is gold
fuck off Holla Forums
tho i hand it to you, this is good falseflagging
This is probably the funniest meme you've done so far Lares.
Lol just because it's the same three or four easily detectable autismos doing this shit and I may have guessed the wrong one doesn't mean it's not the same there or four easily detectable autismos. Not like I have to put up with it any more though.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Have I stumbled upon some sort of cliquey bullshit?
I've only ever seen Lares call someone criolito, so therefore, I replied calling them Lares. Do you get that Lares?
I call people criollito because I know one of the 3-4 people hounding me is a light-skinned Mexican Holla Forums crossboarder that even I would call a "brocialist". I think the 60s left would criticize him for his kneejerk reaction to issues that don't concern the whole population.
t. muslim.
Can you both go jack each other off else where?
I will have you know this is a public masturbation image board
SocDems are ok in times when we're growing up.
Nothing I said was wrong you flower-clutching faggot.
Your post is as empty as your ideology.
Your meme picture leaves out the opposing side's defeats and the germanic state's victories, therefore it is biased. Please stop spreading biased propaganda if you wish to seem even a bit more intelligent than a Holla Forumsack.
Forget Hitler escaping via suicide, what about Stalin sentencing his own allies to the death. And by allies I mean the echelons of the military not the people as a whole. But also them kek.
Keep in mind that supporting Stalin or the Soviet Union in its entirity is the same as supporting a "slavic masterrace" or a Russiacentric empire. Same idea as Hitler's just coated with more fascistic principles and public robbing of the people.
t. not even a fascist or a neo-nazi sympathiser
Except that the USSR had internal administrative divisions to ensure minorities were represented. They still learnt their native language. Russian was taught as a matter of convenience.
That's quite an obvious straw man might I declare. I mean honestly, you refuted none of the points I made and you came up with this silly argument that I was, somehow, referring to such a minute detail.
I seriously hope no one starts believing you have an actual point. You were being biased and simple-minded, then you lost, then you made a straw man out of glass and now you're probably thinking your "fellow" komrades will come to your rescue.
smh tbh
>>>Holla Forums
I know this is bait but I shall deliver nonetheless.
"I hate bikes and if you like bikes you are supporting bike manufacturers"
would in your sense of "reason" mean:
"For your information the government of Alaska took minorities into consideration when building new homes…."
Please show me the correlation between your singular fact and my whole argument.
The one source that could've saved you seems to have evaded your gaze in its entirety. The Soviet Union had great founding ideals but Stalin made it into a fascist military powerhouse similar to Hitler's Germany. From the 1920s up to the 1950s the Soviet Union stood by this model.
Take note that my original argument makes Stalin the central point, therefore it is pointless to argue about the nature of the Soviet Union after his regime.