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Read Stalin
Hi I'm phil greaves
Somebody post the "Jill Stein deserves rape and a firing squad" screencap.
God fucking damn it, is the spam still happening?
She's so cute. Absolutely waifu-tier. And she creates right-wing cartoons in her spare time.
Media kikes and kike-puppets like Colbert have absolutely no respect for innocence or beauty.
Do I win?
Putting effort into saving Alberta from a wildfire would be like if you did the same for Michigan; all you're doing is saving welfare babies.
That disgusting.
Why? Realize Trump isn't what you wanted so you need this to feel good about yourself?
Annoyed that the new GOP social security bill will cut SS benefits 30-80% to fund a tax cut on the wealthiest of people and it will hit the middle class the hardiest (see Social Security Reform Act of 2016)?
"zio-wahibite ypg mercenaries will try to destroy syrian socialism while petty booj clerks look on and laugh post ironically"
I'm going for the mad mol klein aesthetic
Although this is a bot, I think this works.
Haha, that was my pasta though :^)
Stalin did nothing wrong.
UKKKrainians had it coming.
Islam upsets the ruling class therefore one of its major tenants is full communism.
There is democracy in the DPRK.
You guys are assholes. Stop bullying.
You know in your heart that Christ is alive and with God, this is why you have no excuses on Judgement Day. Why even reply if you're so sure of your own beliefs.
The only problem with Stalin is that he didn't go far enough.
OP all of the thems in the image you posted have been online for a long time
why live
Leftists blaming everyone but themselves. Typical.
They also know their viewership comes from old people, so they air medicine commercials.
The Frankfurt School wrote AGAINST fun.
Don't forget access ramps and elevators along with parking properly marked on the ground and with a sign. Be a shame to not have the ADA they wanted to do what they asked for. Those massive fines will help a lot of cripples.
And if food is served, call the health department for a complaint.
Not all are good. Not all are bad. They should be scrutinized individually.
life is primary, money is secondary
I have a fundamental moral obligation to my own children. charity is fine, and welfare too, but it also undermines families by making women less dependent on husbands
also weakens work ethic in general, which is detrimental overall
When this ends up being true the nyt will have been complicit in aiding and abetting it
How shall we proceed friendo?
I think we need to secure the Americas and Australia first.
B-but just wait
Go back to Egypt Schlomo
here's a hint:
outside of eastern poland belarus and rural russia all girls are left wing
Someone should give them nukes.
Lmao, cry more.
Gib Squinty wymon Asian boi.
Merry Capitalistic Yuletide Commercial Greed Orgy, Goyim! Now wish me a happy holidays or Chappy Chanukah lest you turn out to be an atheist anti-Semite or Self-hating Jew!
No that's actually to do with books and accounting.
30300 per month.
A fucking anasthesiologist in Slovenia earns 1/10th of that, the fuck is wrong with Germany.
turn 360 degrees and walk away
wtf i hate jews now
Nice try JIDF the only "conquest" happening is the "migrant" invasion of Europe who are paying for the apes to invade their lands.
Watch in a few decades where these "migrant" areas full of diversity and tolerance will become ungovernable autonomous regions.
thanks bill gates
Stalin's moustacheposter has already said some of the stupidest shit I've ever read on this board.
Grant is a rather European looking Jap though.
yes, lets make goverment take more of our freedom.
unfortunately yes, and still never prosecuted for war crimes
Húsleves, csirkepörkölt :D
That's what the world is like now.
you are unhygienic
you literally smell like shit sometimes
Because Slavs are subhumans and Russia is a shithole.
The Chinese invasion of Tibet was justified because China helped Tibet move from feudalism to socialism.
cia get out
Typical apologist bullshit. China's rule of Tibet and Xinjiang is nothing but imperialism and internal colonialism.
Anarchists are liberals.
it's just a prank bros.
Back to Mother Jones/Salon/Guardian/NY Times
The working class has never nor will ever be suited for direct political and economic control. That is why it is necessary for the consolidation of power under the sole party of the worker's state to oversee working class interests on their behalf. Through this role as the supreme representative of the proletariat, we will have achieved socialism in state control of the means of production. Following this with systematic purges of all former-bourgeois and dissident counterrevolutionary members of the society, classlessness will be achieved. Through the same action, statelessness will be accomplished, as there are no remaining classes by which the apparatus can oppress. All this alongside the redefinition of currency so as to factor in labor as the primary source of value, and TRUE Communism will inevitably be achieved.
Soviet famine wasn't so bad and 1956 Hungary was an Fascist coup
t. resident tripfag Stalinist
Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy, at least I don't endorse what is basically a Han Chinese version of the White Man's Burden
What the fuck does a political party know about running a business?
"I'm not a feminist"
All self-respecting leftists need to uphold the science of Putinism-Assadism Juche Thought against the combined might of Zionist-Wahhabist-American armies.
Down with reactionary selfies and petty bourgeois memes.
Most Anglo politicians are businessmen, property magnates, stock brokers and business lawyers so I'm not sure where you get that idea.
pretty sure if Phil Greaves and Red Kahina fucked they would birth a revived Joseph Stalin
Join the Party for Socialism and Liberation today!
Stalin dindu nuffin.
Kim Il-Sung dindu nuffin.
Saddam dindu nuffin.
Gaddafi dindu nuffin.
Ceausescu dindu nuffin.
The Derg dindu nuffin.
Mugabe dindu nuffin.
Putin's a good boy, he's on our side!
can we make Greavesposting a thing?
If Hillary wins, the United States will have become an anti-Imperialist force, and the duty of the M-L party will therefore be supporting the American foreign policy against European imperialism.
Stalin didn't fuck my daughter.
We should be supporting Russia at whatever opportunity we can. Their government is the direct successor to the USSR and carries with it the key components for reigniting the socialist state. If they are brought to the status of superpower once more, then the internal powers of the state will turn power back to the Party and resume the global struggle for the proletarian liberation. The corruption and within the current state is simply a foundation by which returning to Party rule may be justified.
You're weird
Cities are the epitome of parasitism and plutocracy, what the Khmer Rouge tried to do was purifying them by first emptying them and then bringing back its (few) good non-bourgeois members later. It's also necessary for every man to know that he's born out from a grain of rice.
BTW no more than 200.000 were killed, the Vietnamese revisionists inflated the numbers to justify their agression.
i want to believe…
The problem with Stalin was that he killed few people :^)
Like liberals I believe that socialism is about big government rather than the democratization of the workplace, but I also think that it's a good idea to have a government as big as possible because I'm even more of a fucking retard than liberals.