Why haven't you stopped taking your meds yet?

Why haven't you stopped taking your meds yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would I

Because I start getting horrible withdrawl sympthoms if I do and I'm not motivated enough to visit my doctor and ask for an exit plan


Because my meds are situational
SSRIs made me a zombie for a while and I hated it

Too busy taking minds.

Cause klonpin is addictive as fuck.



Freudposter and Marxhead are objectively the best posters on the board. N1X was good too, but he's gone off to somewhere else now.

But I stopped taking them months ago.


and this was when you became a nazbol, I see

Actually I just used the flag to trigger people on a thread.

More of turd positionist.

the only pills I took were dxm, and now I dont even take that because I became immune

spotted freudposter without his flag

that's even worse

i am drinking pink moscato
is that cool enough?



No I just enjoy his post.

Looks like you got misprescribed, that's not HAART.

Its like you want to live up every stereotype that there is about radical left.

Daily reminder that exercise is more efficacious as antidepressants for most people.

Environmental enrichment is also pretty solid.

What doesn't help is turning the left into your personal therapy group, aggressively whining about your issues as if they could possibly matter to the world at large.

And yet the centrist vanguard appears to be maladjusted, misanthropic IT professionals puppeteering autistic incel's through racist cartoons

Actually sympathy is a form of solidarity. If you can't sympathise with a comrade you're just a lumpenprol.

I have stopped. Something between worrying about compatibility with my recreational drugs and plain laziness.

Medication is pretty important though, actually, I kinda fucked myself now I'm not going outside again.

Because psychology is a pseudoscience.

Cowtowing to loud, vapid empathy-suckholes who are incapable of it themselves decreases net sympathy levels. They should be helped, directed to help, not turned away but not be allowed to subvert the political. Politics is about politics. The strong should lead or you're only as strong as your weakest, loudest, most narcissistic baby. Idealism about equality that doesn't exist yet and cannot exist under the current conditions won't get you anywhere.

Pharma shill detected


I'm doing much better since I started taking Zoloft. I'll probably come off them in the next few months but it's helped.


"Even me boss noticed that I'm a much more productive member since I started taking Zoloft! I can't wait to go back to my job and work hard for my boss' next Ferrari while drooling thru my shifts. Time passes so gently and calmly with Zoloft."


Psychoanalysis doesn't claim to be a science, and neither does your mom, yet she seems to be useful to you whenever she changes your diapers.

Yeah, against measles.

At least you are an honest lazy addict.

I don't have a job (student)

Fuck off dude


At least you are still capable to express emotive states. Fast forward

Psychoanalysis didn't end with Freud. He was a child of his time too, so he worked with what he had (early anthropology, 19th century physics, etc.) applying principles from other disciplines to his.

Tell me about your parents, specifically, how much do they earn?

wow, it turns out alt+s sends your reply
So… fast forward 1 year and you'll be grey as concrete.

I want to, but last time I did I completely fucked myself. Now I'm back on a lower dosage than before but trying to reduce in steps instead of cold turkey as to prevent another breakdown.

I wouldn't recommend listening to image boards today over the advice of a medical professional

not much

If it didn't end with Freud, then you're claiming it advances as a field based on new understanding…

If it's not a science, what is it?

I wouldn't recommend listening to image boards today over the advice of a political professional


Why are you telling these people information about their health that's wrong.

I treat myself with herbal medicine that I found scientific studies backing.

See the difference between a medical professional and an Holla Forums poster is a lot different because we're going to tell you that you're a rotting corpse headed to death equally. It's like communism, everyone is decaying.

*everyone is decaying equally

Slow taper is the way to go, from SSRI type meds and especially benzodiazepines (NEVER cold turkey benzos). You can get compounding pharmacy or work out yourself how to make a solution for 1mg increments, doing 2 weeks at a time if necessary. Obviously do this under the advice of a professional if at all possible.

the people in charge of convincing you to take a paid pill to solve all your problems?

also AFAIK freudfag has said he has clinical experience.

But he is right.

I didn't know we gave pills for that?

Stay on your meds, don't listen to the scientologists.

Wissenschaft with praxis, much like Marxism.

I don't know anything about their "health" because I don't know them, I've never met them. I know enough about the state of mental health professions under capitalism to confidently advise against taking drugs.




Keep in line.

"we" do: youtube.com/watch?v=vtfBl79hs-M.

This is some next level shitposting anfam. Also please look into excercise, environmental enrichment, talk therapy (shop around, rapport is essential), and not overinvesting yourself in online forums. Make sure you have a support network that's healthy and not toxic. I care about you even when I'm mean to you.

That doesn't mean he knows shit about pharmacology. If you have a STD, you wouldn't ask for advice to a psychoanalyst or a psychiatrist, wouldn't you ?
He also convinces people to stop their meds cold turkey which is fucking irresponsible (benzo withdrawal can potentially give you fatal seizures, for example)

No you actually don't. You don't know shit about how the brain works at all. You are telling these people to enjoy being indebted to mental health issues they otherwise could solve with the help of a physician and a clinical psychiatrist.

Do not give vague voodoo bullshit answers to what we already know.

There is no magical bias for rich people besides insurance and availability to care, we give all out the same way, because none of your minds are particularly special or noteworthy because of an income, we're paid to do a job.


NEETster here, /v9k/ quality material.

Several people in my family have taken many MANY antidepressants and all that jazz.Their responses were varied but all in the negative.

Sure, the meds got rid of constant dread and general inability to cope with life, but at the cost of other side effects.

Flat mood, complete apathy all the time.Zero drive to do anything.Sex drive completely gone.
Constant exhaustion.
Severe addiction with lengthy detox process that included many other side effects by itself.
"Fixing" bipolar condition by being stuck on the manic state with very acute,if rare and short dips into depression.
Lots of digestive problems. Diarrhea , puking , temporary intolerance to something.

And in most cases, meds didn't actually result in an increase in their quality of life AFTER they got off the treatment, off the meds, back to shit-town.

I'm going to guess taking meds is not gonna solve the underlying shitty life, at most make it less dreary while I take them.

The point isn't to cure depression. We currently have no way to medically cure clinical depression. It's to reduce the overwhelming consequences to quality of life issues. It's patchwork sure, but people with depression will ultimately benefit with it than without it.

As banal and unfun an explanation as that is, that your psychiatrist isn't feeding you Worse Than Fluoride Rich People Mind Numbers, but we're just boring doctor fuckers. It's easier to say we're all evil.

Most of our focus is on the critically disabled to be honest. How best to help people with severe mental handicaps. Or people who are delusional. Or people, edelery or not, with dementia.

None of this is talked about when talking about medical professionals knowing what they're doing because you would agree with me in saying, hey this person needs help.

Well there's degrees to it, and ultimately, nobody is getting brain damage from what we prescribe.

I would be more worried about the local old piping system that may contain things like lead or asbestos things of that nature that fuck with brain development.

But it's always an authority figure, a psychiatrist, that's the one who is causing all the shit, they're giving us mind numbing crap to make us sheep! It's silly nonsense. The reality is banal.

I fucking love SSRIs

Does Freudfag practice as an Lacanian analyst? never knew that

Personally, so far after 7 months on SSRIs I've experienced

Aside from that though, I'm much better in terms of daily life. I used to be a wreck this time last year. Constantly sleepless and crying.

Going out and exposing yourself to the elements is the best way to keep your health up and running.

You are right, but it doesn't change the fact that the Freud poster regularly gives terrible and non-nuanced advice.

For example, while antipsychotics are have really shitty effects, some psychotic people really need them. Telling them that they want to fuck their mom and kill their dad isn't going to help them to overcome their paranoid delusions.
I tried risperidone once because I was curious, and I became a zombie for 16 hours, but my bipolar friend (even though I suspect he is more on the schizophrenic or schizoaffective spectrum than bipolar) asked me one night if I wanted to try his antipsychotics because "it's like candy". It obviously allows him to be functional, and serious mental illnesses run in his family (his mom committed suicide a couple of years ago)

However, my ex-gf once got prescribed a shit ton of antipsychotics at a mental hospital even though she is not psychotic at all. And that's where I think we should be suspicious of psychiatry. It was an easy way for the doctors to calm her down, and it's really shitty of them to treat patients so lazily with such disregards to their personal history and not to try to understand them a little bit better before giving them a diagnosis. Therapies without meds, like a CBT, or, God forbid, psychoanalysis, would have helped her way more than these pills, in her case.
Same shit with doctors prescribing benzos for long periods of time.

Maybe that's where we can see the influences of capitalism on the practice of psychiatry.
But anyway, what I wanted to say is just meds in themselves aren't good or bad, they are just meds, and like any kind of tools, they can used for good or for bad. We should be critical of them, but not rejecting them totally.

And personally I auto-medicate with alcohol or weed, so I don't blame anyone for taking SSRIs or benzos

I have no idea what or whose positions you are arguing against. You come off as a raving fool.

Yes, and climate change is a hoax because my Shell and BP sponsored scientists say so.


It seems you are not familiar with how the profession changed in the last 30 years. We went from weekly multiple and long sessions/patients to DSM based 20 minutes testing and prescribing drugs. What used to be a long and thorough process of getting to know your patients now became the most efficient way to dispense the under-tested shit big pharma pushes out. If you deny this you are denying basic facts of the profession, or you are just unfamiliar with the changes and butthurt about something else.

It's documented that "mental diseases" and "conditions" are formulated by the people behind the DSM to fit the new drugs created (a process completely backwards even if you buy the brain chemistry explanation of mental problems) – these very same people have stocks in the companies who create the new drugs.

I go out everyday (but often when the sun goes down I must admit), but it doesn't change the fact that I think about killing myself as soon as I wake up and it doesn't help me with my cravings for alcohol or drugs.
Living in a boring town with no friends and being in a more and more shitty financial situation is definitely playing a part in all this though.

I never give advice. I give books, and links to Lacanian psychoanalysts.

Yup, das me! ::DDDD

Mental Health=//=Physical health

No, you see, you just need to run 2 miles every day and have a positive attitude, eat salads and then everything just works out fine, trust me! That's what my gym coach told me!


thanks doc

eat your vitamins ✓
go vegan ✓
run 3 miles a day ✓
vote hillary ✓
Depression: cured.


Classic psychoanalyst behavior.

No, you are trying to make people stop taking meds. I agree that it might be beneficial for some people, and I agree with you when you say :
But it's not for everyone. Psychoanalysis and other kind of verbal therapies are efficient for anxiety disorders and the like, but can't help much people with psychosis. And you don't stop taking meds on a whim, it can be fucking dangerous.

What was your point then ?

I don't need to enable narcissistic whining to be sympathetic

Stop your fucking bitching and do something for yourself

Oh, right. You do realize that my position is that the medical approach to mental health is only capable of addressing symptoms and not curing anything. Me saying that "don't take drugs that are proven to irreparably damage your fucking brain" isn't a positive advice (in the sense as an attempt to tell you how to get better or giving life tips).

It's like saying don't take cyanide.
But go ahead, fuck yourself up.


Keep lying bae.

Noone here would trust you to make them a banh mi, yet the state gives people like you a license to prescribe, section, confine.

Thank God many psychiatrists aren't like you. To lurkers, don't get discouraged. If you need medicine, just shop around for treatment if you can, it's your right.

That i dont need meds fam.

Okay batman
Go get some actual sun would you

That's your advice every thread.

To no one's surprise, you refuse to get off your twat and help yourself, and insinuate others shouldn't either, just like any aggressively ignorant petit-bourgeois Western brat who feels entitled to push people around because the state apparatus tells them they're soooo intelligent kek

Ja die Wissenschaft des Judentums. :^)

Yet you implicitly buy into the definition of science that was crafted by Karl Popper, who described both as totalizing systems of thought, and demarcated them into the proverbial ashtray. "It's not science so here's a broader term for science that means science." K.

You talk a big game about anti-psychiatry but your hero Lacan was a quack.

Which ones ? SSRIs ? SNRIs ? MAOIs ? Tricyclic antidepressants ? Benzos ? Anti-epilepsy meds ? Atypical antipsychotics ? Typical ones ? Amphetamines ? Methylphenidate ?

What sadden me is that there are legitimate criticism of the psychiatric drugs to be made, but it's obvious that you don't know shit about pharmacology.
Psychoanalysis is a tool among the toolset of clinical psychology, just like meds. You don't use a screwdriver when you need to saw something, and you don't give an antipsychotic to someone who has a phobia of dogs. But if you are seriously delusional and about to kill your family because you think they are all ploting against with the help of the CIA, man, despite the serious side-effects, maybe those pills are the right tool for you.

Man, is it so complicated to be reasonable ? How hard is it to say "Avoid drugs as much as can, because they are not harmless, and the pharma industry is crooked. But if you really need them, well, take them".

Psychotics are in a genuinely shit position, I give you that.

Antipsychotics can stop or prevent psychotic breaks from happening, but the long term effects are truly horrid. So it's not uncommon to meet with psychotics who are on and off the drugs all the time, because the mainstream approach really doesn't offer them any kind of alternative (drugs or institutionalization).

I disagree, and as always with the psych-fields, you have to be specific about the school. Lacanians have a pretty unique explanation for psychosis that has nothing to do with biology or brain chemistry, but how psychotics acquired their (unstable, hence a possibility of a break) position in language. Psychotic patients might have to visit until the rest of their lives, but it can be ensured that they won't experience psychotic breaks or have to take meds.

People usually chose to believe what is most ideologically fitting, most enjoyable, most comfortable. You think that climate change isn't happening? Good for you. You think your meds aren't leaving irreparable marks in you? Keep drooling. I really don't care. People who have found an easy way out or who are too scared to face reality can't be helped. And again, I can't even help you (no one can over the net), but if cancerous tripfagging Mrs. Biopolitics ITT reassures you that your meds are A-Okay, you will gladly keep on believing what you want to believe. So yeah, keep poppin' them pills, lad.


I really don't care about Popper, he isn't taken seriously buy the his/phil. of science community any longer. Philosophy always had "totalizing" ambitions, since it deals with thought. If anything, Lacanian psychoanalysis gets often characterized as anti-philosophy, dealing with particularities and what not.

In some cases, due to their wide range of effects.
Depends, but absolutely in some cases.

Lazy, falling back on a community of experts in 2016. You're telling me the nomological-deductive approach has been surpassed? When did this happen.
Low energy argument/complete evasion. Try reading Popper.
What the fuck is anti-philsophy?
Explain yourself.

I meant Lacan's clinical practice, le "shrink from hell" as it were. I'm unconcerned with his mystical free association "Ecrits", though he made some interesting points, Zizek is better.

It would be a comfortable position to take, like all "in between," opportunist, "best of both worlds" kinda (typically ideological, non-committed) positions, but my firm belief in the exclusionary character of truths does not allow me to sit between two chairs.

Either mental health is due to imbalance in brain chemistry (DSM) or it is due to the corruption language has wrought on us (Lacan). If the former, >Lacan is a quack, and that's that; if the latter, all drugs are at best pointless, but in reality always harmful.


Well done.

That much is obvious. You can't even keep your bullshit straight yet you posture as an expert. Next time you lie, don't get caught. Trying to distance yourself from it with passive-aggressive shitposting is pathetic.

He isn't an actual psychotherapist.

False dichotomy, psychoanalysis is nearly useless now, it gave us some cool new ideas like projection, transference, etc. but it also gave us Eddie Bernays so thanks for that. DSM is pozzed but not irreparable. You can be critical without rejecting it entirely.

Boy the retards who listened to the shitposter and stopped taking their meds must feel real dumb now.

No shit, and I'm not actually a nazi.

Or am I?

They don't because they probably already killed themselves

Wrong. I'm an analrapist – the combination of an analyst and therapist.

meh & kys

The DSM has been in constant crisis since its inception. It is a totally flawed approach, taking the abolishment of the individual as its starting point. Good luck dealing with your statistical fictions when meeting with real people, with unique problems.

one can only hope

Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough?

Just to illuminate it for the "read a book" fucking genius.

DSM is also used by clinical psychologists who use talk therapy and do not prescribe.

Many psychiatric practitioners see it as a flawed but somewhat useful tool. Not a bible. It's a common language. I have huge issues with it but you're overconfident in your own faggoty position and being irresponsible about it.

What about the overlap between psychoanalytic diseases and DSM constructs? Riddle me that.

Well, actually, it's not as simple as that since neuroplasticity is a thing.
There have been studies that showed you can see changes in brain chemistry, or at least brain activity after psychotherapy IIRC, like for example a lessened activation of amgydala for example, which is implicated in anxiety disorders, stuff like that.
So, if Lacanian psychoanalysis can induce observable positive physical changes in the brain, I don't think it really invalidates both approaches.

But yeah, there is definitively something wrong with the DSM approach. Giving amphetamines to kids to treat their hyperactivity and shit like that, that's pretty fucked up from my European point of view. And capitalism certainly doesn't help when it comes to exploring alternatives.

Most of these are garbage though tbqh. The fMRI fags tend to vastly overstate their evidence.

If leftypol teaches one anything it's this: the proletarian ubermensch can audidact and btfo the intelligentsia, after perceiving them as the class interest they are, at least on iamgeboards. irl is the final fronteir

SSRIs aren't perfect but the human brain is -extremely- complicated, and they save lives.


Also I forgot to add that there are more approaches that Lacanian psychoanalysis and drug-based psychiatry : CBT, art therapy… I can't give a lot of examples since I studied clinical psychology only for a very short period of time at uni though, but there are more than that.

Yes, but still, it doesn't change the fact that neuroplasticity is a thing. See ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3764373/

Because I would fail out of school if I didn't

Because methylphenidate rules.

Marxhead has been missing for months.

I thought I saw him recently. Is it a second Marxposter? They have similar styles.

Man I miss Marxhead. The one flagfag I always looked forward to seeing.

Literally garbage