white liberal feminist samatha bee and fox news reject/conspiracy nut Glenn Beck are forming a united front to stop Trumpism in America.
I genuinely don't know what to make of this right now. Has the enlightened centrist meme finally gone too far?
White liberal feminist samatha bee and fox news reject/conspiracy nut Glenn Beck are forming a united front to stop...
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Kek. Liberals showing thier true face
We are living in liberal hell
Christ I thought it was a joke post
Haha this. Also why the fuck is Glen against Trump? Did you just back the wrong horse and is to proud to kiss Trumps ring now
Two out of touch liberals working together behind their gated communities? I'm absolutely shocked.
Why do some members of the white bourgeoisie hate Trump so much?
Also FYI Samantha Bee is pro-segregation. Just putting that out there.
Glenn Beck thought Ted Cruz was the second coming of Jesus, and is still buttmad he didn't get his christian theocracy, that's why.
because off "muh Putin and Dugin bogeymen"
wtf is this?!?!
glen beck is very much against racialist elements on the right, he's the only right-winger intellectually honest enough to acknowledge them
also buttmad about ted cruz + his network failed
Hahahahaha good joke. That's exactly the level of absurdity you need to exaggerate reality without being too crazy to be physically possible. Also good photoshop job.
Oh my fuck, it's real.
Can someone define Trumpism?
The immortal science of centrist liberalism with protectionism and anti-interventionism.
Neolib/con shills oppose it because they benefit from the humanitarian wermacht.
White feminism.jpg and Mormon neocon who rolled around in cheetos are teaming up?!
The right wing has moved against the left but what gets ignored is the alt right cucked the old guard conservatives
The alt right was an explosion of right wing facism. traditionalism, etc, not only against the left, but against establishment neocons and the GOP.
I believe pol calls people like beck "cuckservitives"
Trump was littrly the only republican that could have won.
Do you really think jeb had a chance?
The neolibs love people like beck because they layed down and took it.
Fake news.
Fucking hell. Will they never learn?
becks website is failing hard and he is deeply in debt, beck is a sociopath who will literally say anything you pay him too.
Littlry no one on the right takes him seriously anymore so he decided to con liberals out of some sheckles
we off that
This also the videos he made after Cruz endorsed Trump are some of the funniest breakdowns I've ever seen someone have.
Trumps election has brought out an embarrassment that we've never seen before from the left.
I honestly can't understand why does Glen Beck dislikes Trump so much. He should love the guy!
We are so fucked. And by "we" I mean the species. Thank god.
Should we do a Holla Forums tier shitposting project on Samantha B?
Samantha Bee is a racist.
Doesn't want darkies around her children at their posh, publicly funded, Manhatten school.
God yes, we should tear that bitch a new asshole
I think these repeating numbers are trying to tell us something…
One of John Stewart's only fine moments was his absolute shredding of Beck and his terrible fox news show. The episode where he did it in the same format as Beck was legendary. Glad Samantha could shit even on the good moments of her former job. It feels like all the nascent Daily shower's are trying their hardest to stamp out what little worth their was to the program.
All Bee cares about is money. Thats why she's dedicated her show not to liberal issues in general, but idpol, just idpol. Nothing else exists on her show but idpol. It's literally a show designed to pander to SJWs and only SJWs
Which Daily Show alum is the biggest piece of shit?
Tie between Samantha Bee and John Oliver.
Bee definitely. She fearmongers. All she did last episode was whine and cry about how Trump is going to kill us all. Very empowering. At least after Bill Mahers last speech after the election I felt a little empowered. Bee makes me depressed. All she does is pander to SJWs. She's pathetic and money hungry. Siding with Beck made me think as low as I possibly could with her. Shows she doesn't care.
>Oliver has some good points when not talking about idpol like his piece on special districts
Is this too much?
Looks like it.
They are all bad but Bee>Trevor>Oliver>Wilmore>Stephen Colbert
Bee is the pinnacle of shit and an outright propagandist at this point. Trevor is just unfunny and not challenging in any way possible. Oliver is a smug douche who is on the wrong side of most issues but at Least I laugh a bit here and there with him. I think it's funny that he ended up on HBO because I think he has the exact opposite problems I have with Bill Maher. They're the twin heads of corporate liberalism gone awry. Wilmore's humor was somewhat underrated in my opinion but I think he was too challenging to reactionaries and guests just didn't like him so he had to go. Colbert is still pretty much Colbert.
I don't like Steve Carell but it's because of his acting not his politics.
Samantha Bee won't shut up about how Trump is going to be the end of the world but then she told people protesting Trump to be more respectable and not to aggravate the police.
>the world is literally going to end but it's more important to avoid being impolite than to save the world
liberal ideology in a nutshell
It's brilliant when you think about it because it allows you to always feel righteously indignant but totally powerless to do anything. You get to feel like you're simultaneously in the right for your opinions and you get victim points for being backed into a corner where you can't fight because that would be rude. Thus the system perpetuates itself. Liberals continue to make ineffectual protests forever, feeling good about themselves, but leaving the shitty system intact so their abililtly to protest and be self-righteous is never threatened.
They don't. This is a couple of irrelevent TV personalities trying to tease viewers by hopping onto a cause célèbre.
Promising dumb shit to dumbasses and then following through on none of it?
Beck is an actor playing a character. He always has been.
Basically, using nationalism to distract people from increasing capture of society by oligarchs.
Ahh, at least John Oliver's show studies stuff and tries to be something beyond a running commentary on whatever the most prominent story in the cycle is. Even if the takes aren't always great, at the very least Oliver makes an attempt to think systematically, and practically all the stuff he's done on the prison system and law enforcement has been great.
I'm also pretty sure he couldn't have NOT known that he was taking a huge dump on Bee when he did a segment on school segregation, which makes him okay in my book for calling out his coworker's shit.
Oliver's pros
Oliver's cons
He was totally full of shit on that Jill Stein quantitative easing bit. "Studies stuff", my ass.
Also he unironically defended central bank """independence""" as a good thing. The guy is a huge neoliberal piece of shit.
So what are we doing for our shitposting project?
Uh, very skeptical.
What did she say to this extent?
we told you about liberalism bro
we told you
she is a big cunt
Not that user, but just google "samantha bee segregation," it's about a controversy in new york. She doesn't explicitly support racially segregating people of course, but she implicitly supports gentrification and was against integrating poorer (and blacker) children into her schools.