Is there any anime with socialist or communist themes or overt ideas?
Is there any anime with socialist or communist themes or overt ideas?
Anime emasculates, stupifies and weakens young men that could be reading theory and training for the revolution. Death to anime.
I cant spend every day preparing for the revolution man. People need a diversion at some point.
Spirited Away
Full Metal Alchemist
Anime is for reactionaries, that is why every trumpet has a waifu for avatar on tweeter
Then entertain yourself with something less cancerous
Shin Sekai Yori is a slow-burning Science fiction masterpiece (The science being sociology) that you can find a lot of marxist ideas in. The whole anime is predicated on class struggle.
if you hear someone saying "Squeler did nothing wrong" then you can be sure they totally missed the point of the show.
FMA is leftist?
strawberry panic basically takes place in a stalinist paradise
There are some that are written by ultra-leftists. Like Jin Roh and the Wolf Brigade. It's been picked up by right-wing reactionaries who just have a surface level understanding and don't get the irony like, Warhammer 40k was, but it's really a leftist franchise.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
It surprises me how many fascists miss the point that the Imperium of Man is a dystopian hellhole.
I'll take suggestions.
Literature, cinema, playing an instrument, sports, mind games, video games (non-weeb, good games).
Yes, the Imperium of Man included.
Spaghetti Westerns
I don't believe you
He said trumpite, not Trump himself.
His only jobs were to drain the swamp, kill non-whites and make anime real…
Holla Forums has to the see the bad signs at this point.
There seems to be both criticism of how the Japanese Government treated the indigenous people and criticism of US foreign policy in the show with the whole story. So I guess it's more anti imperialist then anything.
Western comics, pic related will help you transition from weeb to revolutionary
Holla Forums stands for Holla Forumsmmunism after all
Oh hi Justhugitnigga
Literally who
People still read comics?
There is very little overt communism due to the lack of a large Japanese leftist movement, so you should just settle with anime that discusses things of relevance to leftists. For instance, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is an interesting view of the pitfalls of both bourgeo democracy and dictatorships.
Goku represents the proletariat in DBZ, and Frieza represents the imperialist bourgeois
Is Vegeta an asshurt lumpen?
He's not lumpen. He's just obsessed with the whole "power level/warrior ranking" spook. He eventually comes around.
Vegeta is a butthurt fallen feudal lord
Vegeta = first world worker /imperialist collaborator
Goku = third world proletariat
IIRC, I read that Hiyao Miyazaki was a legit Communist for a while and that a lot of his movies deal with leftist themes, the most obvious being Pom Poko.
Someone on reddit wrote a autistic wall of text about Commie symbolism in Spirited Away.
Pompoko is Takahata's work. Otherwise, yeah.
Psycho Pass
Shin Sekai Yori.
Humans are Fascists.
Squealer and his Queerrats are Reds.
Kiroumaru and his Queerrats are Whites.
And it doesn't really hide this as well. Squealer, his fucking name is an animal farm reference. He "finds ancient writings which talks about equality for all peoples". He overthrows a monarch and sets in place a "peoples council". He espouses that Queerrats are humans and they demand full equality. He industrializes the Queerrats overnight making them a industrial superpower.
Sadly though, the show tries to portray Squealer as evil and shows the piece of shit fascist as fuck humans as the good guys, and the humans in this show are literal nazi-tier fascists who engage in slavery of the working class, eugenics among their own people and are viciously racist, genocidal and authoritarian.
It's sadly a theme I find quite common in anime. lots of Fascist sympathizing.
Psycho Pass isn't Communist, it's Fascist.
Again, a society based around Eugenics, racism and purity.
It's mentioned that Sybil system literally exiled or executed all intellectuals, socialists, communists, journalists and academics. The punk band that what's her face had a relationship with the lead singer of was a Socialist Punk band, which is why they were targeted by Sybil.
Squealer literally did nothing wrong.
The show was once again Anime circlejerking over reactionary fascist bullshit.
Takahata is a lefty too. As is Toshio Suzuki.
anime is inherently leftist, it's the best form of animation after all
well, North Korea has this cartoon… not sure it counts as anime
Squirrel and Hedgehog is awesome. It's basically reverse animal farm with a military/spy theme.
Japan deserves to suffer.
This show is such bullshit. They had such a cool concept and an interesting character like Squealer and they completely fucked it up with liberal and fascist nonsense. The end still infuriates me.
While not technically an anime, the Legend of Korra has a similar vibe in that the liberal main protagonist continuously puts down radical uprisings in defense of the status quo, which is basically monarchist and capitalist countries and then portrays the radicals as the evil ones.
This board doesn't, however.
It's been good watching you progress to full reactionary ethnonational-feminism, although I oppose it, I sympathize. It feels good to be honest right? Keep furthering the dialectic by assblasting the mi chang crybabies for me, see you in the next life, sorry about the meanposts, take care of yourself. x
PS I live in near a Vietnamese neighborhood, that's how I know the words. Pho is delicious, and I pronounce it correctly, out of respect.
Japan is the most classcucked country on earth, there's nothing else to do.
Korra was neoliberal garbage.
Source for it being written by a ultra-leftist?
Is that real?
Korra was just plain garbage.
Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex
The ideas concerning memetics and social control embodied by the idea of the Stand Alone Complex remind me a lot of Jean Baudrillard, how cybernetics allow for the spread of memes much more quickly. Probably one of the better animes and the only one I'd show in a professional environment as an illustrative tool concerning my ideas about using memetics to shape opinion of crowds and populations as well as driving individuals to do something radical, beyond their ordinary expectations.
Couldn't the original Avatar be considered leftist? Zuko spent majority of the show fighting off the spooks of his upbringing , and didn't in one episode the group liberate a factory from control of the fire nation for a village?
It's a great manga/anime.
There's romance, humor and drama, while the setting is capitalism in space.
The protagonist work as a space cleaner.
Avatar is one of my favorite shows but it's pretty liberal. For instance, season 1 has some conflict over traditionalism and gender roles but once that's cleared up nobody questions the hereditary monarchy at all. The show also goes very out of its way to make a point that things have to be done the "right" way. Aang tries to learn fire bending in season 1 and it's a disaster because he's supposed to learn the elements in the right order. The reason why things are how they are is never explained, they just are that way and his ideology that there's a natural balance doesn't help.
One of the villains in Korra accurately fingers the avatar as a reactionary force helping to keep the world's power structures in place. If you take Korra as canon, the avatar world suffers even more from medieval stagnation than most fantasy. 10,000 years passed between Wan's time and Aang's time and it looks like technology barely progressed at all aside from the Fire Nation.
Zaheer did nothing wrong. Too bad he became a shitty liberal faggot in prison.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that at all. Aang was a sheltered nomad and viewed fire as a toy. The whole burning Katara thing was to show he wasn't mature enough for fire bending yet. And of course to give Katara some growth(healing water) and set up the Zuko training Aang thing.
It's also there to show the difference in upbringing between the characters, fire benders from birth are trained to battle and have control over their abilities. It's the type of thing where, it's showing it's not who you are but your upbringing and circumstances.
I'm not disagreeing that those are parts of the story, but IIRC it was spelled out that Aang is supposed to learn the elements in order.
Zaheer was pretty terrible at organizing/communicating. After they assassinated the Earth Queen one of his inner circle (Ghazan I think) was about to waste a poor schmuck but Zaheer had to stop him and explain that they're fighting for the good of the commoners like that dude. Also he generally didn't seem to care about organizing outside of what he needed to accomplish his immediate goals. All he accomplished was creating a power vacuum without any class consciousness. Ultimately his efforts only result in short term chaos. Rule is returned to the royal family. Wu decides to turn the Earth Kingdom into Earth Democracy but that's down to shitty feelgood writing used to wrap up the series.
But that's the point, they spend most of the story breaking the prophecies and "The way things are supposed to be" much of the story. In that episode you mentioned Aangs firebending tells him that fire is destruction and anger, later on in season 3 him and Zuko meet dragons who show them fire can be beautiful. When Aang is told the entire show he'll have to kill the fire lord and finds a way around that, when they hear how the fire nation is horrible war mongers and find out that the majority are just normal people like anyone else. When they're told in S1 that they have to defeat the fire lord before the comet arrives, and instead does it when it comes. A general theme of the show was presenting things in a very black and white setting, and then showing it was instead grey, and that you can't generalize anything.
What you say is true and a major reason I like the show but Aang still learned the elements in order. The whole reason why he was conflicted over fighting the Fire Lord was because his Airbender tradition was at odds with the Avatar tradition. And that was resolved without deviating from either.
Most anime is antibusiness as business wageslavery is working people to death in Japan.
I've heard arguments that Kill la Kill is anarchist, though I'm not sure about it myself.
Ryuko is a pretty directionless main character, but Satsuki is a pretty good representation of Marxist ideas of the state, you could say that she becomes an anarchist when she decides that she was wrong trying to fight Ragyo with her own methods.
Satsuki was a fucking good character man, pretty much carries the entire show.
What's leftist of akira?
t. watched it, didn't understand it at all
Not anarchist per se, but Kill la Kill is pretty blatant about presenting a class-based hierarchical and fascist society negatively. Episode 4 was also blatant about wealth. The academy's aesthetic is also reminiscent of the class pyramid; lower class majority below, ruling minority above. The ending is disappointing, though, but it's good enough coming from Japan, a conservative as fuck country. You could say Nudist Beach was an anarchist guerilla group; in every other anime they'd be presented as spooky terrorists.
That said, in Ninja Slayer (also animated by Trigger) they shit on communists and violent action (they throw around words like communist, materialism, revolution, etc.), portraying them as opportunists and backstabbers. Episode 16 and 17 for those who wanna check. It ends with a extremely liberal short speech about talking about things instead of "engaging in terrorism". But Ninja Slayer is an adaptation of an already existing novel while Kill la Kill is an original written by an in-house writer, and they're just an animation company so we won't know. But I won't be wetting myself over them either.
wasn't trigger founded by animators that weren't paid well by gainax ?
I've always felt like Kill la Kill has great détournement potential.
Klk is about unwavering loyalty, purity of motives, triumph of will, and global conspiracies of control.
The entire second half of the show is about how the whole triumph of will thing is ultimately useless and impotent without virtue
Gundam. Any Gundam series. Poor people get treated like garbage, join the military as their only escape, and then have their lives thrown away for imperialist wars with spacenoids. And both sides are inevitably shit - more often than not the same shit.
No explicit communist faction - likely because then they'd actually have to have good guys - but Tomino's very much on the left and it shows. (And even in the ones he didn't direct, his influence set the tone.)