are you,,,,,,
no violence allowed, don't over throw the goverment and you are only allowed to protest in washington and outside trump tower and his hotels lol
are you,,,,,,
no violence allowed, don't over throw the goverment and you are only allowed to protest in washington and outside trump tower and his hotels lol
He looks like a paranoid freak hiding under a blanket.
this faggot is such a porky piece of shit
wrong meme collage heh…
I don't know how far up your own ass you have to be to drape yourself in the flag and expect to be taken seriously. That's glenn beck tier shit.
I think he's counting on that. He wants to be a liberal Glenn Beck or Alex Jones.
Keith Olbermann is 'the resistance' send me to the labour camps right now
All of these lib freaks were probably jerking their tiny dicks on election night to the thought of being the Jon Stewart to Trump's Bush Jr.
Can we use this thread also as a general liberal salt mining?
With happenings atm the social media cunts will be a bit dispersed but there could be one or two gem about Trump's official election.
I want to acquaint his taint with a cheese grater.
My biggest pet peeve is liberals trying to use nationalist rhetoric.
When are these fucks going to realize that nationalist rhetoric only strengthens nationalism?
This is literally the quality of your case against nationalism.
Post-leftism is nothing more than contrarianism with little actual content.
Nothing good came out of the American South? You really are a piece of shit. And that has nothing to do with cultural nationalism, or even modern American proletarian nationalism.
Your only arguments are just spitting labels at things you don't like, it's pathetic, won't work, and just makes you look foolish. Your entire worldview is a reflexive rationalization of your personal issues, and is infinitely flexible, totally useless for analysis, and can't be reasoned with. Run along now.
Quantum mechanics and post-structuralism are intrinsically linked. Both came about in the 20th century.
I was making fun of the argument. People think they are motivated by disinterested reason more than they are, and are mad when it's pointed out.
As someone who has lived and worked in thr American South my entire life, there's pretty much nothing of value down here whatsoever.
There really hasn't. That why the nationalism down here is so ridiculous, it's practically a parody of nationalism. People with nothing to be proud of trying to re-envision the atrocities they committed in the past as somehow noble, and their defeat at the hands of people less depraved and cowardly as them as somehow tragic. It shows just how empty and hypocritical the ideology of nationalism is.
Talking to yourself there? It happens.
What "atrocities" did people of the south commit?
Slavery and Jim Crow primarily. And fighting for said institutions, fighting a full blown war for the former.
This was an "atrocity" committed by most rich landowners in the world, and limited to rich landowners in the south, a very small subset of the population. Also, discrimination isn't an "atrocity", it was a normal feature of nearly every culture in the world up until the mid to late 20th century, what the south codified into law through "Jim Crow" was still widely practiced in the north through social pressure and other means. You sound like you're peddling liberal talking points calling these things "atrocities" and condemning the people of the south for the deeds of rich landowners, when it was southern workers who were on the front line for much of the pushback against capitalism and victories for labor throughout much of the 20th century.
So it's perfectly fine to wave off past atrocities if was committed by "a very small subset of the population", but perfectly okay to take pride in the accomplishments of just a very small subset of the population and associate yourself with their accomplishments. And having racial caste laws are okay if other people were also discriminating de facto. And the fact that you had people who actively fought for these things can just be ignored. I can see that nationalism is a totally rational and in no way hypocritical ideology.
What you don't seem to undertsand is, you're not neutral or indifferent either, you've admitted to actively despising them, which hardly seems like mere objective materialist analysis, it just seems like you're a grumpy boy and think that should be anyone else's problem. It's just reverse idpol.
Why do you hate diversity? Why should everyone be homogenized into your "purely rational" template? Just ultimate fedora atheism with an added layer of self-loathing.
One person.
A music style that was pioneered by a very small subset of the population.
So, it's fine to take pride in these very few people, but just shrug off plantation owners?
Never even implied that. I'm against all nationalism.
If anything, nationalism is a homogenizing force.
Also, you're super fucking mad for responding fucking twice.
Damn just remembered Mark Twain was from the mid west, close enough. Do you really need to me run through southern literature tho? You know what to do.
Southern "literature ". Steer brandings don't count as novellas, user.
It's nothing personnel, I think you are an archetype and it really shows the emptiness of some of the left's sacred cows. I just want us to be better kamaraden, and like you revolutards say, you can't make an omelette without crushing a few eggs. :^)
It didn't bother me, user.
I was pointing out that you're clearly pretty assdamaged about this.
I can think of Gone with the Wind and that's it, seems like all 'southern' literature is about the civil war or plantation life
Holy shit I though you people were /lit/.
Did Verso do this to you, anons? I need to find out who is responsible.
Anti-nationalists r real Racists.
What have we got? Huckleberry Finn? Beloved? Savage Town?
Holy shit man, William Faulkner
, edgar allan poe, truman capote, Harper Lee, Cormac McCarthy, Tennessee Williams
You mean the guy that was born in Boston and educated in Great Britain?
Also, you're avoiding the point.
What point, that wasn't even me. You are begging to be taken seriously but your rebuttals are projection and evasion like always.
Keepe fighting the good fight, I'm sure you'll win lmao
/lit/ is one of the smartest boards on halfchan next to /sci/. Holla Forums is vastly inferior to it largely because there's no rules on what constitutes leftist discussion.
the irony…
I never said anything about Autism Level though
Oh i assumed you were referring to the poll.
this thread is proof you don't have to have any sort of intellectual inclination to be a socialist. faith in the revolution restored!
really enjoying these dispatches from his bunker
And Caldwell
only some of the most important 20th century AMERICAN writers, but hey
the south has no literary tradition :^)
No, I thought it was hilarious that you fucks tried to aggrandize the southern literary tradition, but then it took you multiple posts just to be able to name a single notable example.
I know about Southern Gothic literature. I was literally taught it in school as if it was some kind of great achievement. But you're deliberately avoiding my point about that.
I can't teach you how to empathize dude. I don't know what to tell you if you're so alienated that you feel no affinity to your culture. Many do. You have not answered my point about what you expect to do about it? You are incapable of arguing in good faith because you've already predetermined that all nationalism is just fascist chauvinism, so I don't see why I should extend you any courtesy. My interest is in coming to understand what underlies views such as yours, rather than attempting to persuade you, which I see as basically impossible, given your attitude. My point is personality and psychology is totally ignored to the detriment of left wing thought, where there is this almost mythological elevation of ideology, ignoring any psychological basis to habits of thought on their "own side", while they happily armchair psychoanlayze anyone identified as "right wing". In this way I seek to advance the dialectic. Sorry this does not meet your idealized Enlightenment (liberal) expectations for argumentative discourse.
What I was saying is that you're full of shit. You've inadvertently shown the hypocrisy of nationalism in between your massive fits of projecting.
I'll put it in front of you again. You claim that the South as an entity cannot be blamed for slavery and Jim Crow, defining social institutions of the South during their day with large mass support, because it was largely perpetrated by a relatively small cadre of elites and other areas also discriminated, albeit in different, usually less direct ways.
But then you bring up shit created by an even smaller minority to be "proud" of. There were far fewer southern jazz artists and authors of note than there were plantation owners. How exactly is embracing the former, and ignoring the latter not blatant hypocrisy? Not to mention that neither jazz nor southern lit were social institutions, whereas slavery and Jim Crow were.
What to do about what?
that pic is autism
How you plan to extinguish this sense of connection in other human beings? You've given vague outlines for your 5 year plans leading to world revolution, but I frankly, do not see any of your schemes coming to fruition.
I'm showing how your whole modality of thinking, your categorical-linguistic framework, is flawed. We aren't arguing on the same level, which is why you still don't, and cannot get it.
Soros is certainly skilled at organising Orange Revolutions and Euromaidans.
Time to put these know how at home.
Roots are for vegetables.
No, it's an ideology like any other.
If you're referring to the USSR, they didn't even try. Stalin revived Russian nationalism and it was the semi-official policy of the USSR ever since.
It is at least partially.
We don't. We merely seek to redefine them.
I love how you constantly throw insults around and dodge the point while accusing me of throwing insults around and dodging the point. You are projection manifest.
Just to drive it home:
This fucking guy LOL.
You just hate culture, and diversity, and so see no problem with wiping it off the face of the earth, to create your New Man, a total blank slate. It's extremely disturbing and creepy and yet you have the temerity to suggest nationalists are evil to the extent you have the right to potentially execute them, if granted that authority by your dream total state. I am supposed to consider you a comrade why?
Keith Olbermann does have an okay voice, I just wish he used it for something more worthwhile like voice acting. The Whale newscaster in Bojack Horseman is great.
This new panic that he's put into his persona is bullshit anyways. Up until recently he lived on Trump property, and had met him on several occasions. Before he had this show and was intermittently had interviews, his distaste for Trump was more ambivalent and ultimately more relatable. Every time he met him in person Trump was polite and civil and always asked if everything was alright with his apartment, but then he'd immediately shift personalities based on what situation he was in, to his gameshow host persona to the cryptofascist presidential candidate.
Instead of going with that angle, of making Ttrump out to be president who doesn't believe in anything or have an internal self of any kind, Olbermann is just fueling the same kind of apocalyptic political spectacle when he has a chance to make a buck.
t. Louisianafag trapped in Texas
seriously, fuck Texas and fuck Texan pride
Buffalo Bill FUCKED his horse
Wait, I nearly forgot about Cajun food.
Nuke the rest of the South, just let me keep my cracklins and gumbo.
"Culture" is such a vague term, it's effectively meaningless. What are you talking about? Social norms? Art? Music? Traditions? We can talk about culture, but you're using it as little more than a loaded buzzword.
Culture can change. In fact, it does change, all the time constantly. Culture is a living system constantly in motion, it can't be "killed" because your nationalist fantasies are done away with. The goal is to move forward and forge our own destiny, not be forever dragged down by the dead.
You shouldn't. You're so high on post-left memes you've come full circle and become a reactionary.
Oh, I'm sorry user, I didn't know you knew me in real life.
Cool non-sequitur, friendo.
Isn't it you who's been accusing other people of throwing baseless insults instead of arguing, and yet your whole argumentation style is just:
Strawmen! Ad hominem! Post left reactionary! Fascist!
much better than sucking culture's nation's or diversity's cock, faggot
You still seem to think the purpose of arguing is to personally convince YOU. Liberals. smdh
So you admit to just trying to belittle your opponents instead of addressing their arguments because you think that works better for onlookers?
The only one that looks bad from your barrage of insults that consistently dodge the point of whoever you're arguing against is you.
the polemics are just to make it more enjoyable. I suggest you go back to reddit if you don't like being gaped on every thread
Hardly polemic. It's more like ornery armchair psychology.