Do you mind if I use the Holla Forums logo for this bait?

Also as a side note, that title font is abysmal.

Please don't, shit like this makes us look fucking dumb.

Goddamn, that is some truly obnoxious bait.

MAO Autism Level 140 LMAO



Don't listen to the haters this is excellent b8 the fact that it triggers even Holla Forums should tell you that its pretty good.

wrong names, it is:


What font should I use

Obvious capitalist.

They are not supposed to be right.

Comic sans

Freshest meme 2016 :)

The point of b8 is to trigger spergouts not to preserve Holla Forums's """""good name""""" on the internet.


This bait is so liberal it hurts.

well people already hate us. why not make 'em hate us even more?

petit bourgeois tend to be the most racist fucks on earth tbh.

Fuck off Holla Forums

Nice false flag

yes we do mind

that is some truly good bait



Yes, I do mind.
Fuck you!

This b8 is liberal bullshit but it's not like we can stop you. I'd prefer you use the >>>/liberalpol/ logo instead.

Who are you gonna bait? Us?

As a master baiter, I truly have to commend you on this masterpiece of obnoxious faggotry, OP.

FYI that's a pic of Voltaire and Descartes never said that.

Here's a juicy quote someone posted in another thread.

Mostly Holla Forums but it seems to work on everyone

is that shitpost bot
