do you have a "job" Holla Forums?
Do you have a "job" Holla Forums?
Yes, I work in tax administration at municipality level on certain city in Finland.
How is this relevant to anything?
No m man we're all 15 year old larpers that correspond to all the retarded ad hominems your ms paint pics represent.
yes, software dev for a b2b fintech company :/
I'm self employed and run a small collectables business.
Kindergarten assistant. Applying for edu relevant jobs soon.
Yup, work as an engineer in a radar research centre.
Still pursuing education, but I work part time jobs and regularly volunteer at the local animal shelter
maybe i get fireed soon, but i'm in maintenance in a factory. So… yes
Graduate barista, writing a book
I help my family. But I have zero desire to work under capitalism
But I'll likely have to get a job soon.
Yup, work in an auto parts factory.
We need communism now, the job is fucking up my hands, and I like piano
damn i feel you bro. ive been having hand pains playing the piano and im makes me sad :(
I work as a waiter.
I'm a server admin. The management of this company sucks but I need the pay for my apartment until I find a better job.
Customer support and phone operator in Telesales.
Is neetbux a job?
I'm not really happy about having to walk to the bank once a month.
Self employed farmer
and working on myself to be a writer and an artist
What's being a farmer like? I'd like to live/work in the countryside one day. I don't mind manual work.
I'm employed in the family business.
I work at UPS loading packages onto planes to pay for college, really gives me a working class perspective. Plus when i preach communism i don't look like an armchair intellectual. It's hard work, would recommend
Lumpenproletariat will be the first go once forces of revolution take over the state.
Praying for your crops, best Lacan poster.
I work in a shop that sells computers.
I'm only a wageslave insofar as I need the money to survive, thanks.
I can't eat frog memes.
t. fanboy of state founded by lumpens
Yeah I am about to go to work rightnow.
You can and you will.