Political compass thread.
Political compass thread
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my comrade
I used to be an anarchist. What Am I now?
slightly less retarded
Trot wrecker
A sneaky statist.
BTW used to be in the middle of the green square in 2014 when I was the kind of tankie that supported North Korea, really don't understand how a leftist can get more than -2 in authoritarian
Nice spooks nerd
i'm a liberal don't bully me
Superior ideology coming through.
How do I get that flair?
Fuck off back to Holla Forums
How did you even get that result? Are you sanding every person with more than a dollar to a gulag?
Are you not?
The purpose of the socialist state (or one of the purposes) is the abolition of private property. Once world communism is achieved then an enforcement arm likely won't be necessary, but in the meantime, on the state level, we NEED a method to enforce the abolition of property.
If you're too scared to send the kulaks to the camps, you're probably letting your petit-bourgeois sensibilities get the better of you. Stop cucking and get your head out of the clouds.
Yeah we need an way to enforce the abolition of private property, but if you alienate every person that even second-guesses your ideology then you're just going to end up having the people revolt against you. You're no better than the bourgeoisie by subjugating the entire working class to your retarded radicalism.
Class-cuck detected. It's not even worth the time debating you. Clearly you'd rather sit back and bitch about muh PR than get off your ass and fight this revolution. Lost cause.
You're probably less of a liberal than you think
This isn't about PR. This is about actually gaining followers and actually caring about the working class. You care more about your ideology than you do about the proletariat.
this is why we're going nowhere folks!
The ideology is HOW we defend the proletariat. How exactly are you going to turn the commercialist, class-cucked people of America to swear off private property?
Through punishment, that's how.
You think that the upper classes are just going to roll over and give up their property because there are a lot of people that don't like them? The world has always been like that and it has never stopped them. Revolution is the only answer.
Yeah, punishment of some people that openly resist. Not punishment of every person that has ever had a roof over their head!
Well yeah, I suppose that should've been obvious. All I'm saying is that the petit bourgeois can't go unpunished. Working class people who have owned land, tools, etc obviously have done no wrong. But the fucking middle class bastards are just as bad as the Carnegies in my book.
Well there goes the much-needed support from the middle-class workers. Believe it or not, we don't live in Feudal times anymore. There is an abundance of resources, and living standards have gone up across the world. Many of the people that Marx and Lenin relied on to carry out the revolution are now middle-class workers.
Bullshit. Industrial laborers and peasant farmers are the workers we're trying to save. I care about the factory men and women, not the fucking cubicle workers.
Then you don't care about the proletariat. End of story. Have fun with your bourgeoisie-tier power trip to rule over the lowest classes and subjugate other lower classes because they aren't low enough for you.
Well the factory worker has been replaced with cubicle workers and fast food workers by and large. Capitalism is in the process of disintegrating the industrial laborer and has already liquidated the peasant farmer, if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd realize we aren't living in the 19th or 20th century.
Fucking revisionists.
third-worldists get fucked, democracy and civil rights or nothing
Is this a joke?
Democracy is just asking to be taken over by the bourgeoisie. You need a strong arm to defend the people against the bourgeoisie, not a flimsy sudo-government.
we can have revolution without gulags ffs
I loathe the fact that most of these tests equate an opposition to Capitalism, with an embracement of Communism.
can i get a link to all those tests?
look just find a way to fix stagnation
Yeah it won't be necessary anymore, it will just go away
do I have any hope?
I'm seriously considering socialism, but at the same time, I don't trust the economic left while under capitalism and believe the economic right would bring the most prosperity to all (again, under capitalism at least).
Also, is there such a thing as non-marxist socialism? I have a lot of serious issues with marxism.
Look into market socialism. Just giving the workers the M.O.P deeds and have them manage the business democratically.
pic from another thread.
I am a market-socialist, but syndicalism seems like an ok alternative. But central planning and statism is garbage.
Capitalism is just the idea that one person can own all of the things that workers create as well as the organization. Therefore the profit goes to a few people.
Socialism is where everybody who works on the thing the organization makes owns the things that make them. The profit goes those workers.
You might do well to read wikipedia to get some of the base concepts. But a book that is an intro to Marx might be better.
I like linking this: sa.org.au
Also check mutualism, it's much less related to Marx than market socialism
BTW just curious but why are you attracted to socialism if you distrust both the left and Marx?
Yes, but you're on the wrong board for it. It's called Prussian Socialism.
Am I a left-com? How horrifying
You guys should learn economics.
At least I'm out of the green now
A reminder for reds and purples here.
master race tbh
Is he one of us?
based on personal research
Market socialism?
what test is that first pic from?
bumping for link to first image test
Fresh from goodness knows where. Where would you put yourselves, comrades?
That's an awful chart.
Also, you forgot to label both the red and green squares as unsustainable :^)
Not him, but Vote 1 App for Android.
It's a bit biased towards the bottom left as some questions are almost identical to the political question ones, but at least they removed some stupid questions like the horoscope thing.
I would also place myself a bit more towards the right of the Democrats. A mix between the Republicans and Democrats on the economy is where I feel closer.
when will you learn
Was actually kind of surprised when I got this.
Y'all are better off placing yourself into the compass instead of doing that shitty test.
It associates cultural values like your opinion about gay people with authoritarian/libertarian therefore even NazBol gets the green quadrant if he doesn't want to gulag all gays.
what compass is this
Switched a few weeks ago from far right (although libertarian right)
That's a pretty radical change dude. It took me like a year to go from run of the mill SocDem to ML. Anyway, welcome.
I don't feel it was as radical. I was attracted to right wing ideas until a right wing 'ideologue' began spouting left wing stuff. So I decided to switch from libertarianism to fascism… but then I realized that's just retarded, and fascism also turns into neoliberalism over time (what happened to Franco's regime in Spain) so I decided to take a stronger stance against capitalism and just become a fullblown something that isn't pro-capitalist, but I wouldn't call myself a leftist yet.
I've always known socdems and demsocs are scoundrel that deserves to be shot on sight because of their opportunistic ways, and have respected always M-Ls although consider them to be insane, although respectable within the bounds of said insanity, certainly closer to what I consider true ideology (not in zizekian terms) than the milquetoast run of the mill trash that populates the political system
Fuck off shill.
Where is this ones link?
This is what I got on the Vote 1 app (it took me a while to get the damn screenshot thing working)
political compass memes because it's more interesting than this topic for the nth time
Why is it important for people to put themselves in a category? Aren't we all one class?
E pluribus unum, compatriot.
my sides
I really like the state, though.
You cant resist the big manly sexy Stalin mustache man, Yuri is sexy too but more in an intellectual and maybe mind control fetish way
it's been quite the journey. From McCain supporting 8 year old to Euphoric Ron Paulite to obnoxious AnCap to jaded liberal to Libertarian Socialist.
Underage get out
I actually meant 11, I got it mixed up with when I moved. I'm 19