Founder of StackOverflow says that wage slaves private projects should be property of their employer.
Founder of StackOverflow says that wage slaves private projects should be property of their employer.
Mindslavery is the final form.
Google does something similar, IIRC workers there get one day a week to work on their "private projects" (which I assume Google has rights over).
Honestly the whole Silicon Valley ethos of trying to make work "fun" to prevent the proles from questioning their remuneration ("Foosball tables and company fridges stocked with craft beer, brah!") really creeps me out.
People who actually major in programming deserve their fate
This is completely different though. Google offers one day in the week to work on something that would benefit the company on your own initiative. (Its still bourgeois but at least you get paid to do it)
This fucker here says that all your work, even after working hours, in weekends or on vacation time, should belong to your employer. Anything you make while you are employed, anything, belongs to your owner employer.
Say, does silicon valley have nice walls?
Fuck you too, architect scrum.
This is genius way how capitalists in the IT&tech sectors with their profits relying heavily on the ability to constantly innovate try to channel in the will for creativity that the very capitalist system kills in their workers.
"You've been a good worker, Ethan, you get 2 hours fun time at the workplace, do what you wan't, i don't care, lol"
"Really? wow, thanks boss"
"This is mine now, Ethan."
There's ways of being competent in programming than dropping money on it for your entire life. The continuous education to become relevant is intense over the years, and you get shit like this. I don't see how it's relevant.
It would be a better idea to learn it perpetually and brilliantly, else you just become another busy body
You learn better if you get the fundamentals right straight away, rather than writing retarded shit for 10 years and giving yourself more work than you would otherwise have. If you think its anything like "coding bootcamps" youre fucking retarded.
I didn't mean that. I mean programming in the future is going to become so common that majoring in it and pouring your heart and soul for a degree for it, you better come out the other side knowing brilliance, because pretty soon you'll be out of a job
So you're suggesting that it will become more like {theoretical, particle} physics in the sense that those studying it either have to be prodigies to get a "real" job or at least be competent enough to be writing papers and hang around in academia.
My god I wish for that not to happen and as an added bonus I can only imagine how bogus and frustrating programming teaching jobs will be.
Yup. Programming has an absurdly enormous demand already, ten years from now, everyone majoring in it right now will have to learn new shit all over again, and ten years after that they'll get shat on more and more
It's only worth so much. It could create brilliance, it could also create catastrophe. I only imagine this results in the surveillance state growing more and more capable
Theoretical particle physics is in such bad shape because the funding for it is shit and the prospects of the field are dim due to LHC results.
Well, as of right now there is a massive global undersupply and the schools aren't having anywhere near enough people to satisfy demand, which is only growing. So im not holding my breath and majoring on amazingly usefull degrees like architecture, theoretical particle physics or economics.
Yes and? Its easy as fuck to keep up with new shit if you're not mentally handicapped. Computer science teaches you lots of shit like software design, mathematical underlying of algorithms (which are still relevant after 70 years) and programmatic thinking and problem disection + solving.
Again, if you think that a CS or SE major is learning people how to code java or python, you are either retarded, dont know what youre talking about, or the schools in burgerstan is bunkers on head retarded.
Plenty of older programmers are out of a job by 40-45 from my experience. Though it is my experience.
Demand doesn't necessarily mean free easy money. It is not without its complications, and I honestly see the learning curve only growing, and the unemployment line going downward from 45.
Plus, working conditions are always shit like this.
You made an excellent point and I can only believe it since I've seen it myself. It's a shitty end for me because I basically tried to look for other majors but couldn't and I'm at best an average programmer in terms of ingenuity and the essential coming-up-with-original-ideas. Soon they'll start teaching programming in grade schools and then 40% of high schoolers will have surpassed me and my whole class of programmer. This is raw shit from my standpoint tbh.
Not sure what you major in so can't comment on that but eh just know that your friendly neighborhood technocrap is to his throat in deep shit.
I dont care about easy free money, I care about having money to sustain myself, doing something fun if at all possible.
So you're both advising not going to school and "just take it slow learning and mastering" while at the same time saying you have to go to school and are written off after 20 years?
Just FYI, programming schools dont teach you languages. The older programmers who lose their job often stop keeping up because they are hired to maintain legacy systems at big firms. Once those old systems get replaced, they don't know any relevant languages. If you did your work as a programmer and kept up a bit, you wouldn't be out of a job. Mechanics always have to learn how new engines work too, but I dont see any of them complaining about how cars get complicated too fast.
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's an unwise major because the market is volatile and the workplace is oppressive.
A lot of programmers only get in for video games or for "supporting themselves", and they're going to be in for a rude awakening when it ends up that they can't make it to retirement later on in life, and that ceiling just keeps raising until you can't keep up anymore.
Thats true for anything TBH.
It isn't really
What kind of utopia do you live?
How could they enforce it? This is beyond retarded.
I'm saying programming is particular in its cruelties to its employees
When you try to take your project and start a company, you face an onslaught of IP lawsuits. You will simply be unable to afford the legal fees.
It's very common when you get hired to sign a contract that your employer owns all inventions you make while employed.
I've worked shitty manual labour jobs with unpaid overtime at less than minimum wage, I think I can handle a few faggot employers being cunts.
I see her point tbh: compare the job markets for chemistry, physics, etc with programming, the engineering sciences in general. The more the discipline is favoured towards industry instead of academia the more volatile and oppressive is usually is.
If you're a bad engineer you get fired but if you're a bad maths teacher you can still hold the job for a good few decades. Even in CERN you could hold a job easily because of the abundance of funding etc.
Silicon Valley is the zenith of all this. If you're a +40yo programmer in Silicon Valley you better be at a senior supervisory role or else…
What about releasing it as free software like any sane person would do
Ha, not for long.
t. Google
Still falls under lots of sneaky clauses.
I wasn't particularly planning to go to silicon valley. Unless by some fluke of divine luck I make a shitty piece of software and the bubble capitalists want to give me 40 million for it, then I will gladly sell out.
canadian: gets thrown into jail for not addressing the fly with the proper gender
The man with the votes?
Is this the bot everyone was talking about
The hell my dude; if you got hypothetically got 40 million dorrars for your shitty web gui (let's call it that) then why the fuck would you want to go to Silicon Valley anyways? Fuck those hipsters and start some real shit with Stallman and Torvalds with that kind of money.
To sell it.
Anfem, why do you keep posting? Everyone hates you. I majored in compsci after getting out of the military. The only way we are going to have FALC is with lots of computers and engineers.
smh slightly tbqh fam…
A mans gotta eat and I highly doubt it would be world improving.
And guess what I can do when I got 40 million buckos? Make open source stuff, or start a coop.
Also are you howard or not?
My take is we are going to be moving more and more to 4GLs and 5GLs and eventually 6GLs and so on and at a certain point we're just going to be talking to an interface and going "Computer do X for me with a Y overlay plotted on a Z spread"
So I'd say learning concepts becomes more important than the nitty-gritty of the programming syntax or even arithmetic itself.
what do you expect, capitalism is a race to the bottom.
report her
then why would he comment with 1 then reply with the other 1? That makes no sense
Nu-Righters are so cringy
In reality they're just generic mass culture consuming, early 2000s Toyota driving cunts like the rest of millennials.
Technology isn't evil, it's a tool just like anything else, but rejecting technology has prevented the negative impact of technology from affecting their communities. We've been implementing technology and developing it at such a fast rate that we haven't been able to assess what the effects it will have on society. So we are basically the guinea pigs.
Literally feudalism
Yes you are correct in this instance absolutely! I was merely provoking and needed to make that laugh if you will.
Who now?
Working great for Islamic countries, huh? Oh my bad - they're the "wrong" religion, right?
Howard Scott was a technocrat who used to post a lot back in the day.
He was talking about Obama
Should I take that as a complement? Was he an engaging speaker and when was he active?
Well I am somewhat of a technocrat sympathiser myself, but Howard often went into fascism territory, as well as proposing ludicrous technical "solutions". Its just that almost nobody every uses that flag, and its the first time since howard that ive seen it used.
Their retarded side is that they are literally infiltrated to the core by the secret services, similar to what the far-right movements have been experiencing in all of Europe (especially in Germany).
They don't have a charismatic key central figure to rally the people, they don't have a grassroots movements across the whole country, they don't have funds because no one wants to fund them. They will never reach 5%, sadly.
You could give your vote just for the giggles, at least show up at the polls. Not going is most likely letting others steal your vote.
Whatever gets you to sleep at night bud.
Ignore the retarded bots btw.
1. obvious bait
2. newfag OP doesn't know he can't bump his own thread on first post
3. sage these slide threads
Okay thanks for the information. After first delving into technocracy I was surprised it hasn't caught any real attention. Hmm, well looks like I'll be hanging around this board for the foreseeable future so hello lad.
I didnt, faggot.
Learn Arabic the same way a Catholic church teaches Latin. It's not some big racist scheme you think it is. Muslims are traditional in their beliefs.
Autism the novel
Why couldn't you fucks word the second amendment in a way less open to interpretation?
They're not in Ukraine :^)
They don't care about the truth, they only care about what is socially acceptable, or what plays with their emotions. All your redpills must be sugar coated with emotion.
someone post the original pic.
Some people on Holla Forums are of the belief that if you appoint literal whos instead of people with the SAME QUALIFICATIONS AS THE GUY THEY VOTED FOR, the country will magically become better. They are simple minded with no intricate knowledge of how government operates. They only argue in blanket statements and curiously stop responding once you provide an argument with a logical train of thought, rather than their disjointed mess of breadcrumbs. They're the same people that, if Trump did this and crashed everything, would be going
They're children.
Surprised this isn't on Holla Forums.
That is less of exploiting your private internet and more of making you more effective at your job tbh
Looks like a faggot that would diddle kiddies with the satanic elites desu desufamilamdingdong.
Well… I might need a lampshade
I'm prettier than her
Just mentioning the difference between owning your empolyee's intellectual property and making empolyee more creative
still has to pass the house and the house can delay it until trump becomes pres so if it does pass trump won't sign it
Is this the Reddit TheDon mobile?
This is a stupid post.
Well, I must say that the days of CTR were probably the most exciting to me, at least.
no one want that old commie kike
I agree, I'm always mad when I see a pack of racist niggers, with no white members of their pack
Checks out
Trump's plane is probably better than air force one.
Finnish language grammar is very similar to Japanese. Their genetics are also very similar to ours. Besides, only Japanese and Finnish can get Nasu-Hakola Syndrome
False. Very small percent of your women are good looking. This applies to all races. Avarage indian girl is ugly as hell.
social engineering shill agent provocateur false flag reeee
I bet you choose water starters and have recently cut hair and a not-easily-detectable body odour
who the fuck takes a cat on a walk
Because a several hundred year old secret society is literally spending billions of dollars on a vast propaganda campaign to eliminate us.
And why should I care?